Pie Chart 学习例子

来源:互联网 发布:唯品会 淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 00:46

1 Side Labelled Pie Chart

class pietests(_DrawingEditorMixin,Drawing):    def __init__(self,width=400,height=200,*args,**kw):        Drawing.__init__(self,width,height,*args,**kw)        self._add(self,Pie(),name='pie',validate=None,desc=None)        self.pie.sideLabels       = 1        self.pie.labels           = ['Label 1', 'Label 2', 'Label 3', 'Label 4', 'Label 5']        self.pie.data             = [20, 10, 5, 5, 5]        self.pie.width            = 140        self.pie.height           = 140        self.pie.y                = 35        self.pie.x                = 125

2 Customized Labels for Pie Chart

#Autogenerated by ReportLab guiedit do not editfrom reportlab.graphics.charts.piecharts import Piefrom reportlab.lib.colors import darkcyan, blue, cyanfrom reportlab.graphics.charts.legends import Legendfrom reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing, _DrawingEditorMixinfrom reportlab.lib.styles import black, whitefrom reportlab.graphics.charts.textlabels import Labelclass Drawing_000(_DrawingEditorMixin,Drawing):    def __init__(self,width=400,height=200,*args,**kw):        Drawing.__init__(self,width,height,*args,**kw)        self._add(self,Pie(),name=None,validate=None,desc=None)        # Set the size and location of the chart        self.contents[0].width             = 120        self.contents[0].height            = 120        self.contents[0].y                 = 40        self.contents[0].x                 = 130        # Fill in the chart with sample data and labels        self.contents[0].data              = [1, 2, 1.8, 4, 1, 8]        self.contents[0].labels            = ['Label1','Label2','Label3','Label4','Label5','Label6','Label7']        # Make the slices pop out and add a border to the slices        self.contents[0].slices.popout                    = 5        self.contents[0].slices.strokeWidth               = 1        # Set the font size and position the label        self.contents[0].slices.fontSize                  = 14        self.contents[0].slices.labelRadius               = 1.25        # Turn off simple labels so we can use customized labels        self.contents[0].simpleLabels                     = 0        # Define a simple pointer for all labels        self.contents[0].slices.label_simple_pointer      = 1        # Define a first label with a black border,        # white text and dark cyan background        self.contents[0].slices[0].label_boxStrokeColor   = black        self.contents[0].slices[0].fontColor              = white               self.contents[0].slices[0].label_boxFillColor     = darkcyan        # Change the anchor point of the label box        self.contents[0].slices[0].label_boxAnchor        = 's'        # Turn off pointer for the third label, change the text color        self.contents[0].slices[2].label_simple_pointer   = 0        self.contents[0].slices[2].fontColor              = blue        # and position it closer to the chart        self.contents[0].slices[2].labelRadius            = 1.05        # Turn off pointer for the fourth label        # and position it within the chart        self.contents[0].slices[3].label_simple_pointer  = 0        self.contents[0].slices[3].labelRadius           = 0.25        # Define a fifth label with a black border, text padding        # and position it closer to the chart        self.contents[0].slices[4].label_boxStrokeColor  = black        self.contents[0].slices[4].label_height          = 22        self.contents[0].slices[4].label_topPadding      = 2        self.contents[0].slices[4].label_leftPadding     = 6        self.contents[0].slices[4].label_rightPadding    = 6        self.contents[0].slices[4].labelRadius           = 1.15        # Change font size for the sixth label        self.contents[0].slices[5].fontSize              = 20if __name__=="__main__": #NORUNTESTS    Drawing_000().save(formats=['png'],outDir='.',fnRoot=None)


3 Simple Pie Chart

# Autogenerated by ReportLab guiedit do not edit  # this code was generated by Diagra, ReportLab Commercial drawing editor  # It took only few clicks to generate the code.from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import cm, inchfrom reportlab.graphics.charts.piecharts import Piefrom reportlab.graphics.charts.legends import Legendfrom reportlab.lib.colors import Color, PCMYKColorfrom reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing, _DrawingEditorMixinclass MyDrawing(_DrawingEditorMixin,Drawing):    def __init__(self,width=400,height=200,*args,**kw):        apply(Drawing.__init__,(self,width,height)+args,kw)        self._add(self,Pie(),name='chart',validate=None,desc=None)        self.chart.x                    = 20        self.chart.y                    = (self.height-self.chart.height)/2        self.chart.slices.strokeWidth   = 1        self.chart.slices.popout        = 1        self.chart.direction            = 'clockwise'        self.chart.width                = self.chart.height        self.chart.startAngle           = 90        self.chart.slices[0].popout     = 10        self._add(self,Legend(),name='legend',validate=None,desc=None)        self.legend.x                   = width - 20        self.legend.y                   = 0        self.legend.boxAnchor           = 'se'        self.legend.subCols[1].align    = 'right'        # these data can be read from external sources        data                = (9, 7, 6, 4, 2.5, 1.0)        categories          = ('A','B','C','D','E','F',)        colors              = [PCMYKColor(0,0,0,x) for x in (100,80,60,40,20,5)]        self.chart.data     = data        self.chart.labels   = map(str, self.chart.data)        self.legend.colorNamePairs = zip(colors, categories)        for i, color in enumerate(colors): self.chart.slices[i].fillColor  = colorif __name__=="__main__":    drawing = MyDrawing()    # you can do all sorts of things to drawing, lets just save it as pdf and png.    drawing.save(formats=['pdf','png'],outDir='.',fnRoot=None)


4  Just another ordinary pie chart

# Autogenerated by ReportLab guiedit do not edit  # this code was generated by Diagra, ReportLab Commercial drawing editor  # It took only few clicks to generate the code.from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import cm, inchfrom reportlab.graphics.charts.piecharts import Piefrom reportlab.graphics.charts.legends import Legendfrom reportlab.lib.colors import Color, PCMYKColorfrom reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing, _DrawingEditorMixinclass MyDrawing(_DrawingEditorMixin,Drawing):    def __init__(self,width=400,height=200,*args,**kw):        apply(Drawing.__init__,(self,width,height)+args,kw)        self._add(self,Pie(),name='chart',validate=None,desc=None)        self.chart.x                        = 20        self.chart.y                        = (self.height-self.chart.height)/2        self.chart.slices.strokeWidth       = 1        self.chart.slices.popout            = 1        self.chart.direction                = 'clockwise'        self.chart.width                    = self.chart.height        self.chart.startAngle               = 90        self._add(self,Legend(),name='legend',validate=None,desc=None)        self.legend.x                       = width - 20        self.legend.y                       = 0        self.legend.boxAnchor               = 'se'        self.legend.subCols[1].align        = 'right'        self.chart.height                   = 99        self.chart.width                    = 99        self.legend.alignment               = 'right'        self.legend.columnMaximum           = 9        self.legend.fontSize                = 13        # these data can be read from external sources        data = (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)        categories = ('sale','marketing','travel','health','misc')        colors = [PCMYKColor(100,50,30,x) for x in (50,40,30,20,10)]        self.chart.data         = data        self.chart.labels       = map(str, self.chart.data)        self.legend.colorNamePairs = zip(colors, categories)        for i, color in enumerate(colors): self.chart.slices[i].fillColor  = colorif __name__=="__main__": #NORUNTESTS    MyDrawing().save(formats=['pdf','png'],outDir='.',fnRoot=None)


5 A breakdown pie chart

#Autogenerated by ReportLab guiedit do not editfrom reportlab.graphics.charts.piecharts import Piefrom reportlab.lib.colors import black, red, purple, green, maroon, brown, pink, white, HexColorfrom reportlab.graphics.charts.legends import Legendfrom reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing, _DrawingEditorMixinfrom reportlab.lib.validators import Autofrom reportlab.lib.colors import HexColor, blackpdf_chart_colors = [        HexColor("#0000e5"),        HexColor("#1f1feb"),        HexColor("#5757f0"),        HexColor("#8f8ff5"),        HexColor("#c7c7fa"),        HexColor("#f5c2c2"),        HexColor("#eb8585"),        HexColor("#e04747"),        HexColor("#d60a0a"),        HexColor("#cc0000"),        HexColor("#ff0000"),        ]def setItems(n, obj, attr, values):    m = len(values)    i = m // n    for j in xrange(n):        setattr(obj[j],attr,values[j*i % m])class BreakdownPieDrawing(_DrawingEditorMixin,Drawing):    def __init__(self,width=400,height=200,*args,**kw):        apply(Drawing.__init__,(self,width,height)+args,kw)        # adding a pie chart to the drawing         self._add(self,Pie(),name='pie',validate=None,desc=None)        self.pie.width                  = 150        self.pie.height                 = self.pie.width        self.pie.x                      = 20        self.pie.y                      = (height-self.pie.height)/2        self.pie.data = [26.90,13.30,11.10,9.40,8.50,7.80,7.00,6.20,8.80,1.00]        self.pie.labels = ['Financials','Energy','Health Care','Telecoms','Consumer','Consumer 2','Industrials','Materials','Other','Liquid Assets']        self.pie.simpleLabels           = 1        self.pie.slices.label_visible   = 0        self.pie.slices.fontColor       = None        self.pie.slices.strokeColor     = white        self.pie.slices.strokeWidth     = 1        # adding legend        self._add(self,Legend(),name='legend',validate=None,desc=None)        self.legend.x               = 200        self.legend.y               = height/2        self.legend.dx              = 8        self.legend.dy              = 8        self.legend.fontName        = 'Helvetica'        self.legend.fontSize        = 7        self.legend.boxAnchor       = 'w'        self.legend.columnMaximum   = 10        self.legend.strokeWidth     = 1        self.legend.strokeColor     = black        self.legend.deltax          = 75        self.legend.deltay          = 10        self.legend.autoXPadding    = 5        self.legend.yGap            = 0        self.legend.dxTextSpace     = 5        self.legend.alignment       = 'right'        self.legend.dividerLines    = 1|2|4        self.legend.dividerOffsY    = 4.5        self.legend.subCols.rpad    = 30        n = len(self.pie.data)        setItems(n,self.pie.slices,'fillColor',pdf_chart_colors)        self.legend.colorNamePairs = [(self.pie.slices[i].fillColor, (self.pie.labels[i][0:20], '%0.2f' % self.pie.data[i])) for i in xrange(n)]if __name__=="__main__": #NORUNTESTS    drawing = BreakdownPieDrawing()    # the drawing will be saved as pdf and png below, you could do other things with it obviously.    drawing.save(formats=['pdf','png'],outDir='.',fnRoot=None)