
来源:互联网 发布:张根学厉害吗 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 00:21
SPO sqlhc.logSET DEF ^ TERM OFF ECHO ON VER OFF SERVEROUT ON SIZE 1000000;REMREM $Header: 1366133.1 sqlhc.sql 2011/12/16 carlos.sierra $REMREM Copyright (c) 2000-2011, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.REMREM AUTHORREM   carlos.sierra@oracle.comREMREM SCRIPTREM   sqlhc.sqlREMREM DESCRIPTIONREM   Produces an HTML report with a list of observations based onREM   health-checks performed in and around a SQL statement thatREM   may be performing poorly.REMREM PRE-REQUISITESREM   1. Execute as SYS or user with DBA role.REM   2. The SQL for which the health-checks are performed must beREM      memory-resident or pre-captured by AWR.REMREM PARAMETERSREM   1. Oracle Pack license (Tuning or Diagnostics) Y/NREM   2. SQL_ID of the SQL for which the health-checks are performed.REMREM EXECUTIONREM   1. Start SQL*Plus connecting as SYS or user with DBA role.REM   2. Execute script sqlhc.sql passing values for parameters.REMREM EXAMPLEREM   # sqlplus / as sysdbaREM   SQL> START [path]sqlhc.sql [Y|N] [SQL_ID]REM   SQL> START sqlhc.sql Y 51x6yr9ym5hdcREMREM NOTESREM   1. For possible errors see sqlhc.log.REM/**************************************************************************************************/SET TERM ON ECHO OFF;PROPRO Parameter 1:PRO Oracle Pack license (Tuning or Diagnostics) [Y|N] (required)PRODEF input_license = '^1';PROSET TERM OFF;COL license NEW_V license FOR A1;SELECT UPPER(SUBSTR(TRIM('^^input_license.'), 1, 1)) license FROM DUAL;VAR license CHAR(1);EXEC :license := '^^license.';SET TERM ON;WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT SQL.SQLCODE;BEGIN  IF '^^license.' IS NULL OR '^^license.' NOT IN ('Y', 'N') THEN    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20100, 'Oracle Pack license (Tuning or Diagnostics) must be specified as "Y" or "N".');  END IF;END;/WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE;PROPRO Parameter 2:PRO SQL_ID of the SQL to be analyzed (required)PRODEF input_sql_id = '^2';PROPRO Value passed to sqlhc:PRO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PRO License: "^^input_license."PRO SQL_ID : "^^input_sql_id."PROSET TERM OFF;COL sql_id NEW_V sql_id FOR A13;SELECT sql_id  FROM gv$sqlarea WHERE sql_id = TRIM('^^input_sql_id.') UNIONSELECT sql_id  FROM dba_hist_sqltext WHERE :license = 'Y'   AND sql_id = TRIM('^^input_sql_id.');VAR sql_id VARCHAR2(13);EXEC :sql_id := '^^sql_id.';SET TERM ON;WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT SQL.SQLCODE;BEGIN  IF '^^sql_id.' IS NULL THEN    IF :license = 'Y' THEN      RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20200, 'SQL_ID "^^input_sql_id." not found in memory nor in AWR.');    ELSE      RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20200, 'SQL_ID "^^input_sql_id." not found in memory.');    END IF;  END IF;END;/WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE;SET ECHO ON TIMI ON;DEF mos_doc = '1366133.1';DEF doc_ver = '';DEF doc_date = '2011/12/16';DEF doc_link = 'https://support.oracle.com/CSP/main/article?cmd=show&type=NOT&id=';DEF bug_link = 'https://support.oracle.com/CSP/main/article?cmd=show&type=BUG&id=';/**************************************************************************************************//* ------------------------- * * get sql_text * * ------------------------- */VAR sql_text CLOB;EXEC :sql_text := NULL;-- get sql_text from memoryDECLARE  l_sql_text VARCHAR2(32767);BEGIN -- 10g see bug 5017909  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('getting sql_text from memory');  FOR i IN (SELECT DISTINCT piece, sql_text              FROM gv$sqltext_with_newlines             WHERE sql_id = '^^sql_id.'             ORDER BY 1, 2)  LOOP    IF :sql_text IS NULL THEN      DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(:sql_text, TRUE);      DBMS_LOB.OPEN(:sql_text, DBMS_LOB.LOB_READWRITE);    END IF;    l_sql_text := REPLACE(i.sql_text, CHR(00), ' ');    DBMS_LOB.WRITEAPPEND(:sql_text, LENGTH(l_sql_text), l_sql_text);  END LOOP;  IF :sql_text IS NOT NULL THEN    DBMS_LOB.CLOSE(:sql_text);  END IF;EXCEPTION  WHEN OTHERS THEN    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('getting sql_text from memory: '||SQLERRM);    :sql_text := NULL;END;/-- get sql_text from awrBEGIN  IF :license = 'Y' AND (:sql_text IS NULL OR NVL(DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(:sql_text), 0) = 0) THEN    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('getting sql_text from awr');    SELECT REPLACE(sql_text, CHR(00), ' ')      INTO :sql_text      FROM dba_hist_sqltext     WHERE :license = 'Y'       AND sql_id = '^^sql_id.'       AND sql_text IS NOT NULL       AND ROWNUM = 1;  END IF;EXCEPTION  WHEN OTHERS THEN    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('getting sql_text from awr: '||SQLERRM);    :sql_text := NULL;END;/SELECT :sql_text FROM DUAL;/* ------------------------- * * assembly title * * ------------------------- */-- get database name (up to 10, stop before first '.', no special characters)COL database_name_short NEW_V database_name_short FOR A10;SELECT SUBSTR(SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'DB_NAME'), 1, 10) database_name_short FROM DUAL;SELECT SUBSTR('^^database_name_short.', 1, INSTR('^^database_name_short..', '.') - 1) database_name_short FROM DUAL;SELECT TRANSLATE('^^database_name_short.','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 ''`~!@#$%^*()-_=+[]{}\|;:",.<>/?'||CHR(0)||CHR(9)||CHR(10)||CHR(13)||CHR(38),'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789') database_name_short FROM DUAL;-- get host name (up to 30, stop before first '.', no special characters)COL host_name_short NEW_V host_name_short FOR A30;SELECT SUBSTR(SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'SERVER_HOST'), 1, 30) host_name_short FROM DUAL;SELECT SUBSTR('^^host_name_short.', 1, INSTR('^^host_name_short..', '.') - 1) host_name_short FROM DUAL;SELECT TRANSLATE('^^host_name_short.','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 ''`~!@#$%^*()-_=+[]{}\|;:",.<>/?'||CHR(0)||CHR(9)||CHR(10)||CHR(13)||CHR(38),'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789') host_name_short FROM DUAL;-- get rdbms versionCOL rdbms_version NEW_V rdbms_version FOR A17;SELECT version rdbms_version FROM v$instance;-- get platformCOL platform NEW_V platform FOR A80;SELECT UPPER(TRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(product, 'TNS for '), ':' ))) platform FROM product_component_version WHERE product LIKE 'TNS for%' AND ROWNUM = 1;-- YYYYMMDDHH24MISSCOL time_stamp NEW_V time_stamp FOR A14;SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') time_stamp FROM DUAL;-- YYYY-MM-DD/HH24:MI:SSCOL time_stamp2 NEW_V time_stamp2 FOR A20;SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD/HH24:MI:SS') time_stamp2 FROM DUAL;-- get ofeCOL sys_ofe NEW_V sys_ofe FOR A17;SELECT value sys_ofe FROM v$system_parameter2 WHERE LOWER(name) = 'optimizer_features_enable';-- get dsCOL sys_ds NEW_V sys_ds FOR A10;SELECT value sys_ds FROM v$system_parameter2 WHERE LOWER(name) = 'optimizer_dynamic_sampling';/* ------------------------- * * application vendor * * ------------------------- */-- ebsCOL is_ebs NEW_V is_ebs FOR A1;COL ebs_owner NEW_V ebs_owner A30;SELECT 'Y' is_ebs, owner ebs_owner  FROM dba_tab_columns WHERE table_name = 'FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS'   AND column_name = 'RELEASE_NAME'   AND data_type = 'VARCHAR2'   AND ROWNUM = 1;-- siebelCOL is_siebel NEW_V is_siebel FOR A1;COL siebel_owner NEW_V siebel_owner A30;SELECT 'Y' is_siebel, owner siebel_owner  FROM dba_tab_columns WHERE '^^is_ebs.' IS NULL   AND table_name = 'S_REPOSITORY'   AND column_name = 'ROW_ID'   AND data_type = 'VARCHAR2'   AND ROWNUM = 1;-- psftCOL is_psft NEW_V is_psft FOR A1;COL psft_owner NEW_V psft_owner A30;SELECT 'Y' is_psft, owner psft_owner  FROM dba_tab_columns WHERE '^^is_ebs.' IS NULL   AND '^^is_siebel.' IS NULL   AND table_name = 'PSSTATUS'   AND column_name = 'TOOLSREL'   AND data_type = 'VARCHAR2'   AND ROWNUM = 1;/* ------------------------- * * find tables and indexes * * ------------------------- */SAVEPOINT sqlhc;DELETE plan_table;-- record tablesINSERT INTO plan_table (object_type, object_owner, object_name)WITH object AS (SELECT object_owner owner, object_name name  FROM gv$sql_plan WHERE sql_id = :sql_id   AND object_owner IS NOT NULL   AND object_name IS NOT NULL UNIONSELECT object_owner owner, object_name name  FROM dba_hist_sql_plan WHERE :license = 'Y'   AND sql_id = :sql_id   AND object_owner IS NOT NULL   AND object_name IS NOT NULL ) SELECT 'TABLE', t.owner, t.table_name   FROM dba_tab_statistics t, -- include fixed objects        object o  WHERE t.owner = o.owner    AND t.table_name = o.name  UNION SELECT 'TABLE', i.table_owner, i.table_name   FROM dba_indexes i,        object o  WHERE i.owner = o.owner    AND i.index_name = o.name;-- record indexesINSERT INTO plan_table (object_type, object_owner, object_name)SELECT 'INDEX', owner, index_name  FROM plan_table t,       dba_indexes i WHERE t.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND t.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND t.object_name = i.table_name UNIONSELECT 'INDEX', object_owner owner, object_name index_name  FROM gv$sql_plan WHERE sql_id = :sql_id   AND object_owner IS NOT NULL   AND object_name IS NOT NULL   AND (object_type LIKE '%INDEX%' OR operation LIKE '%INDEX%') UNIONSELECT 'INDEX', object_owner owner, object_name index_name  FROM dba_hist_sql_plan WHERE :license = 'Y'   AND sql_id = :sql_id   AND object_owner IS NOT NULL   AND object_name IS NOT NULL   AND (object_type LIKE '%INDEX%' OR operation LIKE '%INDEX%');/* ------------------------- * * record type enumerator * * ------------------------- */-- constantsVAR E_GLOBAL     NUMBER;VAR E_EBS        NUMBER;VAR E_SIEBEL     NUMBER;VAR E_PSFT       NUMBER;VAR E_TABLE      NUMBER;VAR E_INDEX      NUMBER;VAR E_1COL_INDEX NUMBER;VAR E_TABLE_PART NUMBER;VAR E_INDEX_PART NUMBER;VAR E_TABLE_COL  NUMBER;EXEC :E_GLOBAL     := 01;EXEC :E_EBS        := 02;EXEC :E_SIEBEL     := 03;EXEC :E_PSFT       := 04;EXEC :E_TABLE      := 05;EXEC :E_INDEX      := 06;EXEC :E_1COL_INDEX := 07;EXEC :E_TABLE_PART := 08;EXEC :E_INDEX_PART := 09;EXEC :E_TABLE_COL  := 10;/**************************************************************************************************//* ------------------------- * * global hc * * ------------------------- */-- 5969780 STATISTICS_LEVEL = ALL on LINUXINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'CBO PARAMETER', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'STATISTICS_LEVEL',       'Parameter STATISTICS_LEVEL is set to ALL on ^^platform. platform.',       'STATISTICS_LEVEL = ALL provides valuable metrics like A-Rows. Be aware of Bug <a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.5969780">5969780</a> CPU overhead.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Use a value of ALL only at the session level. You could use CBO hint /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ to accomplish the same.'  FROM v$system_parameter2 WHERE UPPER(name) = 'STATISTICS_LEVEL'   AND UPPER(value) = 'ALL'   AND '^^rdbms_version.' LIKE '10%'   AND '^^platform.' LIKE '%LINUX%';-- cbo parameters with non-default values at sql levelINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'CBO PARAMETER', SYSTIMESTAMP, UPPER(name),       'CBO initialization parameter "'||name||'" with a non-default value of "'||value||'" as per V$SQL_OPTIMIZER_ENV.',       'Review the correctness of this non-default value "'||value||'" for SQL_ID '||:sql_id||'.'  FROM (SELECT DISTINCT name, value  FROM v$sql_optimizer_env WHERE sql_id = :sql_id   AND isdefault = 'NO' );-- cbo parameters with non-default values at system levelINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'CBO PARAMETER', SYSTIMESTAMP, UPPER(g.name),       'CBO initialization parameter "'||g.name||'" with a non-default value of "'||g.value||'" as per V$SYS_OPTIMIZER_ENV.',       'Review the correctness of this non-default value "'||g.value||'".<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Unset this parameter unless there is a strong reason for keeping its current value.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Default value is "'||g.default_value||'" as per V$SYS_OPTIMIZER_ENV.'  FROM v$sys_optimizer_env g WHERE g.isdefault = 'NO'   AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL  FROM v$sql_optimizer_env s WHERE s.sql_id = :sql_id   AND s.isdefault = 'NO'   AND s.name = g.name   AND s.value = g.value );-- optimizer_features_enable != rdbms_version at system levelINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'CBO PARAMETER', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE',       'DB version ^^rdbms_version. and OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE ^^sys_ofe. do not match as per V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER2.',       'Be aware that you are using a prior version of the optimizer. New CBO features in your DB version may not be used.'  FROM DUAL WHERE SUBSTR('^^rdbms_version.', 1, LEAST(LENGTH('^^rdbms_version.'), LENGTH('^^sys_ofe.'))) != SUBSTR('^^sys_ofe.', 1, LEAST(LENGTH('^^rdbms_version.'), LENGTH('^^sys_ofe.')));-- optimizer_features_enable != rdbms_version at sql levelINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'CBO PARAMETER', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE',       'DB version ^^rdbms_version. and OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE '||v.value||' do not match for SQL_ID '||:sql_id||' as per V$SQL_OPTIMIZER_ENV.',       'Be aware that you are using a prior version of the optimizer. New CBO features in your DB version may not be used.'  FROM (SELECT DISTINCT value  FROM v$sql_optimizer_env WHERE sql_id = :sql_id   AND LOWER(name) = 'optimizer_features_enable'   AND SUBSTR('^^rdbms_version.', 1, LEAST(LENGTH('^^rdbms_version.'), LENGTH(value))) != SUBSTR(value, 1, LEAST(LENGTH('^^rdbms_version.'), LENGTH(value))) ) v;-- optimizer_dynamic_sampling between 1 and 3 at system levelINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'CBO PARAMETER', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING',       'Dynamic Sampling is set to small value of ^^sys_ds. as per V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER2.',       'Be aware that using such a small value may produce statistics of poor quality.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'If you rely on this functionality consider using a value no smaller than 4.'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t WHERE TO_NUMBER('^^sys_ds.') BETWEEN 1 AND 3   AND pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.temporary = 'N'   AND (t.last_analyzed IS NULL OR t.num_rows IS NULL)   AND ROWNUM = 1;-- db_file_multiblock_read_count should not be setINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'CBO PARAMETER', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT',       'MBRC Parameter is set to "'||value||'" overriding its default value.',       'The default value of this parameter is a value that corresponds to the maximum I/O size that can be performed efficiently.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'This value is platform-dependent and is 1MB for most platforms.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Because the parameter is expressed in blocks, it will be set to a value that is equal to the maximum I/O size that can be performed efficiently divided by the standard block size.'  FROM v$system_parameter2 WHERE UPPER(name) = 'DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT'   AND (isdefault = 'FALSE' OR ismodified != 'FALSE');-- nls_sort is not binary (session)INSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'NLS PARAMETER', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'NLS_SORT',       'NLS_SORT Session Parameter is set to "'||value||'" in V$NLS_PARAMETERS.',       'Setting NLS_SORT to anything other than BINARY causes a sort to use a full table scan, regardless of the path chosen by the optimizer.'  FROM v$nls_parameters WHERE UPPER(parameter) = 'NLS_SORT'   AND UPPER(value) != 'BINARY';-- nls_sort is not binary (instance)INSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'NLS PARAMETER', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'NLS_SORT',       'NLS_SORT Instance Parameter is set to "'||value||'" in V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER.',       'Setting NLS_SORT to anything other than BINARY causes a sort to use a full table scan, regardless of the path chosen by the optimizer.'  FROM v$system_parameter WHERE UPPER(name) = 'NLS_SORT'   AND UPPER(value) != 'BINARY';-- nls_sort is not binary (global)INSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'NLS PARAMETER', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'NLS_SORT',       'NLS_SORT Global Parameter is set to "'||value||'" in NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS.',       'Setting NLS_SORT to anything other than BINARY causes a sort to use a full table scan, regardless of the path chosen by the optimizer.'  FROM nls_database_parameters WHERE UPPER(parameter) = 'NLS_SORT'   AND UPPER(value) != 'BINARY';-- DBMS_STATS AUTOMATIC GATHERING on 10gINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'DBMS_STATS', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS',       'Automatic gathering of CBO statistics is enabled.',       CASE         WHEN '^^is_ebs.' = 'Y' THEN           'Disable this job immediately and re-gather statistics for all affected schemas using FND_STATS or coe_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.156968.1">156968.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y' THEN           'Disable this job immediately and re-gather statistics for all affected schemas using coe_siebel_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_psft.' = 'Y' THEN           'Disable this job immediately and re-gather statistics for all affected schemas using pscbo_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.1322888.1">1322888.1</a>.'         ELSE           'Be aware that small sample sizes could produce poor quality histograms,<br>'||CHR(10)||           'which combined with bind sensitive predicates could render suboptimal plans.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'         END  FROM dba_scheduler_jobs WHERE job_name = 'GATHER_STATS_JOB'   AND enabled = 'TRUE';-- DBMS_STATS AUTOMATIC GATHERING on 11gINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'DBMS_STATS', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'DBA_AUTOTASK_CLIENT',       'Automatic gathering of CBO statistics is enabled.',       CASE         WHEN '^^is_ebs.' = 'Y' THEN           'Disable this job immediately and re-gather statistics for all affected schemas using FND_STATS or coe_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.156968.1">156968.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y' THEN           'Disable this job immediately and re-gather statistics for all affected schemas using coe_siebel_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_psft.' = 'Y' THEN           'Disable this job immediately and re-gather statistics for all affected schemas using pscbo_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.1322888.1">1322888.1</a>.'         ELSE           'Be aware that small sample sizes could produce poor quality histograms,<br>'||CHR(10)||           'which combined with bind sensitive predicates could render suboptimal plans.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'         END  FROM dba_autotask_client WHERE client_name = 'auto optimizer stats collection'   AND status = 'ENABLED';-- high version countINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'VERSION COUNT', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'VERSION COUNT',       'This SQL shows evidence of high version count of '||MAX(v.version_count)||'.',       'Review Execution Plans for details.'  FROM (SELECT MAX(version_count) version_count  FROM gv$sqlarea_plan_hash WHERE sql_id = :sql_id UNIONSELECT MAX(version_count) version_count  FROM dba_hist_sqlstat WHERE :license = 'Y'   AND sql_id = :sql_id ) vHAVING MAX(v.version_count) > 100;-- first rowsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'OPTIMZER MODE', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'FIRST_ROWS',       'OPTIMIZER_MODE was set to FIRST_ROWS in '||v.pln_count||' Plan(s).',       'The optimizer uses a mix of cost and heuristics to find a best plan for fast delivery of the first few rows.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Using heuristics sometimes leads the query optimizer to generate a plan with a cost that is significantly larger than the cost of a plan without applying the heuristic.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'FIRST_ROWS is available for backward compatibility and plan stability; use FIRST_ROWS_n instead.'FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) pln_count  FROM (SELECT plan_hash_value  FROM gv$sql WHERE sql_id = :sql_id   AND optimizer_mode = 'FIRST_ROWS' UNIONSELECT plan_hash_value  FROM dba_hist_sqlstat WHERE :license = 'Y'   AND sql_id = :sql_id   AND optimizer_mode = 'FIRST_ROWS') v) v WHERE v.pln_count > 0;-- fixed objects missing statsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'FIXED OBJECTS', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS',       'There exist(s) '||v.tbl_count||' Fixed Object(s) accessed by this SQL without CBO statistics.',       'Consider gathering statistics for fixed objects using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_FIXED_OBJECTS_STATS.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) tbl_count  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tab_statistics t WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.object_type = 'FIXED TABLE'   AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL  FROM dba_tab_cols c WHERE t.owner = c.owner   AND t.table_name = c.table_name )) v WHERE v.tbl_count > 0;-- system statistics not gatheredINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'DBMS_STATS', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'SYSTEM STATISTICS',       'Workload CBO System Statistics are not gathered. CBO is using default values.',       'Consider gathering workload system statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SYSTEM_STATS.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'See also <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'  FROM sys.aux_stats$ WHERE sname = 'SYSSTATS_MAIN'   AND pname = 'CPUSPEED'   AND pval1 IS NULL;-- mreadtim < sreadtimINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'DBMS_STATS', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'SYSTEM STATISTICS',       'Multi-block read time of '||a1.pval1||'ms seems too small compared to single-block read time of '||a2.pval1||'ms.',       'Consider gathering workload system statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SYSTEM_STATS or adjusting SREADTIM and MREADTIM using DBMS_STATS.SET_SYSTEM_STATS.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'See also <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'  FROM sys.aux_stats$ a1, sys.aux_stats$ a2 WHERE a1.sname = 'SYSSTATS_MAIN'   AND a1.pname = 'MREADTIM'   AND a2.sname = 'SYSSTATS_MAIN'   AND a2.pname = 'SREADTIM'   AND a1.pval1 < a2.pval1;-- sreadtim < 2INSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'DBMS_STATS', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'SYSTEM STATISTICS',       'Single-block read time of '||pval1||' milliseconds seems too small.',       'Consider gathering workload system statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SYSTEM_STATS or adjusting SREADTIM using DBMS_STATS.SET_SYSTEM_STATS.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'See also <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'  FROM sys.aux_stats$ WHERE sname = 'SYSSTATS_MAIN'   AND pname = 'SREADTIM'   AND pval1 < 2;-- mreadtim < 3INSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'DBMS_STATS', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'SYSTEM STATISTICS',       'Multi-block read time of '||pval1||' milliseconds seems too small.',       'Consider gathering workload system statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SYSTEM_STATS or adjusting MREADTIM using DBMS_STATS.SET_SYSTEM_STATS.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'See also <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'  FROM sys.aux_stats$ WHERE sname = 'SYSSTATS_MAIN'   AND pname = 'MREADTIM'   AND pval1 < 3;-- sreadtim > 18INSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'DBMS_STATS', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'SYSTEM STATISTICS',       'Single-block read time of '||pval1||' milliseconds seems too large.',       'Consider gathering workload system statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SYSTEM_STATS or adjusting SREADTIM using DBMS_STATS.SET_SYSTEM_STATS.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'See also <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a> and Bug <a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.9842771">9842771</a>.'  FROM sys.aux_stats$ WHERE sname = 'SYSSTATS_MAIN'   AND pname = 'SREADTIM'   AND pval1 > 18;-- mreadtim > 522INSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'DBMS_STATS', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'SYSTEM STATISTICS',       'Multi-block read time of '||pval1||' milliseconds seems too large.',       'Consider gathering workload system statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SYSTEM_STATS or adjusting MREADTIM using DBMS_STATS.SET_SYSTEM_STATS.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'See also <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a> and Bug <a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.9842771">9842771</a>.'  FROM sys.aux_stats$ WHERE sname = 'SYSSTATS_MAIN'   AND pname = 'MREADTIM'   AND pval1 > 522;-- sql with policies as per v$vpd_policyINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'VDP', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'V$VPD_POLICY',       'Virtual Private Database. There is one or more policies affecting this SQL.',       'Review Execution Plans and look for their injected predicates.'  FROM v$vpd_policy WHERE sql_id = :sql_idHAVING COUNT(*) > 0;-- materialized views with rewrite enabledINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'MAT_VIEW', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'REWRITE_ENABLED',       'There are '||COUNT(*)||' materialized views with rewrite enabled.',       'A large number of materialized views could affect parsing time since CBO would have to evaluate each during a hard-parse.'  FROM v$system_parameter2 p,       dba_mviews m WHERE UPPER(p.name) = 'QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED'   AND UPPER(p.value) = 'TRUE'   AND m.rewrite_enabled = 'Y'HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;-- table with bitmap index(es)INSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_GLOBAL, 'INDEX', SYSTIMESTAMP, 'BITMAP',       'Your DML statement references '||COUNT(DISTINCT pt.object_name||pt.object_owner)||' Table(s) with at least one Bitmap index.',       'Be aware that frequent DML operations operations in a Table with Bitmap indexes may produce contention where concurrent DML operations are common. If your SQL suffers of "TX-enqueue row lock contention" suspect this situation.'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_indexes i WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = i.table_name   AND i.index_type = 'BITMAP'   AND EXISTS (SELECT NULL  FROM gv$sqlarea s WHERE s.sql_id = :sql_id   AND s.command_type IN (2, 6, 7)) -- INSERT, UPDATE, DELETEHAVING COUNT(*) > 0;-- index in plan no longer existsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_INDEX, 'INDEX', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'Index referenced by an Execution Plan no longer exists.',       'If a Plan references a missing index then this Plan can no longer be generated by the CBO.'  FROM plan_table pt WHERE pt.object_type = 'INDEX'   AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL  FROM dba_indexes i WHERE pt.object_owner = i.owner   AND pt.object_name = i.index_name );/* ------------------------- * * table hc * * ------------------------- */-- empty_blocks > blocksINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'Table has more empty blocks ('||t.empty_blocks||') than actual blocks ('||t.blocks||') according to CBO statistics.',       'Review Table statistics and consider re-organizing this Table.'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.empty_blocks > t.blocks;-- table dop is setINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'Table''s DOP is "'||TRIM(t.degree)||'".',       'Degree of parallelism greater than 1 may cause parallel-execution PX plans.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Review table properties and execute "ALTER TABLE '||pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name||' NOPARALLEL" to reset degree of parallelism to 1 if PX plans are not desired.'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND TRIM(t.degree) NOT IN ('0', '1', 'DEFAULT');-- table has indexes with dop setINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'Table has '||COUNT(*)||' index(es) with DOP greater than 1.',       'Degree of parallelism greater than 1 may cause parallel-execution PX plans.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Review index properties and execute "ALTER INDEX index_name NOPARALLEL" to reset degree of parallelism to 1 if PX plans are not desired.'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_indexes i WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = i.table_name   AND TRIM(i.degree) NOT IN ('0', '1', 'DEFAULT') GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name;-- index degree != table degreeINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'Table has '||COUNT(*)||' index(es) with DOP different than its table.',       'Table has a degree of parallelism of "'||TRIM(t.degree)||'".<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Review index properties and fix degree of parallelism of table and/or its index(es).'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_indexes i WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND pt.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = i.table_name   AND TRIM(t.degree) != TRIM(i.degree) GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       TRIM(t.degree);-- no statsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'Table lacks CBO Statistics.',       CASE         WHEN '^^is_ebs.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering table statistics using FND_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS or coe_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.156968.1">156968.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y' THEN           'If table has more than 15 rows consider gathering table statistics using coe_siebel_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_psft.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering table statistics using pscbo_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.1322888.1">1322888.1</a>.'         ELSE           'Consider gathering table statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS.'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'         END  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.temporary = 'N'   AND (t.last_analyzed IS NULL OR t.num_rows IS NULL);-- no rowsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'Number of rows equal to zero according to table''s CBO statistics.',       CASE         WHEN t.temporary = 'Y' THEN           'Consider deleting table statistics on this GTT using DBMS_STATS.DELETE_TABLE_STATS.'         WHEN '^^is_ebs.' = 'Y' THEN           'If this table has rows consider gathering table statistics using FND_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS or coe_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.156968.1">156968.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y' THEN           'If table has less than 15 rows consider deleting table statistics using DBMS_STATS.DELETE_TABLE_STATS,<br>'||CHR(10)||           'else gathering table statistics using coe_siebel_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_psft.' = 'Y' THEN           'If this table has rows consider gathering table statistics using pscbo_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.1322888.1">1322888.1</a>.'         ELSE           'Consider gathering table statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS.'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'         END  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.num_rows = 0;-- siebel small tablesINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'Small table with CBO statistics.',       'Consider deleting table statistics on this small table using DBMS_STATS.DELETE_TABLE_STATS.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t WHERE '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y'   AND pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.num_rows < 15;-- small sample sizeINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       'Sample size of '||v.sample_size||' rows may be too small for table with '||v.num_rows||' rows.',       'Sample percent used was:'||TRIM(TO_CHAR(ROUND(v.ratio * 100, 2), '99999990D00'))||'%.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Consider gathering better quality table statistics with a sample size of '||ROUND(v.factor * 100)||'%.'  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       t.num_rows,       t.sample_size,       (t.sample_size / t.num_rows) ratio,       CASE         WHEN t.num_rows < 1e6 THEN -- up to 1M then 100%           1         WHEN t.num_rows < 1e7 THEN -- up to 10M then 30%           3/10         WHEN t.num_rows < 1e8 THEN -- up to 100M then 10%           1/10         WHEN t.num_rows < 1e9 THEN -- up to 1B then 3%           3/100         ELSE -- more than 1B then 1%           1/100         END factor  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.sample_size > 0   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL ) v WHERE v.ratio < (9/10) * v.factor;-- old statsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       'Table CBO statistics are '||ROUND(SYSDATE - v.last_analyzed)||' days old: '||TO_CHAR(v.last_analyzed, 'YYYY-MM-DD/HH24:MI:SS')||'.',       'Consider gathering fresh table statistics with a sample size of '||ROUND(v.factor * 100)||'%.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Old statistics could contain low/high values for which a predicate may be out of range, producing then a poor plan.'  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       t.last_analyzed,       t.num_rows,       t.sample_size,       (t.sample_size / t.num_rows) ratio,       CASE         WHEN t.num_rows < 1e6 THEN -- up to 1M then 100%           1         WHEN t.num_rows < 1e7 THEN -- up to 10M then 30%           3/10         WHEN t.num_rows < 1e8 THEN -- up to 100M then 10%           1/10         WHEN t.num_rows < 1e9 THEN -- up to 1B then 3%           3/100         ELSE -- more than 1B then 1%           1/100         END factor  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.sample_size > 0   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL ) v WHERE v.last_analyzed < SYSDATE - 49    OR (v.num_rows BETWEEN 0 AND 1e6 AND v.last_analyzed < SYSDATE - 21)    OR (v.num_rows BETWEEN 1e6 AND 1e7 AND v.last_analyzed < SYSDATE - 28)    OR (v.num_rows BETWEEN 1e7 AND 1e8 AND v.last_analyzed < SYSDATE - 35)    OR (v.num_rows BETWEEN 1e8 AND 1e9 AND v.last_analyzed < SYSDATE - 42);-- extended statisticsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'Table has '||COUNT(*)||' CBO statistics extension(s).',       'Review table statistics extensions. Extensions can be used for expressions or column groups.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'If your SQL contain matching predicates these extensions can influence the CBO.'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_stat_extensions e WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = e.owner   AND pt.object_name = e.table_name GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name;-- columns with no statsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'Contains '||COUNT(*)||' column(s) with missing CBO statistics.',       CASE         WHEN '^^is_ebs.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering table statistics using FND_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS or coe_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.156968.1">156968.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y' THEN           'If table has more than 15 rows consider gathering table statistics using coe_siebel_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_psft.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering table statistics using pscbo_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.1322888.1">1322888.1</a>.'         ELSE           'Consider gathering table statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS.'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'         END  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_tab_cols c WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND pt.object_owner = c.owner   AND pt.object_name = c.table_name   AND c.last_analyzed IS NULL GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name;-- columns missing low/high valuesINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'Contains '||COUNT(*)||' column(s) with null low/high values.',       'CBO cannot compute correct selectivity with these column statistics missing.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'You may possibly have Bug <a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.10248781">10248781</a><br>'||CHR(10)||       'Consider gathering statistics for this table.'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_tab_cols c WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND pt.object_owner = c.owner   AND pt.object_name = c.table_name   AND c.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND c.num_distinct > 0   AND (c.low_value IS NULL OR c.high_value IS NULL) GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name;-- columns with old statsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       'Table contains column(s) with outdated CBO statistics for up to '||TRUNC(ABS(v.tbl_last_analyzed - v.col_last_analyzed))||' day(s).',       'CBO table and column statistics are inconsistent. Consider gathering statistics for this table.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Old statistics could contain low/high values for which a predicate may be out of range, producing then a poor plan.'  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       t.last_analyzed tbl_last_analyzed,       MIN(c.last_analyzed) col_last_analyzed  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_tab_cols c WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND pt.object_owner = c.owner   AND pt.object_name = c.table_name   AND c.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       t.last_analyzed ) v WHERE ABS(v.tbl_last_analyzed - v.col_last_analyzed) > 1;-- more nulls than rowsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       'Number of nulls greater than number of rows by more than 10% in '||v.col_count||' column(s).',       'There cannot be more rows with null value in a column than actual rows in the table.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Worst column shows '||v.num_nulls||' nulls while table has '||v.tbl_num_rows||' rows.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'CBO table and column statistics are inconsistent. Consider gathering statistics for this table using a large sample size.'  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       t.num_rows tbl_num_rows,       COUNT(*) col_count,       MAX(c.num_nulls) num_nulls  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_tab_cols c WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND pt.object_owner = c.owner   AND pt.object_name = c.table_name   AND c.num_nulls > t.num_rows   AND (c.num_nulls - t.num_rows) > t.num_rows * 0.1 GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       t.num_rows ) v WHERE v.col_count > 0;-- more distinct values than rowsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       'Number of distinct values greater than number of rows by more than 10% in '||v.col_count||' column(s).',       'There cannot be a larger number of distinct values in a column than actual rows in the table.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Worst column shows '||v.num_distinct||' distinct values while table has '||v.tbl_num_rows||' rows.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'CBO table and column statistics are inconsistent. Consider gathering statistics for this table using a large sample size.'  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       t.num_rows tbl_num_rows,       COUNT(*) col_count,       MAX(c.num_distinct) num_distinct  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_tab_cols c WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND pt.object_owner = c.owner   AND pt.object_name = c.table_name   AND c.num_distinct > t.num_rows   AND (c.num_distinct - t.num_rows) > t.num_rows * 0.1 GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       t.num_rows ) v WHERE v.col_count > 0;-- zero distinct values on columns with valueINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       'Number of distinct values is zero in at least '||v.col_count||' column(s) with value.',       'There should not be columns with value ((num_rows - num_nulls) greater than 0) where the number of distinct values for the same column is zero.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Worst column shows '||(v.tbl_num_rows - v.num_nulls)||' rows with value while the number of distinct values for it is zero.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'CBO table and column statistics are inconsistent. Consider gathering statistics for this table using a large sample size.'  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       t.num_rows tbl_num_rows,       COUNT(*) col_count,       MIN(c.num_nulls) num_nulls  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_tab_cols c WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND pt.object_owner = c.owner   AND pt.object_name = c.table_name   AND t.num_rows > c.num_nulls   AND c.num_distinct = 0   AND (t.num_rows - c.num_nulls) > t.num_rows * 0.1 GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       t.num_rows ) v WHERE v.col_count > 0; -- 9885553 incorrect ndv in long char column with histogram INSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection) SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,        'Table contains '||v.col_count||' long CHAR column(s) with Histogram. Number of distinct values (NDV) could be incorrect.',        'Possible Bug <a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.9885553">9885553</a>.<br>'||CHR(10)||        'When building histogram for a varchar column that is long, we only use its first 32 characters.<br>'||CHR(10)||        'Two distinct values that share the same first 32 characters are deemed the same in the histogram.<br>'||CHR(10)||        'Therefore the NDV derived from the histogram is inaccurate.'||CHR(10)||        'If NDV is wrong then drop the Histogram.'   FROM ( SELECT pt.object_owner,        pt.object_name,        COUNT(*) col_count   FROM plan_table pt,        dba_tab_cols c  WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'    AND pt.object_owner = c.owner    AND pt.object_name = c.table_name    AND c.num_distinct > 0    AND c.data_type LIKE '%CHAR%'    AND c.avg_col_len > 32    AND c.histogram IN ('FREQUENCY', 'HEIGHT BALANCED')    AND '^^rdbms_version.' < ''  GROUP BY        pt.object_owner,        pt.object_name ) v  WHERE v.col_count > 0;-- 10174050 frequency histograms with less buckets than ndvINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       'Table contains '||v.col_count||' column(s) where the number of distinct values does not match the number of buckets.',       'Review column statistics for this table and look for "Num Distinct" and "Num Buckets". If there are values missing from the frecuency histogram you may have Bug <a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.10174050">10174050</a>.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'If you are referencing in your predicates one of the missing values the CBO can over estimate table cardinality, and this may produce a sub-optimal plan.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'You can either gather statistics with 100% or as a workaround: ALTER system/session "_fix_control"=''5483301:OFF'';'  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       COUNT(*) col_count  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tab_cols c WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = c.owner   AND pt.object_name = c.table_name   AND c.histogram = 'FREQUENCY'   AND c.num_distinct != c.num_buckets GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name ) v WHERE v.col_count > 0;-- frequency histogram with 1 bucketINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       'Table contains '||v.col_count||' column(s) where the number of buckets is 1 for a "FREQUENCY" histogram.',       'Review column statistics for this table and look for "Num Buckets" and "Histogram". Possible Bugs '||       '<a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.1386119">1386119</a>, '||       '<a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.4406309">4406309</a>, '||       '<a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.4495422">4495422</a>, '||       '<a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.4567767">4567767</a>, '||       '<a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.5483301">5483301</a> or '||       '<a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.6082745">6082745</a>.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'If you are referencing in your predicates one of the missing values the CBO can over estimate table cardinality, and this may produce a sub-optimal plan.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'You can either gather statistics with 100% or as a workaround: ALTER system/session "_fix_control"=''5483301:OFF'';'  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       COUNT(*) col_count  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tab_cols c WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = c.owner   AND pt.object_name = c.table_name   AND c.histogram = 'FREQUENCY'   AND c.num_buckets = 1 GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name ) v WHERE v.col_count > 0;-- height balanced histogram with no popular valuesINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       'Table contains '||v.col_count||' column(s) with no popular values on a "HEIGHT BALANCED" histogram.',       'A Height-balanced histogram with no popular values is not helpful nor desired. Consider dropping this histogram by collecting new CBO statistics while using METHOD_OPT with SIZE 1.'  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       COUNT(*) col_count  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tab_cols c WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = c.owner   AND pt.object_name = c.table_name   AND c.histogram = 'HEIGHT BALANCED'   AND c.num_buckets > 253   AND (SELECT COUNT(*)          FROM dba_tab_histograms h         WHERE h.owner = c.owner           AND h.table_name = c.table_name           AND h.column_name = c.column_name) > 253 GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name ) v WHERE v.col_count > 0;-- analyze 236935.1INSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'CBO statistics were either gathered using deprecated ANALYZE command or derived by aggregation from lower level objects.',       CASE         WHEN '^^is_ebs.' = 'Y' THEN           'When ANALYZE is used on a non-partitioned table, the global_stats column of the table statistics receives a value of ''NO''.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Same is true when statistics were derived by aggregation from lower level objects.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Consider gathering statistics using FND_STATS instead.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See also <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.156968.1">156968.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y' THEN           'When ANALYZE is used on a non-partitioned table, the global_stats column of the table statistics receives a value of ''NO''.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Same is true when statistics were derived by aggregation from lower level objects.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Consider gathering statistics using coe_siebel_stats.sql instead.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_psft.' = 'Y' THEN           'When ANALYZE is used on a non-partitioned table, the global_stats column of the table statistics receives a value of ''NO''.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Same is true when statistics were derived by aggregation from lower level objects.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Consider gathering statistics using pscbo_stats.sql instead.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.1322888.1">1322888.1</a>.'         ELSE           'When ANALYZE is used on a non-partitioned table, the global_stats column of the table statistics receives a value of ''NO''.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Same is true when statistics were derived by aggregation from lower level objects.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Consider gathering statistics using DBMS_STATS instead.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'         END  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND t.partitioned = 'NO'   AND t.global_stats = 'NO';-- Bug 3620168INSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'Average row length is 100.',       'Possible Bug <a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.3620168">3620168</a>3620168.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Consider gathering table statistics for this table using METHOD_OPT => FOR ALL COLUMNS...'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.avg_row_len = 100;-- tables with stale statisticsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'TABLE', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'Table has stale statistics.',       CASE         WHEN '^^is_ebs.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering table statistics using FND_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS or coe_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.156968.1">156968.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y' THEN           'If table has more than 15 rows consider gathering table statistics using coe_siebel_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_psft.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering table statistics using pscbo_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.1322888.1">1322888.1</a>.'         ELSE           'Consider gathering table statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS.'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'         END  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tab_statistics t WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND t.stale_stats = 'YES';-- sql with policies as per dba_policiesINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'DBA_POLICIES', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'Virtual Private Database. There is one or more policies affecting this table.',       'Review Execution Plans and look for their injected predicates.'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_policies p WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = p.object_owner   AND pt.object_name = p.object_name GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_nameHAVING COUNT(*) > 0 ORDER BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name;-- sql with policies as per dba_audit_policiesINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE, 'DBA_AUDIT_POLICIES', SYSTIMESTAMP, pt.object_owner||'.'||pt.object_name,       'Fine-Grained Auditing. There is one or more audit policies affecting this table.',       'Review Execution Plans and look for their injected predicates.'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_audit_policies p WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = p.object_schema   AND pt.object_name = p.object_name GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_nameHAVING COUNT(*) > 0 ORDER BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name;-- table partitions with no statsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE_PART, 'TABLE PARTITION', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       v.no_stats||' out of '||v.par_count||' partition(s) lack(s) CBO statistics.',       CASE         WHEN '^^is_ebs.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering statistics using FND_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATISTICS.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See also <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.156968.1">156968.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering statistics using coe_siebel_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_psft.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering statistics using pscbo_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.1322888.1">1322888.1</a>.'         ELSE           'Consider gathering statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATISTICS.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'         END  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       COUNT(*) par_count,       SUM(CASE WHEN p.last_analyzed IS NULL OR p.num_rows IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) no_stats  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_tab_partitions p WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.partitioned = 'YES'   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND pt.object_owner = p.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = p.table_name GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name ) v WHERE v.no_stats > 0;-- table partitions where num rows = 0INSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE_PART, 'TABLE PARTITION', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       v.num_rows_zero||' out of '||v.par_count||' partition(s) with number of rows equal to zero according to partition''s CBO statistics.',       'If these table partitions are not empty, consider gathering table statistics using GRANULARITY=>GLOBAL AND PARTITION.'  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       COUNT(*) par_count,       SUM(CASE WHEN p.num_rows = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) num_rows_zero  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_tab_partitions p WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.partitioned = 'YES'   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND pt.object_owner = p.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = p.table_name GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name ) v WHERE v.num_rows_zero > 0;-- table partitions with oudated statsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE_PART, 'TABLE PARTITION', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       'Table contains partition(s) with table/partition CBO statistics out of sync for up to '||TRUNC(ABS(v.tbl_last_analyzed - v.par_last_analyzed))||' day(s).',       'Table and partition statistics were gathered up to '||TRUNC(ABS(v.tbl_last_analyzed - v.par_last_analyzed))||' day(s) appart, so they do not offer a consistent view to the CBO.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Consider re-gathering table statistics using GRANULARITY=>GLOBAL AND PARTITION.'  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       t.last_analyzed tbl_last_analyzed,       COUNT(*) par_count,       MIN(p.last_analyzed) par_last_analyzed  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_tab_partitions p WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.partitioned = 'YES'   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND pt.object_owner = p.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = p.table_name GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       t.last_analyzed ) v WHERE ABS(v.tbl_last_analyzed - v.par_last_analyzed) > 1;-- partitions with no statsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE_PART, 'TABLE PARTITION', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       v.no_stats||' column(s) lack(s) partition level CBO statistics.',       CASE         WHEN '^^is_ebs.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering statistics using FND_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATISTICS.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See also <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.156968.1">156968.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering statistics using coe_siebel_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_psft.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering statistics using pscbo_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.1322888.1">1322888.1</a>.'         ELSE           'Consider gathering statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATISTICS.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'         END  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT c.column_name)          FROM dba_part_col_statistics c         WHERE c.owner = pt.object_owner           AND c.table_name = pt.object_name           AND c.last_analyzed IS NULL) no_stats  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.partitioned = 'YES'   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name ) v WHERE v.no_stats > 0;-- partition columns with oudated statsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_TABLE_PART, 'TABLE PARTITION', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       'Table contains column(s) with table/partition CBO statistics out of sync for up to '||TRUNC(ABS(v.tbl_last_analyzed - v.col_last_analyzed))||' day(s).',       'Table and partition statistics were gathered up to '||TRUNC(ABS(v.tbl_last_analyzed - v.col_last_analyzed))||' day(s) appart, so they do not offer a consistent view to the CBO.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Consider re-gathering table statistics using GRANULARITY=>GLOBAL AND PARTITION.'  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       t.last_analyzed tbl_last_analyzed,       (SELECT MIN(c.last_analyzed)          FROM dba_part_col_statistics c         WHERE c.owner = pt.object_owner           AND c.table_name = pt.object_name           AND c.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL) col_last_analyzed  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.partitioned = 'YES'   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       t.last_analyzed ) v WHERE ABS(v.tbl_last_analyzed - v.col_last_analyzed) > 1;/* ------------------------- * * index hc * * ------------------------- */-- no statsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_INDEX, 'INDEX', SYSTIMESTAMP, i.owner||'.'||i.index_name,       'Index lacks CBO Statistics.',       CASE         WHEN '^^is_ebs.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering table and index statistics using FND_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS or coe_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.156968.1">156968.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y' THEN           'If table has more than 15 rows consider gathering table and index statistics using coe_siebel_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_psft.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering table and index statistics using pscbo_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.1322888.1">1322888.1</a>.'         ELSE           'Consider gathering table and index statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS.'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'         END  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_indexes i WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.temporary = 'N'   AND pt.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = i.table_name   AND i.index_type NOT IN ('DOMAIN', 'LOB', 'FUNCTION-BASED DOMAIN')   AND (i.last_analyzed IS NULL OR i.num_rows IS NULL);-- more rows in index than its tableINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_INDEX, 'INDEX', SYSTIMESTAMP, i.owner||'.'||i.index_name,       'Index appears to have more rows ('||i.num_rows||') than its table ('||t.num_rows||') by '||ROUND(100 * (i.num_rows - t.num_rows) / t.num_rows)||'%.',       CASE         WHEN '^^is_ebs.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering table and index statistics using FND_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS or coe_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.156968.1">156968.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y' THEN           'If table has more than 15 rows consider gathering table and index statistics using coe_siebel_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_psft.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering table and index statistics using pscbo_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.1322888.1">1322888.1</a>.'         ELSE           'Consider gathering table and index statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS.'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'         END  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_indexes i WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.temporary = 'N'   AND pt.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = i.table_name   AND i.num_rows > t.num_rows   AND (i.num_rows - t.num_rows) > t.num_rows * 0.1;-- clustering factor > rows in tableINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_INDEX, 'INDEX', SYSTIMESTAMP, i.owner||'.'||i.index_name,       'Clustering factor of '||i.clustering_factor||' is larger than number of rows in its table ('||t.num_rows||') by more than '||ROUND(100 * (i.clustering_factor - t.num_rows) / t.num_rows)||'%.',       CASE         WHEN '^^is_ebs.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering table and index statistics using FND_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS or coe_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.156968.1">156968.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y' THEN           'If table has more than 15 rows consider gathering table and index statistics using coe_siebel_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_psft.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering table and index statistics using pscbo_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.1322888.1">1322888.1</a>.'         ELSE           'Consider gathering table and index statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS.'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'         END  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_indexes i WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND t.temporary = 'N'   AND pt.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = i.table_name   AND i.clustering_factor > t.num_rows   AND (i.clustering_factor - t.num_rows) > t.num_rows * 0.1;-- stats on zero while columns have valueINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_INDEX, 'INDEX', SYSTIMESTAMP, i.owner||'.'||i.index_name,       'Index CBO statistics on 0 with indexed columns with value.',       'This index with zeroes in CBO index statistics contains columns for which there are values, so the index should not have statistics in zeroes.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Possible Bug <a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.4055596">4055596</a>. Consider gathering table statistics, or DROP and RE-CREATE index.'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_indexes i WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.temporary = 'N'   AND pt.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = i.table_name   AND i.index_type NOT IN ('DOMAIN', 'LOB', 'FUNCTION-BASED DOMAIN')   AND i.num_rows = 0   AND i.distinct_keys = 0   AND i.leaf_blocks = 0   AND i.blevel = 0   AND EXISTS (SELECT NULL  FROM dba_ind_columns ic,       dba_tab_cols tc WHERE ic.index_owner = i.owner   AND ic.index_name = i.index_name   AND ic.table_owner = tc.owner   AND ic.table_name = tc.table_name   AND ic.column_name = tc.column_name   AND t.num_rows > tc.num_nulls   AND (t.num_rows - tc.num_nulls) > t.num_rows * 0.1);-- table/index stats out of syncINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_INDEX, 'INDEX', SYSTIMESTAMP, i.owner||'.'||i.index_name,       'Table/Index CBO statistics out of sync.',       CASE         WHEN '^^is_ebs.' = 'Y' THEN           'Table and index statistics were gathered '||TRUNC(ABS(t.last_analyzed - i.last_analyzed))||' day(s) appart,<br>'||CHR(10)||           'so they do not offer a consistent view to the CBO.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Consider gathering table and index statistics using FND_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS or coe_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.156968.1">156968.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y' THEN           'Table and index statistics were gathered '||TRUNC(ABS(t.last_analyzed - i.last_analyzed))||' day(s) appart,<br>'||CHR(10)||           'so they do not offer a consistent view to the CBO.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'If table has more than 15 rows consider gathering table and index statistics using coe_siebel_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_psft.' = 'Y' THEN           'Table and index statistics were gathered '||TRUNC(ABS(t.last_analyzed - i.last_analyzed))||' day(s) appart,<br>'||CHR(10)||           'so they do not offer a consistent view to the CBO.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Consider gathering table and index statistics using pscbo_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.1322888.1">1322888.1</a>.'         ELSE           'Table and index statistics were gathered '||TRUNC(ABS(t.last_analyzed - i.last_analyzed))||' day(s) appart,<br>'||CHR(10)||           'so they do not offer a consistent view to the CBO.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Consider gathering table and index statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS using CASCADE=>TRUE.'||CHR(10)||           'See also <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'         END  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_indexes i WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND t.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND t.num_rows > 0   AND t.temporary = 'N'   AND pt.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = i.table_name   AND i.index_type NOT IN ('DOMAIN', 'LOB', 'FUNCTION-BASED DOMAIN')   AND i.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND ABS(t.last_analyzed - i.last_analyzed) > 1;-- analyze 236935.1INSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_INDEX, 'INDEX', SYSTIMESTAMP, i.owner||'.'||i.index_name,       'CBO statistics were either gathered using deprecated ANALYZE command or derived by aggregation from lower level objects.',       CASE         WHEN '^^is_ebs.' = 'Y' THEN           'When ANALYZE is used on a non-partitioned index, the global_stats column of the index statistics receives a value of ''NO''.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Same is true when statistics were derived by aggregation from lower level objects.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Consider gathering statistics using FND_STATS instead.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See also <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.156968.1">156968.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y' THEN           'When ANALYZE is used on a non-partitioned index, the global_stats column of the index statistics receives a value of ''NO''.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Same is true when statistics were derived by aggregation from lower level objects.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Consider gathering statistics using coe_siebel_stats.sql instead.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_psft.' = 'Y' THEN           'When ANALYZE is used on a non-partitioned index, the global_stats column of the index statistics receives a value of ''NO''.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Same is true when statistics were derived by aggregation from lower level objects.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Consider gathering statistics using pscbo_stats.sql instead.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.1322888.1">1322888.1</a>.'         ELSE           'When ANALYZE is used on a non-partitioned index, the global_stats column of the index statistics receives a value of ''NO''.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Same is true when statistics were derived by aggregation from lower level objects.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'Consider gathering statistics using DBMS_STATS instead.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'         END  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_indexes i WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = i.table_name   AND i.index_type = 'NORMAL'   AND i.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND i.partitioned = 'NO'   AND i.global_stats = 'NO';-- no column stats in single-column indexINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_1COL_INDEX, '1-COL INDEX', SYSTIMESTAMP, i.index_name||'('||ic.column_name||')',       'Lack of CBO statistics in column of this single-column index.',       'To avoid CBO guessed statistics on this indexed column, gather table statistics and include this column in METHOD_OPT used.'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_indexes i,       dba_ind_columns ic,       dba_tab_cols tc WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = i.table_name   AND i.index_type NOT IN ('DOMAIN', 'LOB', 'FUNCTION-BASED DOMAIN')   AND i.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND i.num_rows > 0   AND i.owner = ic.index_owner   AND i.index_name = ic.index_name   AND ic.column_position = 1   AND ic.table_owner = tc.owner   AND ic.table_name = tc.table_name   AND ic.column_name = tc.column_name   AND (tc.last_analyzed IS NULL OR tc.num_distinct IS NULL OR tc.num_nulls IS NULL)   AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL  FROM dba_ind_columns ic2 WHERE ic2.index_owner = i.owner   AND ic2.index_name = i.index_name   AND ic2.column_position = 2 );-- ndv on column > num_rows in single-column indexINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_1COL_INDEX, '1-COL INDEX', SYSTIMESTAMP, i.index_name||'('||ic.column_name||')',       'Single-column index with number of distinct values greater than number of rows by '||ROUND(100 * (tc.num_distinct - i.num_rows) / i.num_rows)||'%.',       'There cannot be a larger number of distinct values ('||tc.num_distinct||') in a column than actual rows ('||i.num_rows||') in the index.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'This is an inconsistency on this indexed column. Consider gathering table statistics using a large sample size.'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_indexes i,       dba_ind_columns ic,       dba_tab_cols tc WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = i.table_name   AND i.index_type NOT IN ('DOMAIN', 'LOB', 'FUNCTION-BASED DOMAIN')   AND i.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND i.num_rows > 0   AND i.owner = ic.index_owner   AND i.index_name = ic.index_name   AND ic.column_position = 1   AND ic.table_owner = tc.owner   AND ic.table_name = tc.table_name   AND ic.column_name = tc.column_name   AND tc.num_distinct > i.num_rows   AND (tc.num_distinct - i.num_rows) > i.num_rows * 0.1   AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL  FROM dba_ind_columns ic2 WHERE ic2.index_owner = i.owner   AND ic2.index_name = i.index_name   AND ic2.column_position = 2 );-- ndv is zero but column has values in single-column indexINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_1COL_INDEX, '1-COL INDEX', SYSTIMESTAMP, i.index_name||'('||ic.column_name||')',       'Single-column index with number of distinct value equal to zero in column with value.',       'There should not be columns with value where the number of distinct values for the same column is zero.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Column has '||(i.num_rows - tc.num_nulls)||' rows with value while the number of distinct values for it is zero.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'This is an inconsistency on this indexed column. Consider gathering table statistics using a large sample size.'  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_indexes i,       dba_ind_columns ic,       dba_tab_cols tc WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = i.table_name   AND i.index_type NOT IN ('DOMAIN', 'LOB', 'FUNCTION-BASED DOMAIN')   AND i.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND i.num_rows > 0   AND i.owner = ic.index_owner   AND i.index_name = ic.index_name   AND ic.column_position = 1   AND ic.table_owner = tc.owner   AND ic.table_name = tc.table_name   AND ic.column_name = tc.column_name   AND tc.num_distinct = 0   AND i.num_rows > tc.num_nulls   AND (i.num_rows - tc.num_nulls) > i.num_rows * 0.1   AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL  FROM dba_ind_columns ic2 WHERE ic2.index_owner = i.owner   AND ic2.index_name = i.index_name   AND ic2.column_position = 2 );-- Bugs 4495422 or 9885553 in single-column indexINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_1COL_INDEX, '1-COL INDEX', SYSTIMESTAMP, i.index_name||'('||ic.column_name||')',       'Number of distinct values ('||tc.num_distinct||') does not match number of distinct keys ('||i.distinct_keys||') by '||ROUND(100 * (i.distinct_keys - tc.num_distinct) / tc.num_distinct)||'%.',       CASE         WHEN tc.data_type LIKE '%CHAR%' AND tc.num_buckets > 1 THEN           'Possible Bug <a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.4495422">4495422</a> or <a target="MOS" href="^^bug_link.9885553">9885553</a>.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'This is an inconsistency on this indexed column. Gather fresh statistics with no histograms or adjusting DISTCNT and DENSITY using SET_COLUMN_statistics APIs.'         ELSE           'This is an inconsistency on this indexed column. Gather fresh statistics or adjusting DISTCNT and DENSITY using SET_COLUMN_statistics APIs.'         END  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_indexes i,       dba_ind_columns ic,       dba_tab_cols tc WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = i.table_name   AND i.index_type NOT IN ('DOMAIN', 'LOB', 'FUNCTION-BASED DOMAIN')   AND i.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND i.num_rows > 0   AND i.owner = ic.index_owner   AND i.index_name = ic.index_name   AND ic.column_position = 1   AND ic.table_owner = tc.owner   AND ic.table_name = tc.table_name   AND ic.column_name = tc.column_name   AND tc.num_distinct > 0   AND i.distinct_keys > 0   AND i.distinct_keys > tc.num_distinct   AND (i.distinct_keys - tc.num_distinct) > tc.num_distinct * 0.1   AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL  FROM dba_ind_columns ic2 WHERE ic2.index_owner = i.owner   AND ic2.index_name = i.index_name   AND ic2.column_position = 2 );-- index partitions with no statsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_INDEX_PART, 'INDEX PARTITION', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       v.no_stats||' out of '||v.par_count||' partition(s) lack(s) CBO statistics.',       CASE         WHEN '^^is_ebs.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering statistics using FND_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATISTICS.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See also <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.156968.1">156968.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_siebel.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering statistics using coe_siebel_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.781927.1">781927.1</a>.'         WHEN '^^is_psft.' = 'Y' THEN           'Consider gathering statistics using pscbo_stats.sql.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.1322888.1">1322888.1</a>.'         ELSE           'Consider gathering statistics using DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATISTICS.<br>'||CHR(10)||           'See <a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.465787.1">465787.1</a>.'         END  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       COUNT(*) par_count,       SUM(CASE WHEN p.last_analyzed IS NULL OR p.num_rows IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) no_stats  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_indexes i,       dba_ind_partitions p WHERE pt.object_type = 'INDEX'   AND pt.object_owner = i.owner   AND pt.object_name = i.index_name   AND i.partitioned = 'YES'   AND i.num_rows > 0   AND i.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND pt.object_owner = p.index_owner   AND pt.object_name = p.index_name GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name ) v WHERE v.no_stats > 0;-- index partitions where num rows = 0INSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_INDEX_PART, 'INDEX PARTITION', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       v.num_rows_zero||' out of '||v.par_count||' partition(s) with number of rows equal to zero according to partition''s CBO statistics.',       'If these index partitions are not empty, consider gathering table statistics using GRANULARITY=>GLOBAL AND PARTITION.'  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       COUNT(*) par_count,       SUM(CASE WHEN p.num_rows = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) num_rows_zero  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_indexes i,       dba_ind_partitions p WHERE pt.object_type = 'INDEX'   AND pt.object_owner = i.owner   AND pt.object_name = i.index_name   AND i.partitioned = 'YES'   AND i.num_rows > 0   AND i.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND pt.object_owner = p.index_owner   AND pt.object_name = p.index_name GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name ) v WHERE v.num_rows_zero > 0;-- index partitions with oudated statsINSERT INTO plan_table (id, operation, object_alias, other_tag, remarks, projection)SELECT :E_INDEX_PART, 'INDEX PARTITION', SYSTIMESTAMP, v.object_owner||'.'||v.object_name,       'Index contains partition(s) with index/partition CBO statistics out of sync for up to '||TRUNC(ABS(v.idx_last_analyzed - v.par_last_analyzed))||' day(s).',       'Index and partition statistics were gathered up to '||TRUNC(ABS(v.idx_last_analyzed - v.par_last_analyzed))||' day(s) appart, so they do not offer a consistent view to the CBO.<br>'||CHR(10)||       'Consider re-gathering table statistics using GRANULARITY=>GLOBAL AND PARTITION.'  FROM (SELECT pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       i.last_analyzed idx_last_analyzed,       COUNT(*) par_count,       MIN(p.last_analyzed) par_last_analyzed  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_indexes i,       dba_ind_partitions p WHERE pt.object_type = 'INDEX'   AND pt.object_owner = i.owner   AND pt.object_name = i.index_name   AND i.partitioned = 'YES'   AND i.num_rows > 0   AND i.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL   AND pt.object_owner = p.index_owner   AND pt.object_name = p.index_name GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       i.last_analyzed ) v WHERE ABS(v.idx_last_analyzed - v.par_last_analyzed) > 1;/**************************************************************************************************//* ------------------------- * * hc report * * ------------------------- */-- setup to produce reportSET ECHO OFF FEED OFF VER OFF SHOW OFF HEA OFF LIN 2000 NEWP NONE PAGES 0 SQLC MIX TAB ON TRIMS ON TI OFF TIMI OFF ARRAY 100 NUMF "" SQLP SQL> SUF sql BLO . RECSEP OFF APPI OFF;/* ------------------------- * * heading * * ------------------------- */SPO sqlhc_^^database_name_short._^^host_name_short._^^rdbms_version._^^sql_id._^^time_stamp..html;PRO <html>PRO <!-- $Header: ^^mos_doc. sqlhc.html ^^doc_ver. ^^doc_date. carlos.sierra $ -->PRO <!-- Copyright (c) 2000-2011, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. -->PRO <!-- Author: carlos.sierra@oracle.com -->PROPRO <head>PRO <title>sqlhc_^^database_name_short._^^host_name_short._^^rdbms_version._^^sql_id._^^time_stamp..html</title>PROPRO <style type="text/css">PRO body {font:10pt Arial,Helvetica,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif; color:black; background:white;}PRO a {font-weight:bold; color:#663300;}PRO pre {font:8pt Monaco,"Courier New",Courier,monospace;} /* for code */PRO h1 {font-size:16pt; font-weight:bold; color:#336699;}PRO h2 {font-size:14pt; font-weight:bold; color:#336699;}PRO h3 {font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; color:#336699;}PRO li {font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; color:#336699; padding:0.1em 0 0 0;}PRO table {font-size:8pt; color:black; background:white;}PRO th {font-weight:bold; background:#cccc99; color:#336699; vertical-align:bottom; padding-left:3pt; padding-right:3pt; padding-top:1pt; padding-bottom:1pt;}PRO td {text-align:left; background:#fcfcf0; vertical-align:top; padding-left:3pt; padding-right:3pt; padding-top:1pt; padding-bottom:1pt;}PRO td.c {text-align:center;} /* center */PRO td.l {text-align:left;} /* left (default) */PRO td.r {text-align:right;} /* right */PRO font.n {font-size:8pt; font-style:italic; color:#336699;} /* table footnote in blue */PRO font.f {font-size:8pt; color:#999999;} /* footnote in gray */PRO </style>PROPRO </head>PRO <body>PRO <h1><a target="MOS" href="^^doc_link.^^mos_doc.">^^mos_doc.</a> SQLHCPRO ^^doc_ver. Report: sqlhc_^^database_name_short._^^host_name_short._^^rdbms_version._^^sql_id._^^time_stamp..html</h1>PROPRO <pre>PRO License : "^^input_license."PRO SQL_ID  : "^^input_sql_id."PRO RDBMS   : "^^rdbms_version."PRO Platform: "^^platform."PRO OFE     : "^^sys_ofe."PRO DYN_SAMP: "^^sys_ds."PRO EBS:      "^^is_ebs."PRO SIEBEL  : "^^is_siebel."PRO PSFT    : "^^is_psft."PRO Date    : "^^time_stamp2."PRO </pre>/* ------------------------- * * observations * * ------------------------- */PRO <h2>Observations</h2>PROPRO Observations below are the outcome of several heath-checks on the schema objects accessed by your SQL and its environment.PRO Review them carefully and take action when appropriate. Then re-execute your SQL and generate this report again.PROPRO <table>PROPRO <tr>PRO <th>#</th>PRO <th>Type</th>PRO <th>Name</th>PRO <th>Observation</th>PRO <th>More</th>PRO </tr>SELECT CHR(10)||'<tr>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||ROWNUM||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||v.object_type||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||v.object_name||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||v.observation||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||v.more||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '</tr>'  FROM (SELECT operation object_type,       other_tag object_name,       remarks observation,       projection more  FROM plan_table WHERE id IS NOT NULL   AND operation IS NOT NULL   AND object_alias IS NOT NULL   AND other_tag IS NOT NULL   AND remarks IS NOT NULL ORDER BY       id,       operation,       other_tag,       object_alias ) v;PROPRO </table>PRO/* ------------------------- * * sql_text * * ------------------------- */PRO <h2>SQL Text</h2>PROPRO <pre>DECLARE  l_pos NUMBER;BEGIN  WHILE NVL(LENGTH(:sql_text), 0) > 0  LOOP    l_pos := INSTR(:sql_text, CHR(10));    IF l_pos > 0 THEN      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(SUBSTR(:sql_text, 1, l_pos - 1));      :sql_text := SUBSTR(:sql_text, l_pos + 1);    ELSE      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(:sql_text);      :sql_text := NULL;    END IF;  END LOOP;END;/PRO </pre>/* ------------------------- * * tables summary * * ------------------------- */PRO <h2>Tables Summary</h2>PROPRO Values below have two purposes:<br>PRO 1. Provide a quick view of the state of Table level CBO statistics, as well as their indexes and columns.<br>PRO 2. Ease a compare between two systems that are believed to be similar.PROPRO <table>PROPRO <tr>PRO <th>#</th>PRO <th>Table Name</th>PRO <th>Owner</th>PRO <th>Num Rows</th>PRO <th>Table<br>Sample Size</th>PRO <th>Last Analyzed</th>PRO <th>Indexes</th>PRO <th>Avg Index<br>Sample Size</th>PRO <th>Table<br>Columns</th>PRO <th>Columns with<br>Histogram</th>PRO <th>Avg Column<br>Sample Size</th>PRO </tr>SELECT CHR(10)||'<tr>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||ROWNUM||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||v.table_name||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||v.owner||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.num_rows||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.table_sample_size||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td nowrap>'||v.last_analyzed||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.indexes||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.avg_index_sample_size||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.columns||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.columns_with_histograms||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.avg_column_sample_size||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '</tr>'  FROM (WITHt AS (SELECT pt.object_owner owner,       pt.object_name table_name,       t.num_rows,       t.sample_size table_sample_size,       TO_CHAR(t.last_analyzed, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') last_analyzed,       COUNT(*) indexes,       ROUND(AVG(i.sample_size)) avg_index_sample_size  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tables t,       dba_indexes i WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = t.owner   AND pt.object_name = t.table_name   AND pt.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = i.table_name GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name,       t.num_rows,       t.sample_size,       t.last_analyzed ),c AS (SELECT pt.object_owner owner,       pt.object_name table_name,       COUNT(*) columns,       SUM(CASE WHEN NVL(c.histogram, 'NONE') = 'NONE' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) columns_with_histograms,       ROUND(AVG(c.sample_size)) avg_column_sample_size  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_tab_cols c WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = c.owner   AND pt.object_name = c.table_name GROUP BY       pt.object_owner,       pt.object_name )SELECT t.table_name,       t.owner,       t.num_rows,       t.table_sample_size,       t.last_analyzed,       t.indexes,       t.avg_index_sample_size,       c.columns,       c.columns_with_histograms,       c.avg_column_sample_size  FROM t, c WHERE t.table_name = c.table_name   AND t.owner = c.owner ORDER BY       t.table_name,       t.owner ) v;PROPRO </table>PRO/* ------------------------- * * indexes summary * * ------------------------- */PRO <h2>Indexes Summary</h2>PROPRO Values below have two purposes:<br>PRO 1. Provide a quick view of the state of Index level CBO statistics, as well as their columns.<br>PRO 2. Ease a compare between two systems that are believed to be similar.PROPRO <table>PROPRO <tr>PRO <th>#</th>PRO <th>Table Name</th>PRO <th>Table<br>Owner</th>PRO <th>Index Name</th>PRO <th>Index<br>Owner</th>PRO <th>In MEM<br>Plan</th>PRO <th>In AWR<br>Plan</th>PRO <th>Num Rows</th>PRO <th>Index<br>Sample Size</th>PRO <th>Last Analyzed</th>PRO <th>Index<br>Columns</th>PRO <th>Columns with<br>Histogram</th>PRO <th>Avg Column<br>Sample Size</th>PRO </tr>SELECT CHR(10)||'<tr>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||ROWNUM||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||v.table_name||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||v.table_owner||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||v.index_name||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||v.index_owner||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="c">'||v.in_mem_plan||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="c">'||v.in_awr_plan||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.num_rows||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.table_sample_size||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td nowrap>'||v.last_analyzed||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.columns||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.columns_with_histograms||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.avg_column_sample_size||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '</tr>'  FROM (WITHi AS (SELECT pt.object_owner table_owner,       pt.object_name table_name,       i.owner index_owner,       i.index_name,       i.num_rows,       i.sample_size table_sample_size,       TO_CHAR(i.last_analyzed, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') last_analyzed,       (SELECT 'YES'          FROM gv$sql_plan p1         WHERE p1.sql_id = :sql_id           AND (p1.object_type LIKE '%INDEX%' OR p1.operation LIKE '%INDEX%')           AND i.owner = p1.object_owner           AND i.index_name = p1.object_name           AND ROWNUM = 1) in_mem_plan,       (SELECT 'YES'          FROM dba_hist_sql_plan p2         WHERE :license = 'Y'           AND p2.sql_id = :sql_id           AND (p2.object_type LIKE '%INDEX%' OR p2.operation LIKE '%INDEX%')           AND i.owner = p2.object_owner           AND i.index_name = p2.object_name           AND ROWNUM = 1) in_awr_plan  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_indexes i WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = i.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = i.table_name ),c AS (SELECT ic.index_owner,       ic.index_name,       COUNT(*) columns,       SUM(CASE WHEN NVL(c.histogram, 'NONE') = 'NONE' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) columns_with_histograms,       ROUND(AVG(c.sample_size)) avg_column_sample_size  FROM plan_table pt,       dba_ind_columns ic,       dba_tab_cols c WHERE pt.object_type = 'TABLE'   AND pt.object_owner = ic.table_owner   AND pt.object_name = ic.table_name   AND ic.table_owner = c.owner   AND ic.table_name = c.table_name   AND ic.column_name = c.column_name GROUP BY       ic.index_owner,       ic.index_name )SELECT i.table_name,       i.table_owner,       i.index_name,       i.index_owner,       i.num_rows,       i.table_sample_size,       i.last_analyzed,       i.in_mem_plan,       i.in_awr_plan,       c.columns,       c.columns_with_histograms,       c.avg_column_sample_size  FROM i, c WHERE i.index_name = c.index_name   AND i.index_owner = c.index_owner ORDER BY       i.table_name,       i.table_owner,       i.index_name,       i.index_owner ) v;PROPRO </table>PRO/* ------------------------- * * gv$sql * * ------------------------- */PRO <h2>Current SQL Statistics (GV$SQL)</h2>PROPRO Performance metrics of child cursors of ^^sql_id. while still in memory.PROPRO <table>PROPRO <tr>PRO <th>#</th>PRO <th>Inst<br>ID</th>PRO <th>Child<br>Num</th>PRO <th>Plan HV</th>PRO <th>Execs</th>PRO <th>Fetch</th>PRO <th>Loads</th>PRO <th>Inval</th>PRO <th>Parse<br>Calls</th>PRO <th>Buffer<br>Gets</th>PRO <th>Disk<br>Reads</th>PRO <th>Direct<br>Writes</th>PRO <th>Rows<br>Proc</th>PRO <th>Elapsed<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>CPU<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>IO<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>Conc<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>Appl<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>Clus<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>PLSQL<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>Java<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>Optimizer<br>Mode</th>PRO <th>Cost</th>PRO <th>Opt Env HV</th>PRO <th>Parsing<br>Schema<br>Name</th>PRO <th>Module</th>PRO <th>Action</th>PRO <th>Outline</th>PRO <th>Profile</th>PRO <th>First Load</th>PRO <th>Last Load</th>PRO <th>Last Active</th>PRO </tr>SELECT CHR(10)||'<tr>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||ROWNUM||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||inst_id||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||child_number||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||plan_hash_value||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||executions||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||fetches||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||loads||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||invalidations||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||parse_calls||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||buffer_gets||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||disk_reads||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||direct_writes||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||rows_processed||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(elapsed_time / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(cpu_time / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(user_io_wait_time / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(concurrency_wait_time / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(application_wait_time / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(cluster_wait_time / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(plsql_exec_time / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(java_exec_time / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||optimizer_mode||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||optimizer_cost||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||optimizer_env_hash_value||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||parsing_schema_name||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||module||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||action||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||outline_category||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||sql_profile||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td nowrap>'||first_load_time||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td nowrap>'||last_load_time||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td nowrap>'||TO_CHAR(last_active_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD/HH24:MI:SS')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '</tr>'  FROM gv$sql WHERE sql_id = :sql_id ORDER BY       inst_id,       child_number;PROPRO </table>PRO/* ------------------------- * * dba_hist_sqlstat * * ------------------------- */PRO <h2>Historical SQL Statistics (DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT)</h2>PROPRO Performance metrics of execution plans of ^^sql_id. captured by AWR.PROPRO <table>PROPRO <tr>PRO <th>#</th>PRO <th>Snap<br>ID</th>PRO <th>Snaphot</th>PRO <th>Inst<br>ID</th>PRO <th>Plan HV</th>PRO <th>Vers<br>Cnt</th>PRO <th>Execs</th>PRO <th>Fetch</th>PRO <th>Loads</th>PRO <th>Inval</th>PRO <th>Parse<br>Calls</th>PRO <th>Buffer<br>Gets</th>PRO <th>Disk<br>Reads</th>PRO <th>Direct<br>Writes</th>PRO <th>Rows<br>Proc</th>PRO <th>Elapsed<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>CPU<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>IO<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>Conc<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>Appl<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>Clus<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>PLSQL<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>Java<br>Time<br>(secs)</th>PRO <th>Optimizer<br>Mode</th>PRO <th>Cost</th>PRO <th>Opt Env HV</th>PRO <th>Parsing<br>Schema<br>Name</th>PRO <th>Module</th>PRO <th>Action</th>PRO <th>Profile</th>PRO </tr>SELECT CHR(10)||'<tr>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||ROWNUM||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.snap_id||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td nowrap>'||TO_CHAR(v.end_interval_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD/HH24:MI:SS')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.instance_number||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.plan_hash_value||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.version_count||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.executions_total||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.fetches_total||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.loads_total||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.invalidations_total||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.parse_calls_total||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.buffer_gets_total||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.disk_reads_total||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.direct_writes_total||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.rows_processed_total||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(v.elapsed_time_total / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(v.cpu_time_total / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(v.iowait_total / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(v.ccwait_total / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(v.apwait_total / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(v.clwait_total / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(v.plsexec_time_total / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||TO_CHAR(ROUND(v.javexec_time_total / 1e6, 3), '99999999999990D990')||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||v.optimizer_mode||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.optimizer_cost||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td class="r">'||v.optimizer_env_hash_value||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||v.parsing_schema_name||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||v.module||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||v.action||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '<td>'||v.sql_profile||'</td>'||CHR(10)||       '</tr>'  FROM (SELECT       h.snap_id,       s.end_interval_time,       h.instance_number,       h.plan_hash_value,       h.optimizer_cost,       h.optimizer_mode,       h.optimizer_env_hash_value,       h.version_count,       h.module,       h.action,       h.sql_profile,       h.parsing_schema_name,       h.fetches_total,       h.executions_total,       h.loads_total,       h.invalidations_total,       h.parse_calls_total,       h.disk_reads_total,       h.buffer_gets_total,       h.rows_processed_total,       h.cpu_time_total,       h.elapsed_time_total,       h.iowait_total,       h.clwait_total,       h.apwait_total,       h.ccwait_total,       h.direct_writes_total,       h.plsexec_time_total,       h.javexec_time_total  FROM dba_hist_sqlstat h,       dba_hist_snapshot s WHERE :license = 'Y'   AND h.sql_id = :sql_id   AND h.snap_id = s.snap_id   AND h.dbid = s.dbid   AND h.instance_number = s.instance_number ORDER BY       s.end_interval_time,       h.instance_number,       h.plan_hash_value ) v;PROPRO </table>PRO/* ------------------------- * * DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR OUTLINE ALLSTATS LAST * * ------------------------- */COL inst_child FOR A21;BREAK ON inst_child SKIP 2;PRO <h2>Current Execution Plans (last execution)</h2>PROPRO Captured while still in memory. Metrics below are for the last execution of each child cursor.<br>PRO If STATISTICS_LEVEL was set to ALL at the time of the hard-parse then A-Rows column is populated.PROPRO <pre>SELECT RPAD('Inst: '||v.inst_id, 9)||' '||RPAD('Child: '||v.child_number, 11) inst_child, t.plan_table_output  FROM gv$sql v,       TABLE(DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY('gv$sql_plan_statistics_all', NULL, 'ADVANCED ALLSTATS LAST -PROJECTION', 'inst_id = '||v.inst_id||' AND sql_id = '''||v.sql_id||''' AND child_number = '||v.child_number)) t WHERE v.sql_id = :sql_id   AND v.loaded_versions > 0;PRO </pre>/* ------------------------- * * DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR OUTLINE ALLSTATS * * ------------------------- */PRO <h2>Current Execution Plans (all executions)</h2>PROPRO Captured while still in memory. Metrics below are an aggregate for all the execution of each child cursor.<br>PRO If STATISTICS_LEVEL was set to ALL at the time of the hard-parse then A-Rows column is populated.PROPRO <pre>SELECT RPAD('Inst: '||v.inst_id, 9)||' '||RPAD('Child: '||v.child_number, 11) inst_child, t.plan_table_output  FROM gv$sql v,       TABLE(DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY('gv$sql_plan_statistics_all', NULL, 'ADVANCED ALLSTATS -PROJECTION', 'inst_id = '||v.inst_id||' AND sql_id = '''||v.sql_id||''' AND child_number = '||v.child_number)) t WHERE v.sql_id = :sql_id   AND v.loaded_versions > 0   AND v.executions > 1;PRO </pre>/* ------------------------- * * DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_AWR OUTLINE * * ------------------------- */PRO <h2>Historical Execution Plans</h2>PROPRO Captured by AWR.PROPRO <pre>SELECT t.plan_table_output  FROM (SELECT DISTINCT sql_id, plan_hash_value, dbid          FROM dba_hist_sql_plan WHERE :license = 'Y' AND sql_id = :sql_id) v,       TABLE(DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_AWR(v.sql_id, v.plan_hash_value, v.dbid, 'ADVANCED -PROJECTION')) t;PRO </pre>/* ------------------------- * * footer * * ------------------------- */PROPRO <hr size="3">PRO <font class="f">^^mos_doc. SQLHC ^^doc_ver. ^^time_stamp2.</font>PRO </body>PRO </html>SPO OFF;-- nothing is updated in the dbROLLBACK TO sqlhc;SET TERM ON ECHO OFF FEED 6 VER ON SHOW OFF HEA ON LIN 80 NEWP 1 PAGES 14 SQLC MIX TAB ON TRIMS OFF TI OFF TIMI OFF ARRAY 15 NUMF "" SQLP SQL> SUF sql BLO . RECSEP WR APPI OFF SERVEROUT OFF;PROPRO SQLTH file has been created:PRO sqlhc_^^database_name_short._^^host_name_short._^^rdbms_version._^^sql_id._^^time_stamp..html.PRO Review this file and act upon its content.PROCL COL;SET DEF ON;UNDEFINE 1 2 mos_doc doc_ver doc_date doc_link bug_link input_sql_id input_license sql_id license;
