
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝0元购平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 15:34


The following control characters are accepted:

          ^A       Move to the beginning of the line          ^B       Move left (backward) [n]          ^D       Delete character [n]          ^E       Move to end of line          ^F       Move right (forward) [n]          ^G       Ring the bell          ^H       Delete character before cursor (backspace key) [n]          ^I       Complete filename (tab key); see below          ^J       Done with line (return key)          ^K       Kill to end of line (or column [n])          ^L       Redisplay line          ^M       Done with line (alternate return key)          ^N       Get next line from history [n]          ^P       Get previous line from history [n]          ^R       Search backward (forward if [n]) through history for text;                   must start line if text begins with an up arrow          ^T       Transpose characters          ^V       Insert next character, even if it is an edit command          ^W       Wipe to the mark          ^X^X     Exchange current location and mark          ^Y       Yank back last killed text          ^[       Start an escape sequence (escape key)          ^]c      Move forward to next character ``c''          ^?       Delete character before cursor (delete key) [n]

     The following escape sequences are provided.

          ESC ^H   Delete previous word (backspace key) [n]          ESC DEL  Delete previous word (delete key) [n]          ESC SP   Set the mark (space key); see ^X^X and ^Y above          ESC .    Get the last (or [n]'th) word from previous line          ESC ?    Show possible completions; see below          ESC <    Move to start of history          ESC >    Move to end of history          ESC b    Move backward a word [n]          ESC d    Delete word under cursor [n]          ESC f    Move forward a word [n]          ESC l    Make word lowercase [n]          ESC u    Make word uppercase [n]          ESC y    Yank back last killed text          ESC v    Show library version          ESC w    Make area up to mark yankable          ESC nn   Set repeat count to the number nn          ESC C    Read from environment variable ``_C_'', where C is                   an uppercase letter