
来源:互联网 发布:易什么电器软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/11 05:58


Using sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently.

flyweight pattern--------叫轻量级模式更适合吧,享元模式好奇怪的名字。


import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;/* * 享元模式的所有对象必然有一个必须接受的外部状态 * */public abstract class FlyWeight{private String extrinsic;private String intrinsic;public String getIntrinsic() {return intrinsic;}public void setIntrinsic(String intrinsic) {this.intrinsic = intrinsic;}public FlyWeight(String extrinsic){this.extrinsic = extrinsic;}public abstract void doSomething();}public class ConcreteFlyWeight extends FlyWeight{public void doSomething(){System.out.println("do something...");}public ConcreteFlyWeight(String extrinsic){super(extrinsic);}}//简单工厂,通过extrinsic判断是否返回同一个对象public class FlyWeightFactory{private Map map = new HashMap();public FlyWeight getInstance(String extrinsic){FlyWeight fw = null;if(map.containsKey(extrinsic)){fw = (FlyWeight)map.get(extrinsic);}else{fw = new ConcreteFlyWeight(extrinsic);map.put(extrinsic, fw);}return fw;}}


compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies.Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly.


public abstract class Component{//所有节点共同逻辑    public abstract void doSomething();}// 树枝public class Composite extends Component{    private List<Component> list = new ArrayList<Component>();public void add(Component c){   list.add(c);}public void remove(Component c){   list.remove(c);}public void doSomething(){   System.out.println("Composite does something...");}}//叶子public class Leaf extends Component{    public void doSomething(){   System.out.println("leaf does something...");}}


Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect.Adapter lets classes work together that couldn't otherwise because of imcompatible interfaces.

感觉设计模式就是三种关系:1 套类;2 继承;3 组合。适配器模式就是将逻辑通过组合继承套类实现转换接口的目的,就是对原始的类通过组合继承套类变成能被高层模块调用的类。适配器模式和装饰模式不同的地方是装饰模式与原始对象实现同一接口,而适配器模式两个类之间不需要这种约束。

public class Adaptee{   public void doSomething(){      System.out.println("do something...");   }}// 组合实现转换public class Adapter{   Adaptee a = new Adaptee();   public void doSomething(){      a.doSomething();   }}// 继承实现转换public class Adapter extends Adaptee{  public void doSomething(){     super.doSomething();  }}



Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it.



public interface Subject{    public void doSomething();}public class ConcreteSubject implements Subject{    public void doSomething(){   System.out.println("do something...");}//通过必须传入一个Subject强制控制只能使用Proxypublic ConcreteSubject(Subject s){}}// 普通代理模式,高层直接调用Proxypublic class Proxy implements Subject{    Subject s;public Proxy(){Subject s = new ConcreteSubject(this);}    public void doSomething(){   before();   s.doSomething();   after();}private void before(){   System.out.println("before...");}private void after(){   System.out.println("after...");}}



Bridge Pattern --- Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.




public abstract class Implementor{   public abstract void dosomething();}public ConcreteImplementor extends Implementor{   public abstract void dosomething(){      System.out.println("concreteImplementor...");   }}public abstract class Abstraction{   public abstract void dosomething();}public ConcreteAbstraction extends Abstraction{   Implementor impl = new Implementor();   public abstract void dosomething(){       System.out.println("ConcreteAbstraction...");   impl.doSomething();   }}



Decorator Pattern --- Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically keeping the same interface. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.




public abstract class Component{   public abstract void doSomething();}public class ConcreteComponent extends Component{   public void doSomething(){      System.out.println("component do something...");   }}// 继承同一接口,同时组合ConcreteComponentpublic class Decorator extends Component{    private Component c;public Decorator(Component c){   this.c = c;}private void doSomething(){   System.out.println("basic Decorator do something..");   c.doSomething();}}//装饰类继承基本的装饰类public class BeforeDecorator extends Decorator{    private void before(){   System.out.println("before....");}public BeforeDecorator(Component c){   super(c);}public void doSomething(){   before();   super.doSomething();}}public class AfterDecorator extends Decorator{   private void after(){      System.out.println("after...");   }   public void doSomething(){      super.doSomething();      after();   }   public AfterDecorator(Component c){     super(c);   }}//然后高层模块就可以用装饰类组装原始对象


facade pattern  ---  Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use. 


public class A{   public void doSomething(){      System.out.println("A do something...");   }}public class B{   public void doSomething(){      System.out.println("B do something...");   }}public class C{   public void doSomething(){      System.out.println("C do something...");   }}public class Facade{  private A a = new A();  private B b = new B();  private C c = new C();  public void doSomething(){    a.doSomething();b.doSomething();c.doSomething();  }}


