Php junkies(2)

来源:互联网 发布:免费会计核算软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 18:28

Strings (Edit)

n    Accessing Individual Characters

Ø     Strlen

Ø     String is an array


n    Cleaning Strings

Ø     Removing Whitespace

     trim() ltrim() rtrim()

n    Changing Case

Ø     Strtolower() strtoupper()

Ø     Ucfirst() ucwords()


Strings (Encoding & Escaping)

n       HTML

Ø       Htmlentities()

    EnT_COMPAT (the default) only double quotes

    ENT_QUOTES  both types of quotes

    ENT_NOQUOTES  only single quotes

Ø       Htmlspecialchars() only html syntax character

Ø       Removing HTML Tags


Ø       Extracting meta tags

      get_meta_tags()      keyword, author,description, etc


n       URLs

Ø       RFC

     rawurlencode() rawurldecode()  %20

Ø       Query-string encoding

      urlencode() urldecode()   as plus(+)  do not process current query string or cookies, use to generate

n       SQL

Ø       Addslashes()

Ø       Stripslashes()

n       C-string encoding  use different database

Ø       Addcslashes()

Ø       Stripcslashes()



Strings (Comparing strings)

n    Exact

Ø     == 


n    Approximate Equality

Ø     Soundex()

Ø     Meaphone()

Ø     Similar_text()

Ø     Levenshtein()



Strings (Manipulating and search Strings)

n      Substrings

Ø      Substr()


n      Miscellaneous string functions

Ø      Strrev() reversed

Ø      Str_repeat

Ø      Str_pad


n       Decomposing s string

Ø      Explode() return an array

Ø      Implode() from an array

Ø      Strtok()

Ø      Sscanf() return an array, like printf

n      Search

Ø      strpos()

Ø      strstr() return rest of string; strisstr() case-insensitive  strrchr() last occurrence

Ø      Strspn()

Ø      Parse_url()  return an array


Strings (Regular Expressions)

n    Ignored


Arrays (Overview)

n     Index versus associative

Ø      Key => value

Ø      Single quote


n     Adding values to the End of Array

Ø      $array[] = “value”  append the value to a array

Ø      Associative array has no this way

n      Getting the Size of an Array

Ø      Count()

Ø      Sizeof()

n     Padding an Array

Ø      $array_pad($array,minvalue, initial value)

    the second parameter can be a negative value


Arrays (Extracting Multiple Values)

n      list

Ø      List($m,$n,$o) = $array

Ø      List($m,$n,,$o) = $array


n      Slicing an Array

Ø      Array_slice($array, $begin, $length)  from 0

n      Splitting an Array into Chunks

Ø      Array_chunk($array, $size, optional) 

      one dimensional to two dimensional array

n     Keys and Values

Ø      $array_of_values()

Ø      $array_of_keys()

n     Checking Whether an Elment Exists

Ø      $array_key_exists($key,$array)

n     Removing and Inserting Elements in an Array

Ø      $array_splice($array, start, length, replacement )



Arrays (Converting Between Arrays and Variables)

n   Creating Vaiables from an Array

Ø    Extract($array, ExTR_PREFIX_ALL, $prefix)


n   Creating an Array from Variables

Ø    Compact($variable…) associative array



Arrays (Traversing Arrays)

n      The foreach Construct

Ø       Foreach( $array as $value)

Ø       Foreach( $array as $key=>value)


n      The Iterator Functions

Ø       Current()

Ø       Reset()

Ø       Next()

Ø       Prev()

Ø       End()

Ø       Each()

Ø       Key()

n      Using for loop

Ø       For()

n      Calling a function for Each Array Element

Ø       Array_walk($array, function_name)

n      Reducing an Array

Ø       Array_reduce()

n      Searching an array

Ø       In_array()








Arrays (Sorting)

n     Sorting One Array at a Time

Ø      Sort() rsort() usort()    new from 0

Ø      Asort() arsort() uasort()

Ø      Ksort() krsort() uksort()

n     Natural-Order Sorting

Ø      Nassort()

Ø      Natcasesort()

n     Sorting Multiple Arrays at Once

Ø      Array_multisort()

n     Reversing Arrays

Ø      Array_reverse()

Ø      Array_flip()  keys

n     Randomizing Order

Ø      Shuffle()








Arrays (Acting on entire arrays)

n      Calculating the Sum of Array

Ø      Array_sum()

n      Merging Two Arrays

Ø      Array_merge()

    same key, the earlier value is replaced by the later value

n      Filtering Elements from an Array

Ø      array_filter( $array, callback)

 each value is passed to the function, true is return, keys are preserved

n      Sets

Ø      Array_unique()


n      Stacks

Ø      Array_push()

Ø      Array_pop()

Ø      Array_shift()

Ø      Array_unshift()
