Foundation: Heapsort

来源:互联网 发布:鲁西bpm软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 14:55
/* Heap Sorting. * Implementation history:. * 2013-09-20, Mars Fu, first version. *//* [Heapsort Algorithm] * Published by J.W.J.Williams[CACM 7(1964),347-348]. * * [Heap Creation Algorithm] * Part of Heapsort algorithm. * Published by R.W.Floyd[CACM 7(1964),701] */#include "stdafx.h"#include "heapsort.h"/* Rocords R(1),...,R(N) are rearranged in place. * After sorting is complete,their keys will be in order, K(1)<=...<=K(N). * First we rearrange the file so that it forms a heap,then we repeatedly remove  * the top of the heap and transfer it to its proper final position. * Assume that N>=2. */intdo_heap_sort(void *src, int src_sz, int n, cmp_func cmp, exc_func exchange, dbg_func dbg){int L,r;int i,j;F_S();if (src == NULL || cmp == NULL || exchange == NULL) return 0;if (src_sz <= 0 || n <= 0) return 0;if (n == 1) goto END;H1: /* initialize. */L = n/2 + 1;r = n;H2:if (dbg) dbg(src,n,L,r);/* descrease L or r. */if (L > 1) {--L;}else {exchange((char*)src + (r-1) * src_sz, (char*)src);if(--r == 1) goto END;}H3:/* prepare for siftup. */j = L;H4:/* advance downward. */i = j;j <<= 1; /* j= 2*j. */    if (j < r) goto H5;if (j == r) goto H6;if (j > r) goto H8;H5:/* find larger child. */if (cmp((char*)src + (j-1)*src_sz, (char*)src + (j+1-1)*src_sz) < 0) ++j;H6: /* larger than R(i)? */if (cmp((char*)src + (i-1)*src_sz, (char*)src + (j-1)*src_sz) >= 0) goto H8;H7:/* move it up */exchange((char*)src + (i-1)*src_sz, (char*)src + (j-1)*src_sz);goto H4;H8:/* the end of shiftup. */goto H2;END:if (dbg) dbg(src,n,L,r);F_E();return 1;}#ifdef HEAP_SORT_DEBUGstatic int int_increasing_cmp(void* lv, void* rv){int tmp_lv, tmp_rv;tmp_lv = *(int*)lv;tmp_rv = *(int*)rv;return (tmp_lv - tmp_rv);}static voidexchange_int_item(void* lv, void* rv){int tmp_lv, tmp_rv;tmp_lv = *(int*)lv;tmp_rv = *(int*)rv;*(int*)lv = *(int*)rv;*(int*)rv = tmp_lv;}static voiddebug_func(void*src, int n, int L, int r){int i;debug("\r\n");for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {debug("% 4d ", i+1);}debug("L r");debug("\r\n");for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {debug("% 4d ", *((int*)src + i));}debug("%d %d", L, r);debug("\r\n");}intmain(int argc, char* argv[]){int i;int cnt;const int int_items[] = { 503, 87, 512, 61, 908, 170, 897, 275,                       653, 426, 154, 509, 612, 677, 765, 703                         };int ret;debug("[Testing heap sort].. \r\n");cnt = sizeof(int_items)/sizeof(int_items[0]);debug("src database:\r\n----\r\n");for (i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {debug("%d ", int_items[i]);}debug("\r\n----\r\n");ret = do_heap_sort((void*)int_items, sizeof(int), cnt,                  int_increasing_cmp, exchange_int_item, debug_func);if (!ret) {debug("failed. \r\n");goto END;}debug("dst database:\r\n----\r\n");for (i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {debug("%d ", int_items[i]);}debug("\r\n----\r\n");debug("\r\n");debug("[Testing heap sort].. done. \r\n");END:while(1);return 0;}#endif /* HEAP_SORT_DEBUG */

#ifndef __HEAPSORT_H__#define __HEAPSORT_H__//#define HEAP_SORT_DEBUGtypedef int(*cmp_func)(void*, void*);typedef void (*exc_func)(void*, void*);typedef void (*dbg_func)(void*, int, int, int);int do_heap_sort(void *src, int src_sz, int n, cmp_func cmp, exc_func exchange, dbg_func dbg);#endif /* __HEAPSORT_H__ */

#pragma once#include <windows.h>#ifdef _WIN32#define msleep(x)  Sleep(x)#endif#include <stdio.h>#include <tchar.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <malloc.h>#include <string.h>#include <math.h>#define MY_DEBUG#ifdef MY_DEBUG#define debug printf#else#define debug(x,argc, __VA_ARGS__);#endif /* MY_DEBUG */#define F_S() debug("[%s]..\r\n", __FUNCTION__)#define F_E() debug("[%s]..done. \r\n", __FUNCTION__)

I guess your guys may think it's a little complicated? :) so,so...



Sep 21st, 2013

Any to share, e-me: