来源:互联网 发布:恒扬数据市值 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 07:54




#ifndef _Stack_hstruct StackRecord;typedef struct StackRecord *Stack;int IsEmpty( Stack S );int IsFull( Stack S);Stack CreateStack( int MaxElements );void DisposeStack( Stack S);void MakeEmpty( Stack S);void Push( ElementType x, Stack S);ElementType Top( Stack S);void Pop( Stack S);ElementType TopAndPop( Stack S );#endif;#define EmotyTOS ( -1 )#define MinStackSize ( 5 )struct Node{int Capacity;int TopOfStack;ElementType *Array;};

(2) 栈的创建

Stack CreateStack(int MaxElements){Stack S;if(MaxElements <MinStackSize)   Error("Stack size is to small");S=malloc( sizeof( struct StackRecord ));if( S=NULL )FatalError( "out of space!!!" );S->Array=malloc( sizeof( ElementType ) * MaxElements );if(S->Array==NULL)   FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );       S->Capacity=MaxElements;       MakeEmpty( S );              return S;}


void DisposeStack( Stack S ){       if( S != NULL )       {              free( S->Array );              Free( S );         }}

(4) 检测一个栈是否为空

int IsEmpty( Stack S){return S->TopOfStack == EmptyTOS;}


void MakeEmpty( Stack S){S->TopOfStack=EmptyTOS;}

void Push ( ElementType x,Stack S){if( IsFull( S ) )   Error( "FULL stack" );       else          S->Array[ ++S->TopOfStack ] = x;}
ElementType Top( Stack S ){if( !IsEmpty( S ) ){return S->Array[ S->TopOfStack ];}Error( "Empty Stack" );return 0;}

void pop( Stack S){if( IsEmpty ( S ) )  Error( "Empty stack" );       else S->TopOfStack--;}
