HDU 3829 Cat VS Dog(二分图,4级)

来源:互联网 发布:windows官网下载镜像 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 12:38

C - Cat VS Dog
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The zoo have N cats and M dogs, today there are P children visiting the zoo, each child has a like-animal and a dislike-animal, if the child's like-animal is a cat, then his/hers dislike-animal must be a dog, and vice versa.
Now the zoo administrator is removing some animals, if one child's like-animal is not removed and his/hers dislike-animal is removed, he/she will be happy. So the administrator wants to know which animals he should remove to make maximum number of happy children.


The input file contains multiple test cases, for each case, the first line contains three integers N <= 100, M <= 100 and P <= 500.
Next P lines, each line contains a child's like-animal and dislike-animal, C for cat and D for dog. (See sample for details)


For each case, output a single integer: the maximum number of happy children.

Sample Input

1 1 2C1 D1D1 C11 2 4C1 D1C1 D1C1 D2D2 C1

Sample Output



Case 2: Remove D1 and D2, that makes child 1, 2, 3 happy. 

#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<iostream>#define FOR(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<=b;++i)#define clr(f,z) memset(f,z,sizeof(f))using namespace std;const int mm=1550;class ppp{public:  int dog,cat;  bool flag;}f[mm];int N,M,P;char s[6];int head[mm],edge;class Edge{  public:int v,next;}e[mm*mm*2];void init(){  edge=0;clr(head,-1);}void add(int u,int v){  e[edge].v=v;e[edge].next=head[u];head[u]=edge++;}int X[mm];bool T[mm];bool dfs(int u){ int v;  for(int i=head[u];~i;i=e[i].next)  {    v=e[i].v;    if(T[v])continue;    T[v]=1;    if(X[v]==-1||dfs(X[v]))    {      X[v]=u;return 1;    }  }  return 0;}void getans(){ int ret=0;  FOR(i,0,P)X[i]=-1;  FOR(i,1,P)  {    clr(T,0);    if(dfs(i))      ++ret;  }  printf("%d\n",P-ret/2);}int get(char*s){  int z=0;  for(int i=1;s[i];++i)    z=z*10+s[i]-'0';    return z;}bool judge(int x,int y){  bool flag=f[x].flag^f[y].flag;  if(!flag)return 0;  if(f[x].dog==f[y].dog||f[x].cat==f[y].cat)return 1;  return 0;}int main(){  while(~scanf("%d%d%d",&N,&M,&P))  { init();    FOR(i,1,P)    { bool dog;      int z;      scanf("%s",s);      z=get(s);      if(s[0]=='D')dog=1;      else dog=0;      f[i].flag=dog;      if(dog)f[i].dog=z;      else f[i].cat=z;      scanf("%s",s);      if(dog)f[i].cat=get(s);      else f[i].dog=get(s);    }    FOR(i,1,P)FOR(j,i+1,P)    if(i!=j&&judge(i,j))      {add(i,j),add(j,i);//       cout<<i<<" "<<j<<endl;      }    getans();  }}