
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝企业店铺服务费 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 00:48

OpenTSDB is a distributed, scalable Time Series Database(TSDB) written on top ofHBase.OpenTSDB was written to address a common need: store, index and serve metrics collected from computer systems (network gear, operating systems,applications) at a large scale, and make this data easily accessible and graphable.

OpenTSDB 是一个给予HBase的分布式、可伸缩的时间序列数据库。开发OpenTSDB是为了满足如下通用的需求:为大规模的计算机系统(如网络设备,操作系统和应用),存储收集的数据,建立索引以及提供metrics,并让数据变得容易获得和可图形化展示。

Thanks to HBase's scalability, OpenTSDB allows you to collect manythousands of metrics from thousands of hosts and applications, at ahigh rate (every few seconds). OpenTSDB will never delete or downsample dataand can easily store billions of data points. As a matter of fact,StumbleUpon uses it to keep track ofhundred of thousands of time series and collects over 1 billion datapoints per day in their main production datacenter. Other sites such asBox orTumblr are pushing tens of billions ofdata points per day.

Imagine having the ability to quickly plot a graph showing the number ofDELETE statements going to your MySQL database along with thenumber of slow queries and temporary files created, and correlate this withthe 99th percentile of your service's latency. OpenTSDB makes generating suchgraphs on the fly a trivial operation, while manipulating millions ofdata point for veryfine grained, real-time monitoring.
