string 动态双向链表的创建、排序,反转等

来源:互联网 发布:php资源网源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 09:12
/*--------------------------------------------------写一个string双向链表模块. 通过建立一一个程序设计语言名字的表来演习这个模块. 为这个表提供一个sort()函数, 并提供一个函数去反转表中字符串的顺序.--------------------------------------------------*/#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;namespace DOUBLY_LINKED// 双向链表的逻辑结构{typedef struct DOUBLY_STRING{string str;DOUBLY_STRING *left, *right;DOUBLY_STRING() {str = "\0"; left = 0; right = 0;}DOUBLY_STRING(string sstr) {str = sstr; left = 0; right = 0;}void sort();// 双向链表排序void reversion();// 反转双向链表} DS, *PDS;}namespace DL = DOUBLY_LINKED;void DL::DS::sort(){PDS temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4;temp4 = temp2 = temp1 = this->right;while (temp4->str != "end"){while (temp1->str != "end"){temp3 = temp1;temp1 = temp3->right;if (temp1->str != "end"){int l = temp1->str.length() >= temp2->str.length()? temp2->str.length() : temp1->str.length();for (int i = 0; i < l; i++){if (temp2->str[i] < temp1->str[i])break;else if (temp2->str[i] == temp1->str[i]){if (i == l-1 && l == temp1->str.length()){string tstr;tstr = temp1->str;temp1->str = temp2->str;temp2->str = tstr;break;}continue;}else{string tstr;tstr = temp1->str;temp1->str = temp2->str;temp2->str = tstr;break;}}}elsebreak;}temp2 = temp2->right;temp4 = temp1 = temp2;}}void DL::DS::reversion(){DL::PDS temp1, temp2;temp2 = temp1 = this;while (temp1->str != "end")temp1 = temp1->right;while (temp2->right != temp1->left && temp2->right->str != "end"){string tstr;tstr = temp1->left->str;temp1->left->str = temp2->right->str;temp2->right->str = tstr;if (temp2->right->right != temp1->left){temp2 = temp2->right;temp1 = temp1->left;}elsebreak;}}// 创建动态双向链表(首 = "start"; 尾 = "end")DL::PDS create(DL::PDS cpoint){const DL::PDS start = new DL::DS("start");DL::PDS temp1 = 0, temp2 = 0;cout << "Please input the contents of a doubly linked list:\n" << "(input \"quit\" to quit)\n";string *cstr = new string;cin >> *cstr;if (*cstr != "quit"){temp1 = new DL::DS;temp1->str = *cstr;start->right = temp1;temp1->left = start;}else{*cstr = "end";temp1 = new DL::DS;temp1->str = *cstr;temp1->left = start;start->right = temp1;temp1->right = 0;cpoint = start;return cpoint;}cstr = new string;cin >> *cstr;while (*cstr != "quit"){temp2 = temp1;temp1 = new DL::DS;temp1->str = *cstr;temp1->left = temp2;temp2->right = temp1;cstr = new string;cin >> *cstr;}*cstr = "end";temp2 = temp1;temp1 = new DL::DS;temp1->str = *cstr;temp1->left = temp2;temp2->right = temp1;temp1->right = 0;cpoint = start;return cpoint;}// 显示链表的每个结点void show(DL::PDS spoint){DL::PDS temp1, temp2;cout << "\nThe contents of a doubly linked list = \n{";temp2 = temp1 = spoint->right;if (temp2->str == "end"){cout << "No anything!}\n";return;}while (temp2->str != "end")temp2 = temp2->right;while (temp1->str != temp2->left->str){cout << temp1->str << ",";temp1 = temp1->right;}cout << temp2->left->str;cout << "}\nOver!\n";}// 删除动态链表void deleted(DL::PDS dpoint){string* str;DL::PDS temp1, temp2;temp1 = dpoint;str = &temp1->str;while (*str != "end"){temp2 = temp1;temp1 = temp2->right;delete str;str = &temp1->str;}delete str;}int main(){DL::PDS point = 0;point = create(point);show(point);point->sort();show(point);point->reversion();show(point);deleted(point);return 0;}
