BNUOJ27888:Baby Me

来源:互联网 发布:js正则表达式 i g 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 01:48
When I was born, I was 5斤2两。Sorry for non-Chinese people. Here's what it means:



So 5斤2两 means 0.5*5+0.05*2=2.6kg.

Given similar information for other babies, your task is to find out their weights in kg.


The first line contains the number of test cases T(T<=100). Each test case contains a string in format "a斤b两"(1<=a<=10, 1<=b<=9) or "a斤"(1<=a<=10).

The input file will be encoded with UTF-8 without BOM (if you don't know what it is, you can safely ignore it).


For each test case, print the ACCURATE weight in kg (without trailing zeros).

Sample Input


Output for the Sample Input

Case 1: 2.6Case 2: 3.65Case 3: 3

Rujia Liu's Present 6: Happy 30th Birthday to Myself
Special thanks: Md. Mahbubul Hasan, Feng Chen




#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;char str[100];int main(){    int n,len,i,j,head,end,cas = 1;    double jin,liang,t;    scanf("%d",&n);    while(n--)    {        jin = liang = 0;        head = end = 0;        scanf("%s",str);        len = strlen(str);        for(i = 0; i<len; i++)//计算斤        {            if(str[i]>='0' && str[i]<='9')                jin = jin*10+str[i]-'0';            else                break;        }        jin = jin*0.5;//斤化为kg        head = (int)jin;//取出整数部分        t = jin - (int)jin;//小数部分保留在t中        for(j = i; j<len; j++)//找出两        {            if(str[j]>='0' && str[j]<='9')            {                liang = str[j]-'0';                break;            }        }        liang*=0.05;//两化为kg        t = t+liang;//这是整个kg的小数部分        while(t - (int)t>1e-6)//将小数转化为整数        {            t*=10;        }        end = (int)t;        printf("Case %d: ",cas++);        if(end)            printf("%d.%d\n",head,end);        else            printf("%d\n",head);    }    return 0;}

