
来源:互联网 发布:sift 算法编程原理 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 19:57


//线段树模板struct line{    int left,right;//左端点、右端点    int n;//记录这条线段出现了多少次,默认为0};struct line a[100];int sum;//建立void build(int s,int t,int n){    int mid=(s+t)/2;    a[n].left=s;a[n].right=t;    if (s==t) return;    a[n].left=s;a[n].right=t;     build(s,mid,2*n);    build(mid+1,t,2*n+1);} //插入void insert(int s,int t,int step)//要插入的线段的左端点和右端点、以及当前线段树中的某条线段{    if (s==a[step].left && t==a[step].right)       {        a[step].n++;//插入的线段匹配则此条线段的记录+1                   return;//插入结束返回          }          if (a[step].left==a[step].right)           return;//当前线段树的线段没有儿子,插入结束返回          int mid=(a[step].left+a[step].right)/2;          if (mid>=t)        insert(s,t,step*2);//如果中点在t的右边,则应该插入到左儿子          else if (mid<s)            insert(s,t,step*2+1);//如果中点在s的左边,则应该插入到右儿子          else//否则,中点一定在s和t之间,把待插线段分成两半分别插到左右儿子里面          {                    insert(s,mid,step*2);                    insert(mid+1,t,step*2+1);         }}//访问void count (int s,int t,int step){    if (a[step].n!=0) sum=sum+a[step].n*(t-s+1);    if (a[step].left==a[step].right) return;    int mid=(a[step].left+a[step].right)/2;    if (mid>=t) count(s,t,step*2);    else if (mid<s) count(s,t,step*2+1);    else    {        count(s,mid,step*2);                    count(mid+1,t,step*2+1);          }}


定义1 长度为1的线段称为元线段。

定义2 一棵树被成为线段树,当且仅当这棵树满足如下条件:

(1)    该树是一棵二叉树。

(2)    树中每一个结点都对应一条线段[a,b]。

(3)    树中结点是叶子结点当且仅当它所代表的线段是元线段。

(4)    树中非叶子结点都有左右两个子树,做子树树根对应线段[a , (a + b ) / 2],右子树树根对应线段[( a + b ) / 2 , b]。




性质1 长度范围为[1,L]的一棵线段树的深度不超过log(L-1) + 1。

性质2 线段树把区间上的任意一条长度为L的线段都分成不超过2logL条线段。

空间复杂度 存储一棵线段树的空间复杂度一般为O(L)。

时间复杂度 对于插入线段、删除线段,查找元素,查找区间最值等操作,复杂度一般都是O(log L)。

线段树主要应用了平衡与分治的性质,所以基本时间复杂度都和log有关。我们在应用线段树解决问题的时候,应尽量在构造好线段树的时候,使每种操作在同一层面上操作的次数为O(1),这样能够维持整体的复杂度O(log L)。

例题:RMQ with Shifts


In the traditional RMQ (Range Minimum Query) problem, we have a static array A. Then for each query (L, R) (L<=R), we report the minimum value among A[L], A[L+1], …, A[R]. Note that the indices start from 1, i.e. the left-most element is A[1].
In this problem, the array A is no longer static: we need to support another operation shift(i1, i2, i3, …, ik) (i1<i2<...<ik, k>1): we do a left “circular shift” of A[i1], A[i2], …, A[ik].
For example, if A={6, 2, 4, 8, 5, 1, 4}, then shift(2, 4, 5, 7) yields {6, 8, 4, 5, 4, 1, 2}. After that, shift(1,2) yields {8, 6, 4, 5, 4, 1, 2}.


There will be only one test case, beginning with two integers n, q (1<=n<=100,000, 1<=q<=120,000), the number of integers in array A, and the number of operations. The next line contains n positive integers not greater than 100,000, the initial elements in array A. Each of the next q lines contains an operation. Each operation is formatted as a string having no more than 30 characters, with no space characters inside. All operations are guaranteed to be valid. Warning: The dataset is large, better to use faster I/O methods.


For each query, print the minimum value (rather than index) in the requested range.

Sample Input

7 5
6 2 4 8 5 1 4

Sample Output





#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<stdio.h>#include<cstring>using namespace std;struct line{    int left,right,n;    int mid(){return (left+right)/2;}}a[100011<<2];unsigned short num[100011];int temp[33],cnt;void build(int l,int r,int step){    a[step].left=l;    a[step].right=r;    if(l==r)    {        a[step].n=num[l];        return;    }    int mid=a[step].mid();    build(l,mid,step*2);    build(mid+1,r,step*2+1);    a[step].n=min(a[step*2].n,a[step*2+1].n);}int query(int l,int r,int step){    if(a[step].left==l&&a[step].right==r)        return a[step].n;    int mid=a[step].mid();    if(mid>=r)        return query(l,r,step*2);    else if(mid<l)        return query(l,r,step*2+1);    else        return min(query(l,mid,step*2),query(mid+1,r,step*2+1));}void update(int l,int r,int step){    if(a[step].left==a[step].right)        a[step].n=num[a[step].left];    else    {        int mid=a[step].mid();        if(mid>=temp[r])            update(1,r,step*2);        else if(mid<temp[l])            update(1,r,step*2+1);        else        {            int i;            for(i=1;temp[i]<=mid;i++) ;            update(1,i-1,step*2);            update(i,r,step*2+1);        }        a[step].n=min(a[step*2].n,a[step*2+1].n);    }}bool judge(char *p)//注意字符的处理{    char t=p[0];    p=p+6;    while(strlen(p))    {        int bit;        sscanf(p,"%d%n",&temp[cnt++],&bit);        p=p+bit+1;    }    if(t=='q') return true;    return false;}int main(){    int n,m,i;    while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF)    {        for(i=1;i<=n;i++)            scanf("%d",&num[i]);        build(1,n,1);        char str[33];        while(m--)        {            scanf("%s",&str);            cnt=1;            if(judge(str))                printf("%d\n",query(temp[1],temp[2],1));            else            {                cnt--;                int flag=num[temp[1]];                for(i=1;i<cnt;i++)                    num[temp[i]]=num[temp[i+1]];                num[temp[i]]=flag;                update(1,cnt,1);            }        }    }}
