Install Oracle SQL Developer in Ubuntu

来源:互联网 发布:floyd 算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 18:18

Oracle is one of the most important relational database implemented both in big and small corporations. This is a beginner tutorial that will walk you through common debugging techniques and tips in Oracle using SQL Developer.

Tip: There are a lot of debugging tools that are available for Oracle but one of the simplest is the one developed by Oracle Corporation itself – the Oracle SQL developer. The good thing is that this tool is free to use. Below are the steps to install Oracle SQL Developer in Ubuntu:

1.) Go to Applications – Ubuntu Software Center. In the search box, type Oracle SQL Developer.

2.) You should see a package named “Oracle SQL Developer Debian package builder.” Go ahead and install it. Type your Linux root password to proceed. Wait until it is completely installed on your system.

3.)Go to this page: . And then select “Accept License Agreement”.

4.) Scroll down until you see “Oracle SQL Developer for other platforms”. Click that link. You will then be required to login to your Oracle account.

5.) After logging in, you can start to download the zip file. Download it to your Ubuntu Downloads folder. Oracle SQL developer is not only helpful for troubleshooting PL/SQL procedures but it is an IDE, which means you can use it for developing Oracle applications.


6.) After downloading the zip file (which is around 147MB), the default download path will be: /home/your_ubuntu_username/Downloads

You are now ready to install Oracle SQL developer. Login as root in the terminal:

codex-m@codex-m-desktop:~$ sudo -s -H
[sudo] password for codex-m:

7.) Install tofrodos package:

root@codex-m-desktop:/home/codex-m# sudo apt-get install tofrodos

8.) Create symbolic links:

root@codex-m-desktop:/home/codex-m# sudo ln -s /usr/bin/fromdos /usr/bin/dos2unix

Then after that:

root@codex-m-desktop:/home/codex-m# sudo ln -s /usr/bin/todos /usr/bin/unix2dos

9.) The download file is a zip package ( but the Ubuntu installer should be a Debian package. So convert the zip file to .deb:

root@codex-m-desktop:/home/codex-m# make-sqldeveloper-package -b /tmp/ORACLE/ /home/codex-m/Downloads/

Note: It will create a temporary folder /tmp/ORACLE for the conversion process. Make sure the path to the downloaded zip file is correct. After pressing enter you will see:

make-sqldeveloper-package: Building sqldeveloper package in "/home/codex-m".


sudo patch /usr/bin/make-sqldeveloper-package < ~/sqldeveloper-magic.diff
sudo apt-get install debhelper】


10.) Go to your home folder (e.g. /home/codex-m). Get the converted file name (e.g. sqldeveloper_3.0.04.34+0.2.3-1_all.deb). Finally execute the debian package and this will install the Oracle SQL developer:

root@codex-m-desktop:/home/codex-m# sudo dpkg -i sqldeveloper_3.0.04.34+0.2.3-1_all.deb

11.) In the command prompt as a root. Install Java OpenJDK (required):

root@codex-m-desktop:/home/codex-m# sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk

12.) Locate the path of your newly installed openjdk package. By default you can find it in this path: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk

Confirm if it is correct.


13.) 在搜索中输入sql,找到sql Developer,运行即可。
