
来源:互联网 发布:烈焰遮天全套完整源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/11 18:36
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-  # file:  # by Lee 2013-9-18  """-----------------------------------------------------------------------------     使用HTTPS调用飞信接口:飞信登录手机号&p=飞信登录密码&to=接收飞信的手机号&m=飞信内容     返回结果为Json格式,result=0时表示发送成功     {“result”:0,”message”:”\u53d1\u9001\u6210\u529f”} -----------------------------------------------------------------------------"""  import sys  import httplib  import urllib  import re  import time import json     class Fetion:      """        model to call fetionapi.        attribute:url, fromTel, pwd, toTel, msg        function:Trans, format_url, SendMsg     """      url = ""     def __init__(self,                   toTel,                   msg,                   fromTel = '151xxxxxxxx',  # 这里是发送方号码 和 密码                   pwd = 'pxxxxxxxx'):          self.fromTel = fromTel          self.pwd = pwd          self.toTel = toTel          self.msg = self.Trans(msg)      def Trans(self, msg):          # change space to '%20', otherwise error raised          return re.sub(" ", "%20", str(msg))      def format_url(self):          url_address = self.url + self.fromTel \              + "&p=" + self.pwd \              + "&to=" + self.toTel \              + "&m=" + self.msg          return url_address      def SendMsg(self):          # call the api by http get method          return urllib.urlopen(self.format_url())  def msg2log(msg):      logfile = open('MyFetion.log', 'a')      now = time.strftime('%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')      logfile.write('\n'+ now + '\n' + msg + '\n')      logfile.close()      def main():      # format mutual message      print "\n" + " "*10 + "*"*60      print " "*10 + " Personal Fetion"     print " "*10 + " Enter the number and message what you want to send to."     print " "*10 + " blank number means yourself,"     print " "*10 + " and a blank message line to exit."     print " "*10 + "*"*60      # get the destination phone number      toTel = raw_input("Input the target telphone number:")  #控制台输入手机号也可以改成固定的直接赋值就可,这里填的是接收方号码。    if toTel == "":          toTel = "151xxxxxxxx"  # 如果控制台没有输入手机号就默认使用这个toTel的值     # get the message and send by Fetion class      while True:          msg = raw_input("Message:")     #输入要发送的短信消息        if msg == "":              break  # 为空就退出         else:              print "Sending...."             msg2log(msg)              ff = Fetion(toTel, msg)              answer = ff.SendMsg()              data =              jdata=json.loads(data)              if jdata['result']==0:  #判别信息发送成功或失败                print 'Done.^_^\n'             else:                  print 'Fail.-_=\n'             if __name__ == '__main__':      main()  
