Opencv MeanShif 代码分析

来源:互联网 发布:巨人网络策划笔试题 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 11:45
#include "_cv.h"/*F/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    Name:    cvMeanShift//    Purpose: MeanShift algorithm//    Context://    Parameters://      imgProb     - 2D object probability distribution//      windowIn    - CvRect of CAMSHIFT Window intial size//      numIters    - If CAMSHIFT iterates this many times, stop//      windowOut   - Location, height and width of converged CAMSHIFT window//      len         - If != NULL, return equivalent len//      width       - If != NULL, return equivalent width//      itersUsed   - Returns number of iterations CAMSHIFT took to converge//    Returns://      The function itself returns the area found//    Notes://F*/CV_IMPL intcvMeanShift( const void* imgProb, CvRect windowIn,             CvTermCriteria criteria, CvConnectedComp* comp ){    //CvMoments用来计算矩形的重心,面积等形状特征    CvMoments moments;    int    i = 0, eps;    CvMat  stub, *mat = (CvMat*)imgProb;    CvMat  cur_win;    CvRect cur_rect = windowIn;    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvMeanShift" );    //初始化跟踪窗口    if( comp )        comp->rect = windowIn;    //把0阶矩和1阶矩先初始化置零    moments.m00 = moments.m10 = moments.m01 = 0;    __BEGIN__;    CV_CALL( mat = cvGetMat( mat, &stub ));    //各种输入变量不符合要求时显示错误信息    if( CV_MAT_CN( mat->type ) > 1 )        CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels, cvUnsupportedFormat );    if( windowIn.height <= 0 || windowIn.width <= 0 )        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Input window has non-positive sizes" );    if( windowIn.x < 0 || windowIn.x + windowIn.width > mat->cols ||        windowIn.y < 0 || windowIn.y + windowIn.height > mat->rows )        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Initial window is not inside the image ROI" );    //迭代的标准,精度=1.0,迭代次数=100    CV_CALL( criteria = cvCheckTermCriteria( criteria, 1., 100 ));    //精度eps=1    eps = cvRound( criteria.epsilon * criteria.epsilon );    //最大循环次数=最大迭代次数criteria.max_iter=100    for( i = 0; i < criteria.max_iter; i++ )    {        int dx, dy, nx, ny;        double inv_m00;        //选取搜索区域,对该矩形区域计算它的0,1阶矩        CV_CALL( cvGetSubRect( mat, &cur_win, cur_rect ));         CV_CALL( cvMoments( &cur_win, &moments ));        /* Calculating center of mass */        if( fabs(moments.m00) < DBL_EPSILON )            break;        //搜索区域的质量m00        inv_m00 = moments.inv_sqrt_m00*moments.inv_sqrt_m00;        //搜索区域的水平重心偏移dx        dx = cvRound( moments.m10 * inv_m00 - windowIn.width*0.5 );        //搜索区域的垂直重心偏移dy        dy = cvRound( moments.m01 * inv_m00 - windowIn.height*0.5 );        //搜索区域的重心坐标(nx,ny)        nx = cur_rect.x + dx;        ny = cur_rect.y + dy;        //跟踪目标处于图像边缘时进行一些相应的处理        if( nx < 0 )            nx = 0;        else if( nx + cur_rect.width > mat->cols )            nx = mat->cols - cur_rect.width;        if( ny < 0 )            ny = 0;        else if( ny + cur_rect.height > mat->rows )            ny = mat->rows - cur_rect.height;        dx = nx - cur_rect.x;        dy = ny - cur_rect.y;        cur_rect.x = nx;        cur_rect.y = ny;        /* Check for coverage centers mass & window */        //精度达到要求时即可退出循环        if( dx*dx + dy*dy < eps )            break;    }    __END__;    //对meanshift函数的返回值赋值    //comp->rect是收敛后窗口位置,comp->area是最终窗口中所有像素点的和    if( comp )    {        comp->rect = cur_rect;        comp->area = (float)moments.m00;    }    return i;}/*F/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    Name:    cvCamShift//    Purpose: CAMSHIFT algorithm//    Context://    Parameters://      imgProb     - 2D object probability distribution//      windowIn    - CvRect of CAMSHIFT Window intial size//      criteria    - criteria of stop finding window//      windowOut   - Location, height and width of converged CAMSHIFT window//      orientation - If != NULL, return distribution orientation//      len         - If != NULL, return equivalent len//      width       - If != NULL, return equivalent width//      area        - sum of all elements in result window//      itersUsed   - Returns number of iterations CAMSHIFT took to converge//    Returns://      The function itself returns the area found//    Notes://F*/CV_IMPL intcvCamShift( const void* imgProb, CvRect windowIn,            CvTermCriteria criteria,            CvConnectedComp* _comp,            CvBox2D* box ){    const int TOLERANCE = 10;    CvMoments moments;    double m00 = 0, m10, m01, mu20, mu11, mu02, inv_m00;    double a, b, c, xc, yc;    double rotate_a, rotate_c;    double theta = 0, square;    double cs, sn;    double length = 0, width = 0;    int itersUsed = 0;    CvConnectedComp comp;    CvMat  cur_win, stub, *mat = (CvMat*)imgProb;    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvCamShift" );    comp.rect = windowIn;    __BEGIN__;    CV_CALL( mat = cvGetMat( mat, &stub ));    //调用cvMeanShift函数    CV_CALL( itersUsed = cvMeanShift( mat, windowIn, criteria, &comp ));    windowIn = comp.rect;    //对边界情况进行处理    windowIn.x -= TOLERANCE;    if( windowIn.x < 0 )        windowIn.x = 0;    windowIn.y -= TOLERANCE;    if( windowIn.y < 0 )        windowIn.y = 0;    windowIn.width += 2 * TOLERANCE;    if( windowIn.x + windowIn.width > mat->width )        windowIn.width = mat->width - windowIn.x;    windowIn.height += 2 * TOLERANCE;    if( windowIn.y + windowIn.height > mat->height )        windowIn.height = mat->height - windowIn.y;    CV_CALL( cvGetSubRect( mat, &cur_win, windowIn ));    /* Calculating moments in new center mass */    //计算新中心处的颜色统计矩    CV_CALL( cvMoments( &cur_win, &moments ));    m00 = moments.m00; //0阶    m10 = moments.m10; //水平1阶    m01 = moments.m01; //垂直1阶    mu11 = moments.mu11; //水平垂直2阶    mu20 = moments.mu20; //水平2阶    mu02 = moments.mu02; //垂直2阶    //目标矩形的质量太小了就退出    if( fabs(m00) < DBL_EPSILON )        EXIT;    //质量的倒数,只是为了下面计算方便,可以把除法表示成乘法    inv_m00 = 1. / m00;    xc = cvRound( m10 * inv_m00 + windowIn.x );    yc = cvRound( m01 * inv_m00 + windowIn.y );    a = mu20 * inv_m00;    b = mu11 * inv_m00;    c = mu02 * inv_m00;    /* Calculating width & height */    square = sqrt( 4 * b * b + (a - c) * (a - c) );    /* Calculating orientation */    //计算目标主轴方向角度    theta = atan2( 2 * b, a - c + square );    /* Calculating width & length of figure */    cs = cos( theta );    sn = sin( theta );    rotate_a = cs * cs * mu20 + 2 * cs * sn * mu11 + sn * sn * mu02;    rotate_c = sn * sn * mu20 - 2 * cs * sn * mu11 + cs * cs * mu02;    //下次搜索窗口的长宽    length = sqrt( rotate_a * inv_m00 ) * 4;    width = sqrt( rotate_c * inv_m00 ) * 4;    /* In case, when theta is 0 or 1.57... the Length & Width may be exchanged */    if( length < width )    {        double t;                CV_SWAP( length, width, t );        CV_SWAP( cs, sn, t );        theta = CV_PI*0.5 - theta;    }    /* Saving results */    if( _comp || box )    {        int t0, t1;        int _xc = cvRound( xc );        int _yc = cvRound( yc );        t0 = cvRound( fabs( length * cs ));        t1 = cvRound( fabs( width * sn ));        t0 = MAX( t0, t1 ) + 2;        comp.rect.width = MIN( t0, (mat->width - _xc) * 2 );        t0 = cvRound( fabs( length * sn ));        t1 = cvRound( fabs( width * cs ));        t0 = MAX( t0, t1 ) + 2;        comp.rect.height = MIN( t0, (mat->height - _yc) * 2 );        comp.rect.x = MAX( 0, _xc - comp.rect.width / 2 );        comp.rect.y = MAX( 0, _yc - comp.rect.height / 2 );        comp.rect.width = MIN( mat->width - comp.rect.x, comp.rect.width );        comp.rect.height = MIN( mat->height - comp.rect.y, comp.rect.height );        comp.area = (float) m00;    }    __END__;    if( _comp )        *_comp = comp;        if( box )    {        box->size.height = (float)length;        box->size.width = (float)width;        box->angle = (float)(theta*180./CV_PI);        box->center = cvPoint2D32f( comp.rect.x + comp.rect.width*0.5f,                                    comp.rect.y + comp.rect.height*0.5f);    }    return itersUsed;}/* End of file. */
