
来源:互联网 发布:windows net snmp 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 09:15
const     DD='0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';function DecimalToStr(n :Integer;jz :Byte):string;var  m:Integer;begin  Result :='';  while (n>jz) and (jz>1) do begin    m := n mod jz;    n := n div jz;    Result := DD[m+1] + Result;  end;  Result :=  DD[n+1] + Result;end;function StrToDecimal(s :string;jz:Byte):Integer;  //返回一个基础数B的E次方  function IntPower(b,e:Integer):Integer;  var    i :Integer;  begin    Result := 1;    for I := 1 to e do      Result := Result * b;  end;var  I,L:Integer;begin  Result :=0;  s := UpperCase(s);  L := Length (s);  for I := 1 to L do    Result := Result +(Pos(s[L-I+1],DD) - 1) * IntPower(jz,i - 1); end;
