
来源:互联网 发布:民航货运员 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/24 04:34
CREATE TABLE `user` (  `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,  `subject` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,  `score` int(11) DEFAULT NULL);insert into user values('zhangsan' , 'chinese' , 10),('zhangsan' , 'math' , 20),('zhangsan' , 'english' , 30),('lily' , 'chinese' , 40),('lily' , 'math' , 50),('lily' , 'english' , 60),('mini' , 'chinese' , 70),('mini' , 'math' , 80),('mini' , 'english' , 90);

case when 实现行转列

select name,sum( case subject when 'chinese' then score else 0 end)  as 'chinese',sum( case subject when 'math' then score else 0 end) as 'math',sum( case subject when 'english' then score else 0 end) as 'english'from usergroup by name;

create  procedure line_to_col()begin  declare i int;  declare _chinese int;  declare _math int;  declare _english int;  declare _name varchar(10);  declare test_cursor CURSOR for select name from user;  select count(*) into i from user;  CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_tab(    name varchar(10),    chinese_score int,    math_socre int,    english_score int);   if i> 0 then    open test_cursor;    repeat fetch test_cursor into _name;      select score into _chinese from user where subject = 'chinese' and name =_name;      select score into _math from user where subject = 'math'  and name =_name;      select score into _english from user where subject = 'english'  and name =_name;      insert into tmp_tab values(_name,_chinese,_math,_english);      set i=i-1;    until i=0 end repeat;    close test_cursor;  end if;  select DISTINCT * from tmp_tab;  drop table tmp_tab;end

因为user表中有重复的name,在设置游标时,我想直接过滤掉重复的用户,所以将游标设置成declare test_cursor CURSOR for select DISTINCTname from user;这样设置游标之后,执行存储过程,报错提示没有获取任何数据。小小同志跟我解释说,游标是遍历用的,怎么能distinct呢 ,只能对取数做distinct。
