
来源:互联网 发布:怎么还原数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 04:21





// 存放非模态的对话框句柄

std::set<HWND> m_setHwnd;

static HHOOK hHook = NULL;

LRESULT FAR PASCAL GetMsgProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
 LPMSG lpMsg = (LPMSG) lParam;

 if ( nCode >= 0 && PM_REMOVE == wParam )
  // Don't translate non-input events.
  if ( (lpMsg->message != WM_CHAR && lpMsg->message >= WM_KEYFIRST && lpMsg->message <= WM_KEYLAST) )
   std::set<HWND>::iterator iter = m_setHwnd.begin();
   for (; iter != m_setHwnd.end(); iter++) {
    HWND hWnd = *iter;
    if ( IsDialogMessage(hWnd, lpMsg) )
     // The value returned from this hookproc is ignored,
     // and it cannot be used to tell Windows the message has been handled.
     // To avoid further processing, convert the message to WM_NULL
     // before returning.
     lpMsg->message = WM_NULL;
     lpMsg->lParam  = 0;
     lpMsg->wParam  = 0;

 return CallNextHookEx(hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);

// 钩子的植入

BOOL CXXXApp::InitInstance()
 hHook = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_GETMESSAGE, GetMsgProc,
  NULL, GetCurrentThreadId() );
    return CWinApp::InitInstance();


int CXXXApp::ExitInstance()
 UnhookWindowsHookEx( hHook );
    return CWinApp::ExitInstance();