Contest chair of English humor speech contest-2013-8-30

来源:互联网 发布:大学宿舍网络怎么样 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 08:32


1.      赛前抽签(准备好写有序号的纸条,揉成团)

2.      开场,制造气氛,引出contest

3.      宣告比赛规则

a)        有效性

b)       前两名晋级

c)        时间规则:少于4.5 超过7.5将会被判无效演讲。Timer会在5分钟举绿牌并持续到下一分钟,6分钟举黄牌并持续到下一分钟,7分钟举红牌并持续到演讲结束,超过7.5不会有任何提醒。比赛结束会宣布有没有参赛者超时,并不宣布其姓名

d)       演讲区域

e)        参赛者演讲期间,关闭手机或静音,禁止拍照

4.      简要介绍职能人员(timer, chief judge, ballots counter, saa)(提前与他们沟通:介绍到他们时起立向观众示意)

5.      按抽签顺序介绍所有参赛人

6.      比赛开始

a)        介绍第一个参赛者(姓名,演讲题目;演讲题目,姓名)

b)       参赛者演讲完毕,宣布静默一分钟(裁判评分)

c)        重复以上过程,直到所有参赛者完成演讲

7.      静默直到评分表收集完毕,chief judge和counter离场

8.      采访环节

a)        按演讲顺序采访每位参赛者

b)       颁发参赛证书

c)        所有参赛人员合影

d)       总结(比赛结果统一在会议结束前公布,敬请期待!)


1.      宣布比赛结果

e)        拿到比赛结果,并强调是否还有人对参赛者本身有异议

f)        宣布有没有人超时

g)       宣布比赛结果,并给获奖者颁奖

                       i.             宣布第3名

                     ii.             宣布第2名

                   iii.             宣布第1名

2.      感谢所有所有为(英文幽默演讲)比赛做出贡献的人以及所有观众



Anyone who shouldcome has already been here. So has the one who shouldn’t be, who is he? It’sme.

Why me? Maybe, because I will stand a good chance(很有可能) of stealing the show(抢风头) from the contestants. Therefore,I tried to keep a low profile(保持低调).

However, as the contest chair, I have toshow up on the stage. But I will limit myself not to be too humorous. This isone of the basic rules of being a man of me. Don’t always be too outstanding.

Guys, have you had such experiences asfollowing?

Professional and valuable sharing does notalways make sense to others, nevertheless(然而), things described with easy and funny sentences wouldbeat all(意想不到).

What’s the biggestdifference between the two?   Humor, Ithink.

In our daily life, we like humorous peoplesince the communication is casual and full of fun, but not serious and theoretic[ˌθɪə'retɪk]理论上的,空谈的 things, so dospeeches. Thus, our excellent contestants, lets shin the little eyes of theaudience with your wonderful humorous performance.



Before the English humor speech contestbegins, I would like to talk about the rules.

First, please haveyour mobile phone turned off or to vibration;

Second, no photos during the contest.

Third, the speaking area for this contest iswithin the whole stage.

Forth, the timing rule.
English humor speeches shall be from five to seven minutes. A contestant willbe disqualified if the speech is less than four minutes 30 seconds or more thanseven minutes 30 seconds.

During every speech of the contestants, thetimer will show the timing card:

A green card will be displayed at fiveminutes and remain displayed for one minute.

A yellow card will be displayed at sixminutes and remain displayed for one minute.

A red card will be displayed at sevenminutes and will remain on until the conclusion of the speech.

 Attention please, no signal shall begiven for the overtime period.


The contestants’ order is asfollowing:







There will be one minute of silence betweenspeeches, during which the judges will mark their ballots. Timer, please signalme with the red card when one minute is up.


I will call the contestant’s name first,and when the contestant comes to stage, I hope allthe audiences give them a big round of applause. After that, I will introduce each contestant byannouncing the contestant’s name, speech title, speech title, and contestant’sname.


Before announcing the results, I willannounce if time disqualifications occurred, but not name the contestantsinvolved.



Ok, are you ready? Pls speak louder, Areyou ready? Let’s begin:

Contestant No.1: *** (A big applause)

One minute silence.

Contestant No.2: *** (A big applause)


Contestant (the last one)

Please be silent until chief judge andtally counters leave the meeting room.


Next,it’s time for interview.

Every contestant, please come to the stage

What’s your feeling now? Is there anyoneyou want to thank?

Now it’s the freequestion time.  Do you have any questionsfor our outstanding contestants?

Granting certification颁发证书

Take group photo



Dear all, haveyou had a wonderful time here ? Have you enjoyed the contest? If you have notenjoyed the contest, come to me after the meeting, I will give you a special speechprivately.

Apart from thehumor contest, I hope everyone would have a happy life, not only excellentspeeches. Thanks, lets have 12mins break.




Distinguished members and guests, herecomes the holy moment of our contest.

Before the awarding ceremony, according tothe rules of Toastmasters, I have to confirm the following things.

First, is there any judge or contestant hasany protest for each contestant?

Second, (((is there anyone overuse time?)))

Lets welcome our president Jill to awardthe winners.

Who wined the third place?

Who wined the second place?

Who wined the first place?



Thank all the contestants, judges, functionroles. Without you we cannot have such successful contest. Thank all theaudience. Without you, our contest would not be so gorgeous. Thank you all.


1. 在采访环节,说太多‘OK’,如果要做transfer,请换做其他更自然、贴切的语言

2. 控场能力和决策能力较弱:

1)没有在1min silence期间为晚来的观众开门

2)没有主要到投影会照射到参赛者,有可能会影响他们的发挥(Jacky W有示意,但是自己没搞明白;Jill早就想到了,每次到选手上台就用遥控PPT的设备关掉投影灯光)



3. 主持时,有时候会不自然的笑。是一种不自信的表现。这个问题一直有,不过已经在慢慢改善了

4. 整体来看,主持的比较流畅。特别是采访环节,能根据选手现场表现,临时提问,并且幽默搞笑,将会议推向高潮。