(4)事件处理——(6)给.ready()回调函数传递一个参数(Passing an argument to the .ready() callback)

来源:互联网 发布:2017网页游戏数据报告 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:10

In some cases, it may prove useful to use more than one JavaScript library on the same page. As many libraries make use of the $identifier (as it is short and convenient), we need a way to prevent collisions between these uses.


Fortunately, jQuery provides a method called jQuery.noConflict()to return control of the $identifier back to other libraries. Typical usage of jQuery.noConflict()is as follows:

<script src="prototype.js"></script><script src="jquery.js"></script><script>jQuery.noConflict();</script><script src="myscript.js"></script>

<script src="prototype.js"></script><script src="jquery.js"></script><script>jQuery.noConflict();</script><script src="myscript.js"></script>
First, the other library (Prototype in this example) is included. Then, jQuery itself is included, taking over $for its own use. Next, a call to .noConflict()frees up $, so that control of it reverts to the first included library (Prototype). Now in our custom script, we can use both libraries—but whenever we want to use a jQuery method, we need to write jQueryinstead of $as an identifier.

The .ready()method has one more trick up its sleeve to help us in this situation. 
The callback function we pass to it can take a single parameter: the jQuery object itself. This allows us to effectively rename it without fear of conflicts, as shown in the following code snippet:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {// In here, we can use $ like normal!});
Or, using the shorter syntax we learned in the preceding code:
jQuery(function($) {// Code that uses $.});

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {// In here, we can use $ like normal!});

jQuery(function($) {// Code that uses $.});
