Activitys, Threads, & Memory Leaks

来源:互联网 发布:镇江java培训学费 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 01:41

Activitys, Threads, & Memory Leaks


/** * Example illustrating how threads persist across configuration * changes (which cause the underlying Activity instance to be * destroyed). The Activity context also leaks because the thread * is instantiated as an anonymous class, which holds an implicit * reference to the outer Activity instance, therefore preventing * it from being garbage collected. */publicclass MainActivity extends Activity {   @Override  protectedvoid onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);    exampleOne();  }   privatevoid exampleOne() {    newThread() {      @Override      publicvoid run() {        while(true) {          SystemClock.sleep(1000);        }      }    }.start();  }}




/** * This example avoids leaking an Activity context by declaring the * thread as a private static inner class, but the threads still * continue to run even across configuration changes. The DVM has a * reference to all running threads and whether or not these threads * are garbaged collected has nothing to do with the Activity lifecycle. * Active threads will continue to run until the kernel destroys your * application's process. */publicclass MainActivity extends Activity {   @Override  protectedvoid onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);    exampleTwo();  }   privatevoid exampleTwo() {    newMyThread().start();  }   privatestatic class MyThread extends Thread {    @Override    publicvoid run() {      while(true) {        SystemClock.sleep(1000);      }    }  }}



在提到的第二个问题中,一旦一个新的Activity创建,那么就有一个Thread永远得不到清理回收,发生内存泄漏。Threads在Java中是GC roots;意味着Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) 会为所有活跃的threads在运行时系统中保持一个硬引用,这会导致threads一直处于运行状态,垃圾收集器将永远不可能回收它。出于这个原因,我们应当为threads添加一个结束的逻辑,如下代码所示

/** * Same as example two, except for this time we have implemented a * cancellation policy for our thread, ensuring that it is never * leaked! onDestroy() is usually a good place to close your active * threads before exiting the Activity. */publicclass MainActivity extends Activity {  privateMyThread mThread;   @Override  protectedvoid onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);    exampleThree();  }   privatevoid exampleThree() {    mThread = new MyThread();    mThread.start();  }   /**   * Static inner classes don't hold implicit references to their   * enclosing class, so the Activity instance won't be leaked across   * configuration changes.   */  privatestatic class MyThread extends Thread {    privateboolean mRunning = false;     @Override    publicvoid run() {      mRunning = true;      while(mRunning) {        SystemClock.sleep(1000);      }    }     publicvoid close() {      mRunning = false;    }  }   @Override  protectedvoid onDestroy() {    super.onDestroy();    mThread.close();  }}

在上述的代码中,当Activity结束销毁时在onDestroy()方法中结束了新创建的线程,保证了thread不会发生泄漏。但是如果你想在手机配置发生改变时保持原有的线程而不重新创建的话,你可以考虑使用fragment来保留原有的线程,以备下一次使用具体做法可以参考我之前的一篇文章,关于这方面 APIdemos  中也做了相关的实现。 




     2、不要以为Java永远会帮你清理回收正在运行的threads.在上面的代码中,我们很容易误以为当Activity结束销毁时会帮我们把正在运行的thread也结束回收掉,但事情永远不是这样的!Java threads会一直存在,只有当线程运行完成或被杀死掉,线程才会被回收。所以我们应该养成为thread设置退出逻辑条件的习惯。

