
来源:互联网 发布:逆袭网络剧第一集哇趣 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 13:21
The core interfaces and classes of the HTTP components. These deal with the fundamental things required for using the HTTP protocol, such as representing a message including it's headers and optional entity, and connections over which messages are sent. In order to prepare messages before sending or after receiving, there are interceptors for requests and responses.


public interface


An entity that can be sent or received with an HTTP message. Entities can be found in some requests and in responses, where they are optional.

In some places, the JavaDoc distinguishes three kinds of entities, depending on where their content originates:

  • streamed: The content is received from a stream, or generated on the fly. In particular, this category includes entities being received from a connectionStreamed entities are generally not repeatable.
  • self-contained: The content is in memory or obtained by means that are independent from a connection or other entity. Self-contained entities are generally repeatable.
  • wrapping: The content is obtained from another entity.
This distinction is important for connection management with incoming entities. For entities that are created by an application and only sent using the HTTP components framework, the difference between streamed and self-contained is of little importance. In that case, it is suggested to consider non-repeatable entities as streamed, and those that are repeatable (without a huge effort) as self-contained.




public abstract InputStream getContent ()

Creates a new InputStream object of the entity. It is a programming error to return the same InputStream object more than once. Entities that are not repeatable will throw an exception if this method is called multiple times.


public abstract boolean isRepeatable ()

Tells if the entity is capable to produce its data more than once. A repeatable entity's getContent() and writeTo(OutputStream) methods can be called more than once whereas a non-repeatable entity's can not.


public abstract void writeTo (OutputStream outstream)

Writes the entity content to the output stream.

public interface


A generic HTTP message. Holds what is common between requests and responses.


public interface


implements HttpMessage

public abstract HttpEntity getEntity ()

Obtains the message entity of this response, if any. The entity is provided by calling setEntity.


public interface


Interface for an HTTP client. HTTP clients encapsulate a smorgasbord of objects required to execute HTTP requests while handling cookies, authentication, connection management, and other features. Thread safety of HTTP clients depends on the implementation and configuration of the specific client.

HttpClient是一个client的接口。它封装一系列对象来执行HTTP request,同时能够处理cookies,授权,连接管理和其他功能。Http Client的安全线程依赖于特定client的配置和实施。

public class


extends HttpRequestBase

The HTTP GET method is defined in section 9.3 of RFC2616:

The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of an entity) is identified by the Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to a data-producing process, it is the produced data which shall be returned as the entity in the response and not the source text of the process, unless that text happens to be the output of the process.

Get Methods will follow redirect requests from the http server by default. This behaviour can be disabled by calling setFollowRedirects(false).

各类Get方法会默认从http服务器上响应redirect request。通过调用setFollowRedirects(false)来取消这种操作。
