Matlab 关于plot设置(暴力版)

来源:互联网 发布:three.js 实现宇宙 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/28 20:20

以前Matlab作图时,要设置好多的变量, 如标题,x轴,y轴间隔, 字体,线条等等特性的设置。这些在写的时候比较麻烦, 今天写了一个集成的函数,直接包含了一个基本的特性,只要用结构体包含进来就可以了。非常的方便。




% Demo shows how to:%    1. use cell arrays when lines have different length%    2. use repeating sequence of markers/colors/lineStyles%    3. truncate axes to partially-specified limitsclear allclose all%% Generate some datamaxIter = 200;optTol = 1e-6;err0 = 10000;rho = .04;rho2 = .04:.005:1;for k = 1:maxItererr1(k) = err0/sqrt(k);if err1(k) < optTolbreak;endendfor k = 1:maxItererr2(k) = err0/k;if err2(k) < optTolbreak;endendfor k = 1:maxItererr3(k) = err0/k^2;if err3(k) < optTolbreak;endendfor k = 1:maxItererr4(k) = err0*(1-rho)^k;if err4(k) < optTolbreak;endendfor k = 1:maxItererr5(k) = err0*(1-sqrt(rho))^k;if err5(k) < optTolbreak;endendfor k = 1:maxItererr6(k) = err0*prod(1-rho2(1:k));if err6(k) < optTolbreak;endend% Note: yData does not have same length, and is stored as cell arrayxData = 1:maxIter;yData{1} = err1;yData{2} = err2;yData{3} = err3;yData{4} = err4;yData{5} = err5;yData{6} = err6;legendStr = {'Sublinear1','Sublinear2','Sublinear3','Linear1','Linear2','Superlinear'};%% Pretty Plotfigure;options.logScale = 2;% Note: prettyPlot will cycle through the given colors/lineStyles/markersoptions.colors = [1 0 00 1 00 0 1];options.lineStyles = {':','--','-'};options.markers = {'o','s'};% Note: we will truncate the lower y-axis limit but not the upper limitoptions.ylimits = [1e-6 inf];options.markerSpacing = [25 125 1125 2125 525 1525 8];options.xlabel = 'Iteration Number';  %% 设置的坐标 options.ylabel = 'Error';options.legend = legendStr;    %%  设置Graph legendoptions.legendLoc = 'SouthWest';   %%  位置   %%  另外自己也可以写好多的函数。。。。。。很方便。prettyPlot(xData,yData,options);print -dpdf prettyPlot2.pdf







function [] = prettyPlot(xData,yData,options)% prettyPlot(xData,yData,options)%% available options:% legend - cell array containing legend entries (default = [])% title - string containing plot title (default = [])% xlabel - string containing x-axis label (default = [])% ylabel - string containing y-axis label (default = [])% lineWidth - width of lines (default = 3)% colors - cell array or (n by 3) matrix containing line colors (default = 'b')% lineStyles - cell array containing line styles (default = '-')% markerSize - size of markers (default = [])% markers - cell array containing markers (default = [])% markerSpacing - (n by 2) matrix containing spacing between markers and offset for first marker% xlimits - 2-vector containing lower and upper limits for x-axis (can be inf to show full range)% ylimits - 2-vector containing lower and upper limits for y-axis (can be inf to show full range)% logScale - can be 0 (regular scale), 1 (semilogx), or 2 (semilogy)% legendLoc - location of legend (default = 'Best')% useLines - whether to use lines (default = 1)% fillFace - whether to fill markers (default = 1)% errors - (n by p by 2) array containing upper and lower error lines% errorStyle - line style for error barsif nargin < 3options = [];end[legendStr,plotTitle,plotXlabel,plotYlabel,lineWidth,colors,lineStyles,...markerSize,markers,markerSpacing,xlimits,ylimits,logScale,legendLoc,...useLines,fillFace,errors,errorStyle,errorColors] = ...myProcessOptions(options,'legend',[],'title',[],'xlabel',[],'ylabel',[],...'lineWidth',3,'colors',[],'lineStyles',[],...'markerSize',12,'markers',[],'markerSpacing',[],...'xlimits',[],'ylimits',[],...'logScale',0,'legendLoc','Best','useLines',1,'fillFace',1,...'errors',[],'errorStyle',{'--'},'errorColors',[]);if logScale == 1plotFunc = @semilogx;elseif logScale == 2plotFunc = @semilogy;elseplotFunc = @plot;endif useLines == 0defaultStyle = 'b.';elsedefaultStyle = 'b';endif iscell(yData)nLines = length(yData);elsenLines = size(yData,1);endfor i = 1:nLines% Get yData for lineif iscell(yData)y{i} = yData{i};elsey{i} = yData(i,:);end% Get xData for lineif isempty(xData)x{i} = 1:length(y);elseif iscell(xData)x{i} = xData{i};elseif size(xData,1) == 1x{i} = xData(1:length(y{i}));elsex{i} = xData(i,:);end% Ploth(i) = plotFunc(x{i},y{i},defaultStyle);hold on;endif isempty(markerSpacing)for i = 1:length(h)h(i) = applyStyle(h(i),i,lineWidth,colors,lineStyles,markers,markerSpacing);endelsefor i = 1:length(h)h(i) = applyStyle(h(i),i,lineWidth,colors,lineStyles,markers,markerSpacing);if ~isempty(markers) && ~isempty(markers{1+mod(i-1,length(markers))})hM = plotFunc(x{i}(markerSpacing(i,2):markerSpacing(i,1):end),y{i}(markerSpacing(i,2):markerSpacing(i,1):end),'b.');applyStyle(hM,i,lineWidth,colors,[],markers,[]);hM = plotFunc(x{i}(markerSpacing(i,2)),y{i}(markerSpacing(i,2)),defaultStyle);h(i) = applyStyle(hM,i,lineWidth,colors,lineStyles,markers,[]);endendendif ~isempty(errors)if isempty(errorColors)errorColors = colors+.75;errorColors(:) = min(errorColors(:),1);endfor i = 1:length(h)hL = plotFunc(x{i},errors{i,1},defaultStyle);hU = plotFunc(x{i},errors{i,2},defaultStyle);applyStyle(hL,i,lineWidth,errorColors,errorStyle,[],markerSpacing);applyStyle(hU,i,lineWidth,errorColors,errorStyle,[],markerSpacing);endendset(gca,'FontName','AvantGarde','FontWeight','normal','FontSize',12);if ~isempty(legendStr)h = legend(h,legendStr);set(h,'FontSize',10,'FontWeight','normal');set(h,'Location','Best');set(h,'Location',legendLoc);endif ~isempty(plotTitle)h = title(plotTitle);set(h,'FontName','AvantGarde','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','bold');endif ~isempty(plotXlabel) || ~isempty(plotYlabel)h1 = xlabel(plotXlabel);h2 = ylabel(plotYlabel);set([h1 h2],'FontName','AvantGarde','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','normal');endset(gca, ...'Box'         , 'on'     , ...'TickDir'     , 'out'     , ...'TickLength'  , [.02 .02] , ...'XMinorTick'  , 'off'      , ...'YMinorTick'  , 'off'      , ...'LineWidth'   , 1         );if ~isempty(xlimits)xl = xlim;xlimits(xlimits == -inf) = xl(1);xlimits(xlimits == inf) = xl(2);xlim(xlimits);endif ~isempty(ylimits)yl = ylim;ylimits(ylimits == -inf) = yl(1);ylimits(ylimits == inf) = yl(2);ylim(ylimits);endset(gcf, 'PaperPositionMode', 'auto');function [h] = applyStyle(h,i,lineWidth,colors,lineStyles,markers,markerSpacing)hold on;set(h,'LineWidth',lineWidth);if ~isempty(colors)if iscell(colors)set(h,'Color',colors{1+mod(i-1,length(colors))});elseset(h,'Color',colors(1+mod(i-1,size(colors,1)),:));endendif ~isempty(lineStyles) && useLinesif isempty(lineStyles)set(h,'LineStyle','-');elseif ~isempty(lineStyles{1+mod(i-1,length(lineStyles))})set(h,'LineStyle',lineStyles{1+mod(i-1,length(lineStyles))});endendendif ~isempty(markers)if ~isempty(markers{1+mod(i-1,length(markers))})if isempty(markerSpacing)set(h,'Marker',markers{1+mod(i-1,length(markers))});set(h,'MarkerSize',markerSize);if fillFaceset(h,'MarkerFaceColor',[1 1 .9]);endendendendendend


例子 2:

clear all; close all;figure; hold on; set(gca,'FontSize',16); set(gca,'FontName','Times'); set(gcf,'Color',[1,1,1]);xlabel('x');ylabel('y');title('a family plot with nice legend');x       = (1:1000);xMid    = (x(1)+2*x(end))/3;parVals = [1 1.5 2 3]; num_Markers = 8; %<--------LineTypes   = {'-.','-','--'};MarkerTypes = {'h','o','s','d','^','v','>','<','p'};colors      = {'m','r','b',[1 1 1]*0.5};for ip=1:length(parVals)    col           =  colors{1+mod(ip,length(colors))};    ls            =  LineTypes{1+mod(ip,length(LineTypes))};    lm            =  MarkerTypes{1+mod(ip,length(MarkerTypes))};    g             =  parVals(ip);    y             =  1 + 1/g*abs(1e4./(xMid + (x-xMid/g).^(2-0.2*g)));   % a function that changes with parameter g    legCell{ip}   = ['fA, g=',num2str(g)];         %legend text        [p1,p2,p3]    = line_fewer_markers(x,y,num_Markers,'color',col,'linestyle',ls, 'linewidth',2, 'marker', lm, 'markerfacecolor',col,'LockOnMax',1,'Spacing','curve','parent',gca);endlh = legend(legCell,'Location','NorthWest');




clear all; close all;figure; hold on; set(gca,'FontSize',16); set(gca,'FontName','Times'); set(gcf,'Color',[1,1,1]);xlabel('x');ylabel('y');title('a family plot with nice legend');t  = 0:0.005:pi;line_fewer_markers(t*180/pi,cos(t)         ,9,  '--bs','spacing','curve');line_fewer_markers(t*180/pi,sin(t)         ,9,  '','MFC','g','Mks',6,'linewidth',2);grey1 = [1 1 1]*0.5;line_fewer_markers(t*180/pi,sin(t).*cos(t) ,15, ':','Mk','p','color',grey1,'MFC',grey1,'linewidth',2,'LockOnMax',1);leg = legend('cos','sin','sin*cos','location','best');




clear all; close all;figure; hold on; set(gca,'FontSize',16); set(gca,'FontName','Times'); set(gcf,'Color',[1,1,1]);xlabel('x');ylabel('y');title('a family plot with nice legend');t  = 0:0.005:pi;grey1 = [1 1 1]*0.5;% line_fewer_markers(t*180/pi,cos(t)         ,9,  '--bs','spacing','curve');% line_fewer_markers(t*180/pi,sin(t)         ,9,  '','MFC','g','Mks',6,'linewidth',2);% line_fewer_markers(t*180/pi,sin(t).*cos(t) ,15, ':','Mk','p','color',grey1,'MFC',grey1,'linewidth',2,'LockOnMax',1);line_fewer_markers(t*180/pi,cos(t)         ,9,  '--bs','spacing','curve','LegendLine','off');line_fewer_markers(t*180/pi,sin(t)         ,9,  '','MFC','g','Mks',6,'linewidth',2,'LegendLine','off');line_fewer_markers(t*180/pi,sin(t).*cos(t) ,15, ':','Mk','p','color',grey1,'MFC',grey1,'linewidth',2,'LockOnMax',1,'LegendLine','off');leg = legend('cos','sin','sin*cos','location','best');



% line_fewer_markers  函数:

% line_fewer_markers - line with controlled amount of markers and correct legend behaviour% %   LINE_FEWER_MARKERS(X,Y,NUM_MARKERS) adds the line in vectors X and Y to the current axes%   with exactly NUM_MARKERS markers drawn.% %   LINE_FEWER_MARKERS(X,Y,NUM_MARKERS,'PropertyName',PropertyValue,...) plots the data%   stored in the vectors X and Y.%%   LINE_FEWER_MARKERS returns handles to LINE/MARKER objects.% %   [H1,H2,H3] = LINE_FEWER_MARKERS(X,Y,NUM_MARKERS,'PropertyName',PropertyValue,...) %   performs the actions as above and returns the handles of all the plotted lines/markers.%   H1    = handle to the main marker(1 point); it may be put in array and used with legend%   H2    = handle to the continuous line (as in H2=plot())%   H3    = handle to all other markers%%   Property/Value pairs and descriptions:%       %       Spacing    - 'x'      : ordinary uniform along x%                  - 'curve'  : equal lengths along curve y(x)% %       LockOnMax  - 0        : first marker on 1st data point%                  - 1        : offset all markers such that one marker on first max of y(x)% %       LegendLine - 'on'     : default, reproduce linestyle also in legend%                  - 'off'    : shows only marker in legend% %       LineSpec: same as for LINE: LineStyle,LineWidth,Marker,MarkerSize,MarkerFaceColor...%%%   Example: plot 3 curves with 9,9, and 15 markers each, using different input styles% %      figure; hold on;%      t  = 0:0.005:pi;%      line_fewer_markers(t*180/pi,cos(t) ,9,  '--bs','spacing','curve');%      line_fewer_markers(t*180/pi,sin(t) ,9,  '','MarkerFaceColor','g', ...%                                                     'markersize',6,'linewidth',2);%      grey1 = [1 1 1]*0.5;%      line_fewer_markers(t*180/pi,sin(t).*cos(t) ,15, ':','marker','h','color',grey1, ...%                                    'markerfacecolor',grey1,'linewidth',2,'LockOnMax',1);%      leg = legend('cos','sin','sin*cos','location','best');%% Inspired by Ioannis Filippidis's answer: % % rev.3, Massimo Ciacci, August 19, 2013% function [H1,H2,H3] = line_fewer_markers(x,y,num_Markers, varargin)%% find marker spec in varargin and remove it; extract special params: LockOnMax,Spacingif mod(length(varargin),2)    if ischar(varargin{1})      linspec   = varargin{1};      extraArgs = varargin(2:end);      [varargInNoMk,varargInNoMkNoLn,lm,ms,mfc,LockOnMax,Spacing,LegendLine] = parseargsLineSpec(linspec,extraArgs);    else      error('odd sized [param | val] list, missing one param ?');    endelse      [varargInNoMk,varargInNoMkNoLn,lm,ms,mfc,LockOnMax,Spacing,LegendLine] = parseargs(varargin{:});  end%% input size checkif  isvector(x) &&  isvector(y)    % make x,y row vectors    if iscolumn(x), x = x.'; end    if iscolumn(y), y = y.'; endelse    error('line_fewer_markers: input arguments must be 1D vectors');end% How the method works: plots 3 times: % a) once only the line with all points with the style                                                'r--' and invisible handle, % b) last time the markers, using fewer points with style                                             'ro' and again invisible handle.% c) once with a visible handle, only the first point, using the complete style you specified         (e.g. 'r--o')%% a) once only the line with all points with the style                                                                H2 = line(x   ,y   ,varargInNoMk{:});                               %no markers herehasbehavior(H2,'legend',0);                                         %prevent to appear in legends!%% b) last time the markers, using fewer points with style                                                             if     (strcmp(Spacing,'x') || strcmp(Spacing,'X'))    ti = round(linspace(1,length(x),num_Markers));elseif (strcmp(Spacing,'curve') || strcmp(Spacing,'Curve'))    scaleY     = 3/4; % 1/1 figure aspect ratio    yNrm       = (y-min(y))./(max(y)-min(y))*scaleY;                %NORMALIZE y scale in [0 1], height of display is prop to max(abs(y))            xNrm       = (x-min(x))./(max(x)-min(x));                       %NORMALIZE x scale in [0 1]           if (sum(isinf(yNrm))>0) || sum(isinf(x))>0                      %spacing along curve not possible with infinites        ti = round(linspace(1,length(x),num_Markers));     else        t        = 1:length(x);                                        s        = [0 cumsum(sqrt(diff(xNrm).^2+diff(yNrm).^2))];   %measures length along the curve        si       = (0:num_Markers-1)*s(end)/(num_Markers-1);        %equally spaced lengths along the curve        si(end)  = s(end);                                          %fix last point to be within the curve                            ti       = round(interp1(s,t,si));                          %find x index of markers    endelse    error('invalid spacing parameter');endif LockOnMax    %set one ti on max if found    [Mv,idx]   = max(y); idx=idx(1);    [mv,idxti] = min(abs(idx-ti));    deltati    = ti(idxti)-idx;    ti         = max(1,min(ti-deltati,length(y)));end    xi = x(ti);yi = y(ti);           H3 = line(xi,yi,varargInNoMkNoLn{:},'Marker',lm,'MarkerSize',ms,'MarkerFaceColor',mfc,'LineStyle','none');  %plot markers onlyhasbehavior(H3,'legend',0); %prevent to appear in legends!%% c) once with a visible handle, only the first point, using the complete style you specified                         if strcmp(LegendLine,'on')    H1 = line(xi(1),yi(1),varargInNoMk{:},'Marker',lm,'MarkerSize',ms,'MarkerFaceColor',mfc);else    H1 = line(xi(1),yi(1),varargInNoMk{:},'linestyle','none','Marker',lm,'MarkerSize',ms,'MarkerFaceColor',mfc);end%-------------------------------------------------------------% PARSE FUNCTIONS%-------------------------------------------------------------% varargInNoMk = list of property pairs, marker specs removed % varargInNoMkNoLn = list of property pairs, marker specs and line specs removed function [varargInNoMk,varargInNoMkNoLn,lm,ms,mfc,LockOnMax,Spacing,LegendLine] = parseargs(varargin)lm =[]; ms =[]; mfc=[]; LockOnMax=[]; Spacing=[]; LegendLine=[];varargInNoMk = {};varargInNoMkNoLn = {};arg_index = 1;while arg_index <= length(varargin)arg = varargin{arg_index};    % extract special params and marker specs from arg list    if strcmp(arg,'marker') || strcmp(arg,'Marker') || strcmp(arg,'Mk')  || strcmp(arg,'mk')        lm              = varargin{arg_index+1};    elseif strcmp(arg,'MarkerSize') || strcmp(arg,'markersize') || strcmp(arg,'Mks')  || strcmp(arg,'mks')        ms              = varargin{arg_index+1};            elseif strcmp(arg,'MarkerFaceColor') || strcmp(arg,'markerfacecolor')||strcmp(arg,'MFC')||strcmp(arg,'mfc')        mfc             = varargin{arg_index+1};    elseif strcmp(arg,'LockOnMax') || strcmp(arg,'lockonmax')        LockOnMax       = varargin{arg_index+1};    elseif strcmp(arg,'Spacing')   || strcmp(arg,'spacing')         Spacing         = varargin{arg_index+1};    elseif strcmp(arg,'LegendLine')   || strcmp(arg,'legendline')         LegendLine      = varargin{arg_index+1};    else        % keep other params in arg list for line command        varargInNoMk    = {varargInNoMk{:},  varargin{arg_index},  varargin{arg_index+1}};        if ~strcmp(arg,'LineStyle') && ~strcmp(arg,'linestyle')            % exclude line params for marker only plot           varargInNoMkNoLn = {varargInNoMkNoLn{:},  varargin{arg_index},  varargin{arg_index+1}};        end    end    arg_index = arg_index + 2;end%EXTRA DEFAULTS ARE SET HEREif isempty(lm),         lm          = 'o'   ; endif isempty(ms),         ms          = 10    ; endif isempty(mfc),        mfc         = 'none'; endif isempty(LockOnMax),  LockOnMax   = 1     ; endif isempty(Spacing),    Spacing     = 'x'   ; end %%'x' -> marker delta-x constant; 'curve' : spacing constant along the curve lengthif isempty(LegendLine), LegendLine  = 'on'  ; end %-------------------------------------------------------------% Parse LineSpec string and other arguments% varargInNoMk     = list of property pairs, marker specs removed % varargInNoMkNoLn = list of property pairs, marker specs and line specs removed function [varargInNoMk,varargInNoMkNoLn,lm,ms,mfc,LockOnMax,Spacing,LegendLine] = parseargsLineSpec(linspec, extraArgs)%          b     blue          .     point              -     solid%          g     green         o     circle             :     dotted%          r     red           x     x-mark             -.    dashdot %          c     cyan          +     plus               --    dashed   %          m     magenta       *     star             (none)  no line%          y     yellow        s     square%          k     black         d     diamond%          w     white         v     triangle (down)%                              ^     triangle (up)%                              <     triangle (left)%                              >     triangle (right)%                              p     pentagram%                              h     hexagramvarargInNoMk     = {};varargInNoMkNoLn = {};foundLine           = false;stringSearch        = {'-.','--','-',':'};for ii=1:4    if strfind(linspec, stringSearch{ii})        foundLine   = true;        ls          = stringSearch{ii};        linspec     = setdiff(linspec,ls);        break    endendif foundLine    varargInNoMk    = {varargInNoMk{:},'lineStyle',ls};else    varargInNoMk    = {varargInNoMk{:},'lineStyle','-'};    endif ~isempty(linspec)    foundCol            = false;    stringSearch        = {'b','g','r','c','m','y','k','w'};    for ii=1:8        if strfind(linspec, stringSearch{ii})            foundCol    = true;            colspec     = stringSearch{ii};            linspec     = setdiff(linspec,colspec);            break        end    end    if foundCol        varargInNoMk    = {varargInNoMk{:},'color',colspec};        varargInNoMkNoLn    = {varargInNoMkNoLn{:},'color',colspec};    end    endif ~isempty(linspec)    foundMk             = false;    stringSearch        = {'.','o','x','+','*','s','d','v','^','<','>','p','h'};    for ii=1:13        if strfind(linspec, stringSearch{ii})            foundMk     = true;            mkspec      = stringSearch{ii};            break        end    end    if foundMk, lm = mkspec; else lm = 'none'; endelse    lm = 'none';end[extraArgs1,unused,lm2,ms,mfc,LockOnMax,Spacing,LegendLine] = parseargs(extraArgs{:});if strcmp(lm,'none') && ~strcmp(lm2,'none') %if other marker specified in Property Pairs take that one    lm = lm2;endvarargInNoMk       = {varargInNoMk{:},extraArgs1{:}};varargInNoMkNoLn   = {varargInNoMkNoLn{:},extraArgs1{:}};





