
来源:互联网 发布:php沐辰的博客 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 14:40


  • Layout
  • 加载Layout
  • 设立Widgets
  • Tooltip通知方法

MyGUI支持tooltips, 也叫flyovers. 但仍有一些手工的工作要做来在程序中引用它们。



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><MyGUI type="Layout">    <Widget type="Widget" skin="PanelSmall" position="200 480 144 32" layer="ToolTip" name="tooltipPanel">        <Property key="Widget_Visible" value="false"/>        <Widget type="Edit" skin="WordWrapSimple" position="3 3 138 92" align="Stretch">            <Property key="Edit_WordWrap" value="true"/>            <Property key="Edit_Static" value="true"/>            <Property key="Text_TextAlign" value="Left Top"/>            <Property key="Widget_Caption" value="[ToolTip Info]"/>        </Widget>    </Widget></MyGUI>

这个layout是完整的MyGUI直接可用的,你可使用任何你喜欢的MyGUI widgets,但这个在一个panel内部的一个edit的结合能到达目的(且有附加的优点,被作者在MyGUI Layout Editor中偏爱)。这个edit的标题caption是个不重要的预留位placeholder,可让他成为任何你想要的或者留着它。位置属性也不重要,因为会在代码中指定。这个片段是单独的,也可在其他需要tooltip的layout中引用。唯一要注意的是当在其他layout中包含它的时候确保它的父标记parent tag是<MyGUI>。


加载layout 并保存一些之后用的指针:

Load Layout
MyGUI::VectorWidgetPtr widgets = MyGUI::LayoutManager::getInstance().loadLayout("ToolTip.layout");MyGUI::Widget *mToolTip = MyGUI::Gui::getInstance().findWidget<MyGUI::Widget>("toolTip");// Alternative if ToolTip.layout contains solely the sample elements// MyGUI::Widget *toolTip = widgets[0]->castType<MyGUI::Widget>();MyGUI::Edit *mToolTipEdit = mToolTip->getChildAt(0)->castType<MyGUI::Edit>();


上面的代码不是直接可用的. 应该插入到你的UI类初始化的地方。以m开头的变量应该是成员变量。



Widgets Needing Tooltips
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><MyGUI type="Layout">    <Widget type="Button" skin="Button" position="184 133 96 24" name="someButton">        <Property key="Widget_Caption" value="A Button"/>        <Property key="Widget_NeedToolTip" value="true"/>    </Widget>    <Widget type="Edit" skin="Edit" position="152 65 160 24" name="passwordEdit">        <Property key="Edit_Password" value="true"/>        <Property key="Edit_MaxTextLength" value="512"/>        <Property key="Widget_NeedToolTip" value="true"/>    </Widget></MyGUI>



Set Up Widgets
mSomeButton->eventToolTip = MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &UIClass::notifyToolTip);mSomePasswordEdit->eventToolTip = MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &UIClass::notifyToolTip);// NOTE: MyGUI Edit widgets are actually composite widgets.// They have an automatically created client widget.// Note it is a client widget, NOT a child widget.// It does not show up in a layout file, so the NeedToolTip property must be set manually in code.// It is a descendant of MyGUI::Widget, so it has the usual API.mSomePasswordEdit->getClientWidget()->setNeedTooltip();mSomePasswordEdit->getClientWidget()->eventToolTip = MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &UIClass::notifyToolTip);// Set some tooltip text.  This text can be stored anywhere, as long as the notifyToolTip method// can get at it.  Adding it to the widgets themelves is handy.mSomeButton->setUserString("tooltip", "Click me and nothing happens");mSomePasswordEdit->setUserString("tooltip", "A password edit box.  Be creative!");mSomePasswordEdit->getClientWidget()->setUserString("tooltip", "A password edit box.  Be creative!");


如果你想省略掉edit上的tip,你可以。它只在一个edit框外面3个像素可见。widget的屏幕区域的大部分都被其client widget客户部件占用。

Note this sample uses hard coded strings, rather than language manager tags.


最后, 大量注释的tooltip回调方法和一个帮助方法:

Notify Method
void UIClass::notifyToolTip(MyGUI::Widget *sender, const MyGUI::ToolTipInfo &info){  if (info.type == MyGUI::ToolTipInfo::Show)  {    // First fetch the viewport size.  (Do not try to getParent()->getSize().    // Top level widgets do not have parents, but getParentSize() returns something useful anyway.)    const MyGUI::IntSize &viewSize = mToolTip->getParentSize();    // Then set our tooltip panel size to something excessive...    mToolTip->setSize(viewSize.width/2, viewSize.height/2);    // ... update its caption to whatever the sender widget has for tooltip text    // (You did use setUserString(), right?)...    mToolTipText->setCaption(sender->getUserString("tooltip"));    // ... fetch the new text size from the tooltip's Edit control...    const MyGUI::IntSize &textsize = mToolTipText->getTextSize();    // ... and resize the tooltip panel to match it.  The Stretch property on the Edit    // control will see to it that the Edit control resizes along with it.    // The constants are padding to fit in the edges of the PanelSmall skin; adjust as    // necessary for your theme.    mToolTip->setSize(textsize.width +  6, textsize.height + 6);    // You can fade it in smooth if you like, but that gets obnoxious.    mToolTip->setVisible(true);    boundedMove(mToolTip, info.point);  }  else if (info.type == MyGUI::ToolTipInfo::Hide)  {    mToolTip->setVisible(false);  }  else if (info.type == MyGUI::ToolTipInfo::Move)  {    boundedMove(mToolTip, info.point);  }} /** Move a widget to a point while making it stay in the viewport.    @param moving The widget that will be moving.    @param point The desired destination viewport coordinates                 (which may not be the final resting place of the widget). */void UIClass::boundedMove(MyGUI::Widget *moving, const MyGUI::IntPoint & point){  const MyGUI::IntPoint offset(16, 16);  // typical mouse cursor size - offset out from under it   MyGUI::IntPoint boundedpoint = point + offset;   const MyGUI::IntSize& size = moving->getSize();  const MyGUI::IntSize& view_size = moving->getParentSize();   if ((boundedpoint.left + size.width) > view_size.width)  {    boundedpoint.left -= offset.left + offset.left + size.width;  }  if (( + size.height) > view_size.height)  { -= + + size.height;  }   moving->setPosition(boundedpoint);}

上面的代码可耻的是从MyGUI's Layout Editor来的, 和添加新代码来让tip窗口和tip文字确切的匹配大小。

唯一困难的是一些MyGUI widget是composite widget组合的。在启用tips时在他们客户区域clients有一点额外的工作。

