来源:互联网 发布:浏览器输出php代码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 14:31

BFILE        二进制文件,存储在数据库外的操作系统文件,只读的。把此文件当二进制处理。
BLOB        二进制大对象。存储在数据库里的大对象,一般是图像声音等文件。
CLOB        字符型大对象。一般存储大数量文本信息。存储单字节,固定宽度的数据。
NCLOB        字节字符大对象。存储单字节大块,多字节固定宽度,多字节变宽度数据


       The BFILE data type enables access to binary file LOBs that are stored in file systems outside Oracle Database. A BFILE column or attribute stores a BFILE locator, which serves as a pointer to a binary file on the server file system. The locator maintains the directory name and the filename.

        You can change the filename and path of a BFILE without affecting the base table by using the BFILENAME function. 

        Binary file LOBs do not participate in transactions and are not recoverable. Rather, the underlying operating system provides file integrity and durability. BFILE data can be up to 264-1 bytes, although your operating system may impose restrictions on this
maximum.The database administrator must ensure that the external file exists and that Oracle processes have operating system read permissions on the file.The BFILE data type enables read-only support of large binary files. You cannot modify or replicate such a file. Oracle provides APIs to access file data. The primary interfaces that you use to access file data are the DBMS_LOB package and Oracle Call Interface (OCI).

[oracle@oadata dir1]$ pwd/home/oracle/oradir/dir1[oracle@oadata dir1]$ ls1.txt  2.txt[oracle@oadata dir1]$ cat 1.txt123456[oracle@oadata dir1]$ cat 2.txtabcd[oracle@oadata dir1]$ sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release Production on 星期六 10月 12 11:58:08 2013Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.连接到: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsSQL> create direcotry dir1 as '/home/oracle/oradir/dir1';create direcotry dir1 as '/home/oracle/oradir/dir1'       *第 1 行出现错误:ORA-00901: 无效 CREATE 命令SQL> create directory dir1 as '/home/oracle/oradir/dir1';目录已创建。SQL> grant read,write on directory dir1 to easy;授权成功。SQL> conn easy/jodezhu已连接。SQL> show userUSER 为 "EASY"SQL> create table tab_bfile (id number,bf bfile);表已创建。SQL> insert into tab_bfile values(1,bfilename('DIR1','1.txt'));已创建 1 行。SQL> insert into tab_bfile values(2,bfilename('DIR1','2.txt'));已创建 1 行。SQL> commit;提交完成。SQL> select * from tab_bfile;ID----------BF---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1bfilename('DIR1', '1.txt') 2bfilename('DIR1', '2.txt')SQL> set serveroutput onDECLARE  r tab_bfile%rowtype;  CURSOR c  IS    SELECT id,bf FROM tab_bfile;  AMOUNT INTEGER := 100;  OFFSET INTEGER := 1;  OUTRAW VARCHAR2(100);BEGIN  OPEN c;  LOOP    FETCH c INTO r;    EXIT  WHEN c%notfound;    dbms_output.put_line(r.id);    dbms_lob.open(r.bf,DBMS_LOB.LOB_READONLY);    DBMS_LOb.READ(r.bf,amount,offset,outraw);    dbms_output.put_line(outraw);    dbms_lob.close(r.bf);  END LOOP; 21  END; 22  /1310A320A330A340A350A360A2610A620A630A640APL/SQL 过程已成功完成。SQL> 



        blob\clob\nclob称为内部lob(bfile称为外部lob),其大小限制为2^32-1与所在表空间数据块大小乘积,大概范围在8T到128T,因此多数情况下,我们不必担心存储上限的问题。blob类型存储的是二进制流数据,而clob和nclob存储的是大规模的字符数据,在clob中按照数据库的字符集存储,而在nclob中按照数据库的国家字符集存储。内部lob由于存储在数据库内部,因此参与数据库的事务处理,在发送错误时可以进行回滚处理。可以通过plsql dbms_lob包或者oci接口来处理lob数据。



        It is an error to commit the transaction before closing all opened LOBs that were  opened by the transaction. When the error is returned, the openness of the open LOBs is discarded, but the transaction is successfully committed. Hence, all the changes made to the LOB and non-LOB data in the transaction are committed, but the domain and function-based indexes are not updated. If this happens, you should rebuild the functional and domain indexes on the LOB column. 







[easy@easy dir1]$ ls -l总用量 12-rw-r--r-- 1 easy oinstall 4 10月 13 06:49 gbk.txt   --创建了三个文本文件,其编码格式为gbk  utf-8  usc2  -rw-r--r-- 1 easy oinstall 4 10月 13 06:51 usc2.txt  --关于linux下字符集的转换,请参照:http://blog.csdn.net/yidian815/article/details/12650431-rw-r--r-- 1 easy oinstall 6 10月 13 07:09 utf8.txt     [easy@easy dir1]$ SQL> select * from tab_clob;  --表tab_clob包含两个字段,id  number,cb clob未选定行SQL> DECLARE  ucb CLOB; --对应utf编码  gcb CLOB; --对应gbk编码  uscb CLOB; --对应usc2编码  ubf bfile;  gbf bfile;  usbf bfile;BEGIN  ubf := bfilename('DIR1','utf8.txt');  gbf := bfilename('DIR1','gbk.txt');  usbf := bfilename('DIR1','usc2.txt');  DELETE FROM tab_clob;  INSERT INTO tab_clob VALUES    (3,empty_clob()    ) RETURNING cb INTO ucb;  INSERT INTO tab_clob VALUES    (4,empty_clob()    ) RETURNING cb INTO gcb;  INSERT INTO tab_clob VALUES    (5,empty_clob()    ) RETURNING cb INTO uscb;  dbms_lob.fileopen(ubf);  dbms_lob.fileopen(gbf);  dbms_lob.fileopen(usbf);  dbms_lob.loadfromfile(ucb, ubf, dbms_lob.getlength(ubf) );  dbms_lob.loadfromfile(gcb, gbf, dbms_lob.getlength(gbf) );  dbms_lob.loadfromfile(uscb, usbf, dbms_lob.getlength(usbf) );  dbms_lob.fileclose(ubf);  dbms_lob.fileclose(gbf);  dbms_lob.fileclose(usbf);  COMMIT;END;/SQL> l  1* select * from tab_clobSQL> /    ID CB---------- --------------------         3 鏧芹         4 틗뗣         5 易点                           --只有id=5的记录,显示正确,这是因为数据库字符集(UTF-8)是变长字符集,因此clob以usc2格式存储数据,                                          --而loadfromfile,以二进制流格式处理数据,不进行字符集转换,所以只有usc2.txt文件可以正常显示


SQL>DECLARE  ucb CLOB;  gcb CLOB;  ubf bfile;  gbf bfile;  uamount INTEGER;  udoff   INTEGER := 1;  usoff   INTEGER := 1;  ucs     NUMBER  := 871;    --操作系统文件的字符集id,可以通过NLS_CHARSET_ID 来查询,871代表utf-8  ucon    INTEGER :=0;  uw      INTEGER :=0;  gamount INTEGER;  gdoff   INTEGER := 1;  gsoff   INTEGER := 1;  gcs     NUMBER  := 852;    --852 代表zhs16gbk  gcon    INTEGER :=0;  gw      INTEGER :=0;BEGIN  ubf := bfilename('DIR1','utf8.txt');  gbf := bfilename('DIR1','gbk.txt');  DELETE FROM tab_clob;    INSERT INTO tab_clob VALUES    (1,empty_clob()    ) RETURNING cb INTO ucb;      INSERT INTO tab_clob VALUES    (2,empty_clob()    ) RETURNING cb INTO gcb;      dbms_lob.fileopen(ubf);  dbms_lob.fileopen(gbf);  dbms_lob.loadclobfromfile(ucb, ubf, dbms_lob.getlength(ubf), udoff, usoff, ucs, ucon, uw );  dbms_lob.loadclobfromfile(gcb,gbf,dbms_lob.getlength(gbf), gdoff, gsoff, gcs, gcon, gw );  dbms_lob.fileclose(ubf);  dbms_lob.fileclose(gbf);  COMMIT;END;

SQL> /

    ID CB
---------- --------------------
         1 易点
         2 易点