
来源:互联网 发布:表单令牌的作用 php 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 12:31



<?php/** * SMTP邮件操作类 * * @version        $Id: mail.class.php 1 15:59 2010年7月5日Z tianya $ * @package        DedeCMS.Libraries * @copyright      Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, DesDev, Inc. * @license        http://help.dedecms.com/usersguide/license.html * @link           http://www.dedecms.com */class smtp{    // 公有变量    var $smtp_port;    var $time_out;    var $host_name;    var $log_file;    var $relay_host;    var $debug;    var $auth;    var $user;    var $pass;    // 私有变量    var $sock;    // 析构函数    function smtp($relay_host = "", $smtp_port = 25,$auth = FALSE,$user,$pass)    {        $this->debug = FALSE;        $this->smtp_port = $smtp_port;        $this->relay_host = $relay_host;        //is used in fsockopen()        $this->time_out = 30;        #        $this->auth = $auth;//auth        $this->user = $user;        $this->pass = $pass;        #        //is used in HELO command        $this->host_name = "localhost";        $this->log_file = "";        $this->sock = FALSE;    }    /**     *  邮件主函数     *     * @access    public     * @param     string  $to  发送到的email     * @param     string  $webname  站点名称     * @param     string  $from  来自     * @param     string  $subject  主题     * @param     string  $body  邮件内容     * @param     string  $mailtype  邮件类型     * @return    string     */    function sendmail($to,$webname, $from, $subject = "", $body = "", $mailtype, $cc = "", $bcc = "", $additional_headers = "")    {        $mail_from = $this->get_address($this->strip_comment($from));        $body = preg_replace("/(^|(\r\n))(\.)/", "\1.\3", $body);        $header = "MIME-Version:1.0\r\n";        if($mailtype=="HTML")        {            $header .= "Content-Type:text/html\r\n";        }        if ($cc != "")        {            $header .= "Cc: ".$cc."\r\n";        }                $header .= "From: $webname<".$from.">\r\n";        $subject  = "=?UTF-8?B?".base64_encode($subject)."?=";        $header .= "Subject: ".$subject."\r\n";        $header .= $additional_headers;        $header .= "Date: ".date("r")."\r\n";        $header .= "X-Mailer:By Redhat (PHP/".phpversion().")\r\n";        list($msec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());        $header .= "Message-ID: <".date("YmdHis", $sec).".".($msec*1000000).".".$mail_from.">\r\n";        $TO = explode(",", $this->strip_comment($to));        if ($cc != "")        {            $TO = array_merge($TO, explode(",", $this->strip_comment($cc)));        }        if ($bcc != "")        {            $TO = array_merge($TO, explode(",", $this->strip_comment($bcc)));        }        $sent = TRUE;        foreach ($TO as $rcpt_to)        {            $headerto= "To: ".$rcpt_to."\r\n";            $headerall=$header.$headerto;            $rcpt_to = $this->get_address($rcpt_to);            if (!$this->smtp_sockopen($rcpt_to))            {                $this->log_write("Error: Cannot send email to ".$rcpt_to."\n");                $sent = FALSE;                continue;            }            if ($this->smtp_send($this->host_name, $mail_from, $rcpt_to, $headerall, $body))            {                $this->log_write("E-mail has been sent to <".$rcpt_to.">\n");            }            else            {                $this->log_write("Error: Cannot send email to <".$rcpt_to.">\n");                $sent = FALSE;            }            fclose($this->sock);            $this->log_write("Disconnected from remote host\n");        }        return $sent;    }    /**     *  SMTP发送     *     * @access    public     * @param     string  $helo  发送HELO     * @param     string  $from  来自     * @param     string  $to  到     * @param     string  $header  头部信息     * @param     string  $body   内容主体     * @return    string     */    function smtp_send($helo, $from, $to, $header, $body = "")    {        if (!$this->smtp_putcmd("HELO", $helo))        {            return $this->smtp_error("sending HELO command");        }        #auth        if($this->auth)        {            if (!$this->smtp_putcmd("AUTH LOGIN", base64_encode($this->user)))            {                return $this->smtp_error("sending HELO command");            }            if (!$this->smtp_putcmd("", base64_encode($this->pass)))            {                return $this->smtp_error("sending HELO command");            }        }        #        if (!$this->smtp_putcmd("MAIL", "FROM:<".$from.">"))        {            return $this->smtp_error("sending MAIL FROM command");        }        if (!$this->smtp_putcmd("RCPT", "TO:<".$to.">"))        {            return $this->smtp_error("sending RCPT TO command");        }        if (!$this->smtp_putcmd("DATA"))        {            return $this->smtp_error("sending DATA command");        }        if (!$this->smtp_message($header, $body))        {            return $this->smtp_error("sending message");        }        if (!$this->smtp_eom())        {            return $this->smtp_error("sending <CR><LF>.<CR><LF> [EOM]");        }        if (!$this->smtp_putcmd("QUIT"))        {            return $this->smtp_error("sending QUIT command");        }        return TRUE;    }    function smtp_sockopen($address)    {        if ($this->relay_host == "")        {            return $this->smtp_sockopen_mx($address);        }        else        {            return $this->smtp_sockopen_relay();        }    }    function smtp_sockopen_relay()    {        $this->log_write("Trying to ".$this->relay_host.":".$this->smtp_port."\n");        $this->sock = @fsockopen($this->relay_host, $this->smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, $this->time_out);        if (!($this->sock && $this->smtp_ok()))        {            $this->log_write("Error: Cannot connenct to relay host ".$this->relay_host."\n");            $this->log_write("Error: ".$errstr." (".$errno.")\n");            return FALSE;        }        $this->log_write("Connected to relay host ".$this->relay_host."\n");        return TRUE;;    }    function smtp_sockopen_mx($address)    {        $domain = preg_replace("/^.+@([^@]+)$/i", "\1", $address);        if (!@getmxrr($domain, $MXHOSTS))        {            $this->log_write("Error: Cannot resolve MX \"".$domain."\"\n");            return FALSE;        }        foreach ($MXHOSTS as $host)        {            $this->log_write("Trying to ".$host.":".$this->smtp_port."\n");            $this->sock = @fsockopen($host, $this->smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, $this->time_out);            if (!($this->sock && $this->smtp_ok()))            {                $this->log_write("Warning: Cannot connect to mx host ".$host."\n");                $this->log_write("Error: ".$errstr." (".$errno.")\n");                continue;            }            $this->log_write("Connected to mx host ".$host."\n");            return TRUE;        }        $this->log_write("Error: Cannot connect to any mx hosts (".implode(", ", $MXHOSTS).")\n");        return FALSE;    }    function smtp_message($header, $body)    {        fputs($this->sock, $header."\r\n".$body);        $this->smtp_debug("> ".str_replace("\r\n", "\n"."> ", $header."\n> ".$body."\n> "));        return TRUE;    }    function smtp_eom()    {        fputs($this->sock, "\r\n.\r\n");        $this->smtp_debug(". [EOM]\n");        return $this->smtp_ok();    }    function smtp_ok()    {        $response = str_replace("\r\n", "", fgets($this->sock, 512));        $this->smtp_debug($response."\n");        if (!preg_match("#^[23]#", $response))        {            fputs($this->sock, "QUIT\r\n");            fgets($this->sock, 512);            $this->log_write("Error: Remote host returned \"".$response."\"\n");            return FALSE;        }        return TRUE;    }    function smtp_putcmd($cmd, $arg = "")    {        if ($arg != "")        {            if($cmd=="")            {                $cmd = $arg;            }            else            {                $cmd = $cmd." ".$arg;            }        }        fputs($this->sock, $cmd."\r\n");        $this->smtp_debug("> ".$cmd."\n");        return $this->smtp_ok();    }    function smtp_error($string)    {        $this->log_write("Error: Error occurred while ".$string.".\n");        return FALSE;    }    function log_write($message)    {        $this->smtp_debug($message);        if ($this->log_file == "")        {            return TRUE;        }        $message = date("M d H:i:s ").get_current_user()."[".getmypid()."]: ".$message;        if (!@file_exists($this->log_file) || !($fp = @fopen($this->log_file, "a")))        {            $this->smtp_debug("Warning: Cannot open log file \"".$this->log_file."\"\n");            return FALSE;;        }        flock($fp, LOCK_EX);        fputs($fp, $message);        fclose($fp);        return TRUE;    }    function strip_comment($address)    {        $comment = "#\([^()]*\)#";        while (preg_match($comment, $address))        {            $address = preg_replace($comment, "", $address);        }        return $address;    }    function get_address($address)    {        $address = preg_replace("#([ \t\r\n])+#", "", $address);        $address = preg_replace("#^.*<(.+)>.*$#", "\1", $address);        return $address;    }    function smtp_debug($message)    {        if ($this->debug)        {            echo $message;        }    }}//End Class


<?php/** *  * Enter description here ... * @author Administrator * */class MailAction extends BaseAction {function __construct(){//parent::__construct("User","User"); /* * 邮件发送 * @param string $to 收件人邮箱,多个邮箱用,分开 * @param string $title 标题 * @param string $content 内容 */function email($to,$title,$content){import("ORG.Util.Mail");       //导入邮件类,在附件里面//邮件相关变量$cfg_smtp_server = 'smtp.qq.com';$cfg_ask_guestview = '8';$cfg_smtp_port = '25';$cfg_ask_guestanswer = '8';$cfg_smtp_usermail = '12345@qq.com';//你的QQ邮箱$cfg_smtp_user = '12345';//你的QQ号$cfg_smtp_password = '12345';//你的QQ密码$smtp = new smtp($cfg_smtp_server,$cfg_smtp_port,true,$cfg_smtp_usermail,$cfg_smtp_password);$smtp->debug = false;$mailtitle=$title;//邮件标题$mailbody=$content;//邮件内容 //$to 多个邮箱用,分隔$mailtype='TXT';$smtp->sendmail($to,$cfg_webname,$cfg_smtp_usermail, $mailtitle, $mailbody, $mailtype);}}public function index(){email("ceshi@qq.com","stmp邮件服务器发送测试","stmp邮件服务器发送测试");if($_POST)    {z(email("ceshi@qq.com","stmp邮件服务器发送测试","stmp邮件服务器发送测试"));$this->success("发送成功");}$this->display();}}
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