HttpClient和HttpGet 设置参数的优先级

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝这个行业 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 00:14


private DefaultHttpClient createHttpClient() { //代码1        ThreadSafeClientConnManager connectMag = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager();        ...        client = new DefaultHttpClient(connectMag);        client.getParams().setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.USER_AGENT,                "...");        client.getParams().setIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT,                2000);        client.getParams().setIntParameter(                CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 1000);        return client;    }


httpGet.getParams().setIntParameter(                    CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, 5000);            httpGet.getParams().setIntParameter(                    CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 5000);httpclient.execute(httpGet, new BasicResponseHandler());


仔细查看代码,发现httpclient.execute最终调用了以下代码,创建了RequestDirector director,在创建director中通过determineParams(request))函数设置了参数。

public final HttpResponse execute(HttpHost target, HttpRequest request,                                      HttpContext context)        throws IOException, ClientProtocolException {        if (request == null) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException                ("Request must not be null.");        }        // a null target may be acceptable, this depends on the route planner        // a null context is acceptable, default context created below        HttpContext execContext = null;        RequestDirector director = null;        // Initialize the request execution context making copies of        // all shared objects that are potentially threading unsafe.        synchronized (this) {            HttpContext defaultContext = createHttpContext();            if (context == null) {                execContext = defaultContext;            } else {                execContext = new DefaultedHttpContext(context, defaultContext);            }            // Create a director for this request            director = createClientRequestDirector(                    getRequestExecutor(),                    getConnectionManager(),                    getConnectionReuseStrategy(),                    getConnectionKeepAliveStrategy(),                    getRoutePlanner(),                    getProtocolProcessor(),                    getHttpRequestRetryHandler(),                    getRedirectStrategy(),                    getTargetAuthenticationHandler(),                    getProxyAuthenticationHandler(),                    getUserTokenHandler(),                    determineParams(request)); //设置了参数        }        try {            return director.execute(target, request, execContext);        } catch(HttpException httpException) {            throw new ClientProtocolException(httpException);        }    }

那determineParams(request))函数干了什么呢?其实是创建了个HttpParams,也就是ClientParamsStack(ClientParamsStack extends AbstractHttpParams,而AbstractHttpParams implements HttpParams)。

ClientParamsStack拿来干什么用的呢?Represents a stack of parameter collections. When retrieving a parameter, the stack is searched in a fixed order and the first match returned. Setting parameters via the stack is not supported. To minimize overhead, the stack has a fixed size and does not maintain an internal array. The supported stack entries, sorted by increasing priority (摘自:

    上面大意是:ClientParamsStack是个参数栈,这个参数栈里有四个参数,参数优先级是越来越高的,i.e. applicationParams < clientParams < requestParams < overrideParams,从这里可以看出requestParams优先级比clientParams高(在本例中,requestParams是从HttpGet设置的,而clientParams是HttpClient设置的),也就是说当HttpGet和HttpClient同时设置了超时时,以HttpGet设置的为准!

    protected HttpParams determineParams(HttpRequest req) {        return new ClientParamsStack            (null, getParams(), req.getParams(), null);    }

    public ClientParamsStack(HttpParams aparams, HttpParams cparams,                             HttpParams rparams, HttpParams oparams) {        applicationParams = aparams;        clientParams      = cparams;        requestParams     = rparams;        overrideParams    = oparams;    }


    public Object getParameter(String name) {        if (name == null) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException                ("Parameter name must not be null.");        }        Object result = null;        if (overrideParams != null) {            result = overrideParams.getParameter(name);        }        if ((result == null) && (requestParams != null)) {            result = requestParams.getParameter(name);        }        if ((result == null) && (clientParams != null)) {            result = clientParams.getParameter(name);        }        if ((result == null) && (applicationParams != null)) {            result = applicationParams.getParameter(name);        }        return result;    }
