
来源:互联网 发布:百度算法工程师待遇 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 12:45

A. Pie

64-bit integer IO format: %I64d      Java class name: Main
Submit Status PID: 6115
Font Size:  
My birthday is coming up and traditionally I'm serving pie. Not just one pie, no, I have a number N of them, of various tastes and of various sizes. F of my friends are coming to my party and each of them gets a piece of pie. This should be one piece of one pie, not several small pieces since that looks messy. This piece can be one whole pie though.

My friends are very annoying and if one of them gets a bigger piece than the others, they start complaining. Therefore all of them should get equally sized (but not necessarily equally shaped) pieces, even if this leads to some pie getting spoiled (which is better than spoiling the party). Of course, I want a piece of pie for myself too, and that piece should also be of the same size. 

What is the largest possible piece size all of us can get? All the pies are cylindrical in shape and they all have the same height 1, but the radii of the pies can be different.


One line with a positive integer: the number of test cases. Then for each test case:
---One line with two integers N and F with 1 <= N, F <= 10 000: the number of pies and the number of friends.
---One line with N integers ri with 1 <= ri <= 10 000: the radii of the pies.


For each test case, output one line with the largest possible volume V such that me and my friends can all get a pie piece of size V. The answer should be given as a floating point number with an absolute error of at most 10^(-3).

Sample Input

33 34 3 31 24510 51 4 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 2

Sample Output

#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<cmath>#include<map>#include<queue>#include<stack>#include<vector>#include<ctype.h>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#define PI acos(-1.0)#define maxn 10000#define INF 1<<25#define eps 0.000001typedef long long ll;using namespace std;int n,f;double rn[maxn+10],top,mid,bot;int main (){    int t,i,j,k;    cin>>t;    while(t--)    {        scanf("%d%d",&n,&f);        top=0;        for (i=0; i<n; i++)        {            int a;            scanf("%d",&a);            rn[i]=a*a;            top+=rn[i];        }        f++;        top/=f;        bot=0;        int sum=0;        while(fabs(bot-top)>=eps)        {            mid=(bot+top)/2;            sum=0;            for (i=0; i<n; i++)                sum+=(int)(rn[i]/mid);            if (sum>=f) bot=mid;            else top=mid;        }        printf("%.4lf\n",mid*PI);    }    return 0;}

B. Ants

64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: Main
Submit Status PID: 1971
Font Size:  
An army of ants walk on a horizontal pole of length l cm, each with a constant speed of 1 cm/s. When a walking ant reaches an end of the pole, it immediatelly falls off it. When two ants meet they turn back and start walking in opposite directions. We know the original positions of ants on the pole, unfortunately, we do not know the directions in which the ants are walking. Your task is to compute the earliest and the latest possible times needed for all ants to fall off the pole.


The first line of input contains one integer giving the number of cases that follow. The data for each case start with two integer numbers: the length of the pole (in cm) and n, the number of ants residing on the pole. These two numbers are followed by n integers giving the position of each ant on the pole as the distance measured from the left end of the pole, in no particular order. All input integers are not bigger than 1000000 and they are separated by whitespace.


For each case of input, output two numbers separated by a single space. The first number is the earliest possible time when all ants fall off the pole (if the directions of their walks are chosen appropriately) and the second number is the latest possible such time. 

Sample Input

210 32 6 7214 711 12 7 13 176 23 191

Sample Output

4 838 207

//B. Ants#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<cmath>#include<map>#include<queue>#include<stack>#include<vector>#include<ctype.h>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#define PI acos(-1.0)#define maxn 1000#define INF 1<<25int a[1000005],b[1000005],c[1000005],d[1000005];using namespace std;int main (){    int N;    cin>>N;    while(N--)    {        int l,n;        scanf("%d%d",&l,&n);        for(int i=0;i<n;i++)        {           scanf("%d",&a[i]);           b[i]=l-a[i];           c[i]=min(a[i],b[i]);           d[i]=max(a[i],b[i]);        }        sort(c,c+n);        sort(d,d+n);        cout<<c[n-1]<<" ";        cout<<d[n-1]<<endl;    }}

C. A计划

64-bit integer IO format: %I64d      Java class name: Main
Submit Status PID: 6246
Font Size:  


输入的第一行C表示共有C个测试数据,每个测试数据的前一行有三个整数N,M,T。 N,M迷宫的大小N*M(1 <= N,M <=10)。T如上所意。接下去的前N*M表示迷宫的第一层的布置情况,后N*M表示迷宫第二层的布置情况。



Sample Input

15 5 14S*#*..#........****....#...*.P#.*..***.....*.*.#..

Sample Output


#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<cmath>#include<map>#include<queue>#include<stack>#include<vector>#include<ctype.h>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#define PI acos(-1.0)#define maxn 1000#define INF 1<<25typedef long long ll;using namespace std;char a[2][12][12];int n,m,t;struct node{    int x,y,z;    int s;};int in(int x, int y){    if (x>=0 && x<n && y>=0 && y<m) return 1;    return 0;}void bfs(){    queue<node> q;    node st;    int visit[2][12][12]={0},i,j,k;    int dir[4][2]={{1,0},{-1,0},{0,1},{0,-1}};    st.x=st.y=st.z=st.s=0;    visit[0][0][0]=1;    q.push(st);    bool flag=false;    while(!q.empty())    {        st=q.front();        q.pop();        node tp;        for (i=0; i<4; i++)        {            tp.x=st.x+dir[i][0];            tp.y=st.y+dir[i][1];            tp.z=st.z;            tp.s=st.s+1;            if (tp.s>t)            {                cout<<"NO"<<endl;                return ;            }            if (in(tp.x,tp.y) && !visit[tp.z][tp.x][tp.y])            {                if (a[tp.z][tp.x][tp.y]=='.')                {                    visit[tp.z][tp.x][tp.y]=1;                    q.push(tp);                }                if (a[tp.z][tp.x][tp.y]=='#')                {                    tp.z=(tp.z==0?1:0);                    if (a[tp.z][tp.x][tp.y]=='P')                    {                        cout<<"YES"<<endl;//                        cout<<tp.s<<endl;                        return ;                    }                    else if (!visit[tp.z][tp.x][tp.y] && a[tp.z][tp.x][tp.y]=='.')                    {                        visit[tp.z][tp.x][tp.y]=1;                        q.push(tp);                    }                }                if (a[tp.z][tp.x][tp.y]=='P')                {                    cout<<"YES"<<endl;//                    cout<<tp.s<<endl;                    return ;                }            }        }    }    cout<<"NO"<<endl;    return ;}int main (){    int cas,i,j,k;    cin>>cas;    while(cas--)    {        cin>>n>>m>>t;        memset(a,0,sizeof(a));        for (i=0; i<2; i++)            for (j=0; j<n; j++)                for (k=0; k<m; k++)                    cin>>a[i][j][k];        bfs();    }    return 0;}

D. King Arthur's Knights

Special Judge
64-bit integer IO format: %I64d      Java class name: Main
Submit Status PID: 26133
Font Size:  
I am the bone of my sword. Steel is my body, and the fire is my blood.
- from Fate / Stay Night
You must have known the legend of King Arthur and his knights of the round table. The round table has no head, implying that everyone has equal status. Some knights are close friends with each other, so they prefer to sit next to each other.

Given the relationship of these knights, the King Arthur request you to find an arrangement such that, for every knight, his two adjacent knights are both his close friends. And you should note that because the knights are very united, everyone has at least half of the group as his close friends. More specifically speaking, if there are N knights in total, every knight has at least (N + 1) / 2 other knights as his close friends.


The first line of each test case contains two integers N (3 <= N <= 150) and M, indicating that there are N knights and M relationships in total. Then M lines followed, each of which contains two integers ai and bi (1 <= ai, bi <= n, ai != bi), indicating that knight ai and knight bi are close friends.


For each test case, output one line containing N integers X1, X2, ..., XN separated by spaces, which indicating an round table arrangement. Please note that XN and X1 are also considered adjacent. The answer may be not unique, and any correct answer will be OK. If there is no solution exists, just output "no solution".

Sample Input

3 31 22 31 34 41 42 42 31 3

Sample Output

1 2 31 4 2 3


#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<cmath>#include<map>#include<queue>#include<stack>#include<vector>#include<ctype.h>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#define PI acos(-1.0)#define maxn 160#define INF 1<<25typedef long long ll;using namespace std;int n,m;int b[maxn];int mp[maxn][maxn];int visit[maxn]={0};bool flag=false;void dfs(int t, int x){    int i;    if (flag) return;    if (t==n+1)    {        if (mp[b[n]][b[1]])        {            flag=true;            for (i=1; i<n; i++)                printf("%d ",b[i]);            printf("%d\n",b[i]);        }        return ;    }    for (i=1; i<=n; i++)        if (!visit[i] && mp[x][i])        {            b[t]=i;            visit[i]=1;            dfs(t+1,i);            visit[i]=0;        }}int main (){    while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF)    {        memset(mp,0,sizeof(mp));        memset(visit,0,sizeof(visit));        while(m--)        {            int x,y;            scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);            mp[x][y]=mp[y][x]=1;        }        flag=false;        for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)        {            b[1]=i;            visit[i]=1;            dfs(2,i);            visit[i]=0;        }        if (!flag) cout<<"no solution"<<endl;    }    return 0;}

E. Flowers

64-bit integer IO format: %I64d      Java class name: Main
Submit Status PID: 26111
Font Size:  
As is known to all, the blooming time and duration varies between different kinds of flowers. Now there is a garden planted full of flowers. The gardener wants to know how many flowers will bloom in the garden in a specific time. But there are too many flowers in the garden, so he wants you to help him.


The first line contains a single integer t (1 <= t <= 10), the number of test cases.
For each case, the first line contains two integer N and M, where N (1 <= N <= 10^5) is the number of flowers, and M (1 <= M <= 10^5) is the query times. 
In the next N lines, each line contains two integer Si and Ti (1 <= Si <= Ti <= 10^9), means i-th flower will be blooming at time [Si, Ti].
In the next M lines, each line contains an integer Ti, means the time of i-th query.


For each case, output the case number as shown and then print M lines. Each line contains an integer, meaning the number of blooming flowers.
Sample outputs are available for more details.

Sample Input

21 15 1042 31 44 8146

Sample Output

Case #1:0Case #2:121

#include<cstdio>#include<cstdlib>#include<cstring>#include<cmath>#include<cctype>#include<iostream>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#include<stack>#include<queue>#include<set>#include<map>#include<list>#include<vector>using namespace std;int s[100005],t[100005],q[100005],c[500005],ans[500005];int main(){    int tt;    cin>>tt;    for (int cs=1; cs<=tt; cs++)    {        int n,m;        scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);        int cnt=0;        for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)        {            scanf("%d%d",&s[i],&t[i]);            c[++cnt]=s[i];            c[++cnt]=t[i];        }        for (int i=1; i<=m; i++)        {            scanf("%d",&q[i]);            c[++cnt]=q[i];        }        sort(c+1,c+n*2+m+1);        map<int,int> mp;        for (int i=1; i<=n*2+m; i++)            if (mp.find(c[i])==mp.end())                mp[c[i]]=i;//        for (map<int,int>::iterator p=mp.begin();p!=mp.end();p++)//            cout<<p->first<<'$'<<p->second<<endl;        memset(ans,0,sizeof(ans));        for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)        {            ans[mp[s[i]]]++;            ans[mp[t[i]]+1]--;        }        for (int i=1; i<=n*2+m; i++)            ans[i]+=ans[i-1];        printf("Case #%d:\n",cs);        for (int i=1; i<=m; i++)            printf("%d\n",ans[mp[q[i]]]);    }    return 0;}
#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <vector>#include <set>#include <queue>#include <algorithm>#define MAXN 111111#define MAXM 111#define INF 1000000000using namespace std;typedef pair<int, int> P;P ask[MAXN], boom[MAXN];int n, m;priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int> > q;int ans[MAXN];int main(){    int T;    int cas = 0;    scanf("%d", &T);    while(T--)    {        while(!q.empty()) q.pop();        scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)        {            scanf("%d%d", &boom[i].first, &boom[i].second);        }        sort(boom, boom + n);        for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)        {            scanf("%d", &ask[i].first);            ask[i].second = i;        }        sort(ask, ask + m);        int j = 0;        for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)        {            while(j < n && boom[j].first <= ask[i].first)            {                q.push(boom[j].second);                j++;            }            while(!q.empty())            {                if(q.top() >= ask[i].first) break;                else q.pop();            }            ans[ask[i].second] = q.size();        }        printf("Case #%d:\n", ++cas);        for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) printf("%d\n", ans[i]);    }    return 0;}

F. 最大连续子序列

64-bit integer IO format: %I64d      Java class name: Main
Submit Status PID: 5431
Font Size:  
给定K个整数的序列{ N1, N2, ..., NK },其任意连续子序列可表示为{ Ni, Ni+1, ..., 
Nj },其中 1 <= i <= j <= K。最大连续子序列是所有连续子序列中元素和最大的一个, 
例如给定序列{ -2, 11, -4, 13, -5, -2 },其最大连续子序列为{ 11, -4, 13 },最大和 


测试输入包含若干测试用例,每个测试用例占2行,第1行给出正整数K( < 10000 ),第2行给出K个整数,中间用空格分隔。当K为0时,输入结束,该用例不被处理。



Sample Input

6-2 11 -4 13 -5 -210-10 1 2 3 4 -5 -23 3 7 -2165 -8 3 2 5 01103-1 -5 -23-1 0 -20

Sample Output

20 11 1310 1 410 3 510 10 100 -1 -20 0 0
Huge input, scanf is recommended.
//F. 最大连续子序列#include<stdio.h>int main(){    int i,k,sum,flag,start,end,itemp,max;    int a[10005];    while(scanf("%d",&k) && k!=0)    {        flag=0;        for(i=0;i<k;i++)        {            scanf("%d",&a[i]);            if(a[i]>=0)                flag=1;        }        max=0;        if(flag==0)        {            printf("%d %d %d\n",max,a[0],a[k-1]);            continue;        }        else        {            sum=a[0];            max=a[0];            itemp=0;            start=0;            end=0;            for(i=1;i<k;i++)            {                if(sum<0)                {                    itemp=i;                    sum=0;                }                sum+=a[i];                if(sum>max)                {                    max=sum;                    start=i;                    end=itemp;                }            }            printf("%d %d %d\n",max,a[end],a[start]);        }    }}

G. {A} + {B}

64-bit integer IO format: %I64d      Java class name: Main
Submit Status PID: 5612
Font Size:  
给你两个集合,要求{A} + {B}.





Sample Input

1 212 31 211 2

Sample Output

1 2 31 2

#include<cstdio>#include<cstdlib>#include<cstring>#include<cmath>#include<cctype>#include<iostream>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#include<stack>#include<queue>#include<set>#include<map>#include<list>#include<vector>using namespace std;int main(){    int a,b;    while(scanf("%d%d",&a,&b)!=EOF)    {        set<int> s;        int t;        for (int i=1; i<=a; i++)        {            scanf("%d",&t);            s.insert(t);        }        for (int i=1; i<=b; i++)        {            scanf("%d",&t);            s.insert(t);        }        set<int>::iterator p=s.begin();        printf("%d",*p);        p++;        for (; p!=s.end(); p++)            printf(" %d",*p);        puts("");    }    return 0;}

#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<cmath>#include<map>#include<queue>#include<stack>#include<vector>#include<ctype.h>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#define PI acos(-1.0)#define maxn 10000#define INF 1<<25typedef long long ll;using namespace std;int a[maxn+10],b[maxn+10],c[maxn*2+10];int main (){    int n,m,i,j,t;    while(cin>>n>>m)    {        for (i=0; i<n; i++)            scanf("%d",a+i);        for (j=0; j<m; j++)            scanf("%d",b+j);        sort(a,a+n);        sort(b,b+m);        i=0,j=0,t=0;        while(i<n && j<m)        {            if (a[i]<b[j])            {                c[t++]=a[i];                i++;            }            if (a[i]>b[j])            {                c[t++]=b[j];                j++;            }            if (a[i]==b[j])            {                c[t++]=a[i];                i++;                j++;            }        }        while(i<n)        {           c[t++]=a[i++];        }        while(j<m)        {            c[t++]=b[j++];        }        for (i=0; i<t-1; i++)            printf("%d ",c[i]);        cout<<c[i]<<endl;    }    return 0;}
