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weblink: https://sites.google.com/site/igorcarron2/cs#sparse

Thanks for Dr.  Igor!

Sparse Dictionaries (How to Make or Find them)

When a signal is said to be sparse in an engineering sense, it really means that the signal can be expanded in either a small number of terms or in a series with significantly decaying coefficients. In the former case, one talks about a strictly sparse signal, in the latter case, one talks about a compressible signal. In order to produce Compressed Measurements, one first need to know what is the family of functions in which the signal of interest is sparse. Depending on the case, one might be lucky and know that the signal is sparse in a basis found in harmonic analysis (2.1) or one may have to spend some work in devising what these sparse basis is through an algorithm dedicated to finding sparse dictionaries from a set of signal examples(2.2 and 2.3). Finally, Remi Gribonval and Karin Schnassproduce some estimate in Dictionary Identification - Sparse Matrix-Factorisation via L1-Minimisation on the number of training examples needed to build a dictionary.

2.1 Basis Functions for which signals are either sparse or compressible

  • Fourier, Polynomials, etc...
  • All kinds of wavelets and higher dimensional related functions (a few are listed in Where is the Starlet)

2.2 Algorithms that find sparse dictionaries are presented in:

  • Online Learning for Matrix Factorization and Sparse Coding by Julien MairalFrancis BachJean PonceGuillermo Sapiro [The code is released as SPArse Modeling Software or SPAMS]
  • Dictionary Learning Algorithms for Sparse Representation (Matlab implementation ofFOCUSS/FOCUSS-CNDL is here)
  • Multiscale sparse image representation with learned dictionaries [Matlab implementation of the K-SVD algorithm is here, a newer implementation by Ron Rubinstein is here ] 
  • Efficient sparse coding algorithms [ Matlab code is here ]
  • Non-negative Sparse Modeling of Textures (NMF) [Matlab implementation of NMF (Non-negative Matrix Factorization) and NTF (Non-negative Tensor), a faster implementation of NMF can be found here, here is a more recent Non-Negative Tensor Factorizations package]
  • Shift Invariant Sparse Coding of Image and Music Data. Matlab implemention is here
  • MoTIF : an Efficient Algorithm for Learning Translation Invariant Dictionaries, but also Learning Multi-Modal Dictionaries.Also, more recent: Shift-invariant dictionary learning for sparse representations: extending K-SVD
  • Thresholded Smoothed-L0 (SL0) Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representations by Hadi Zayyani, Massoud Babaie-Zadeh and Remi Gribonval.

Let us note the Matlab Toolbox Sparsity by Gabriel Peyre that has implemented some of these techniques. Knowledge of specific domain signals enables the ability to build these hopefully small dictionaries.

For a review of the state of the art on the subject on how to compile dictionaries from training signals and attendant theoretical issues, check the following document by Remi Gribonval for his Habilitation a Diriger Des Recherches entitled: Sur quelques problèmes mathématiques de modélisation parcimonieuse translated into Sparse Representations: From Source Separation to Compressed Sensing. There is a video and in an audio only format of this presentation in French. The accompanying slides in English are here.

2.3 Data Driven Dictionaries

The next step will almost certainly bring about techniques that find elements within a manifold as opposed to a full set of functions, some sort of Data Driven Dictionary. In this setting, one can list:

  • Geometric harmonics (as demo-ed here)
  • Diffusion Wavelets ( Matlab code for Diffusion Geometry and Diffusion Wavelets. ) 
  • Treelets. A code in Matlab is available here.

Some of these techniques are being used for dimensionality reduction, which in effect is stating that datasets are compressible when being represented with these dictionaries.

