关于task flow和object scope

来源:互联网 发布:大数据英语怎么说 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 10:08

我们在设计开发一个新的页面的时候,managed bean选择何种scope更适合业务逻辑?何种scope下managed bean中的变量会随着页面一起刷新?希望下面的这段话能给你点启示。


When determining what scope to use for variables within a task flow, you should use any of the scope options other than application or session scope. These two scopes will persist objects in memory beyond the life of the task flow and therefore compromise the encapsulation and reusable aspects of a task flow. In addition, application and session scopes may keep objects in memory longer than needed, causing unneeded overhead. 

When you need to pass data values between activities within a task flow, you should use page flow scope. View scope is recommended for variables that are needed only within the current view activity, not across view activities. Request scope should be used when the scope does not need to persist longer than the current request. It is the only scope that should be used to store UI component information. Lastly, backing bean scope must be used for backing beans in your task flow if there is a possibility that your task flow will appear in two region components or declarative components on the same page and you would like to achieve region instance isolations.

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