Ubuntu root下无声音问题

来源:互联网 发布:unix环境高级编程linux 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 15:11

Ubuntu root下默认关闭声音,通过如下步骤开启声音

1. 将root加入到pulse和pulse-access中

usermod -a -G pulse-access rootgpasswd -a root pulsegpasswd -a root pulse-access

2. 修改/etc/default/pulseaudio文件

cp -p /etc/default/pulseaudio/etc/default/pulseaudio.bakvi /etc/default/pulseaudio


# Start the PulseAudio sound server in system mode.# (enables the pulseaudio init script - requires that users be in the# pulse-access group)# System mode is not the recommended way to run PulseAudio as it has some# limitations (such as no shared memory access) and could potentially allow# users to disconnect or redirect each others' audio streams. The# recommended way to run PulseAudio is as a per-session daemon. For GNOME/KDE/# Xfce sessions in Ubuntu Lucid/10.04, /etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop# handles this function of automatically starting PulseAudio on login, and for# it to work correctly your user must *not* have "autospawn = no" set in# ~/.pulse/client.conf (or in /etc/pulse/client.conf). By default, autospawn# is enabled. For other sessions, you can simply start PulseAudio with# "pulseaudio --daemonize".# 0 = don't start in system mode, 1 = start in system modePULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=1 # Prevent users from dynamically loading modules into the PulseAudio sound# server. Dynamic module loading enhances the flexibility of the PulseAudio# system, but may pose a security risk.# 0 = no, 1 = yesDISALLOW_MODULE_LOADING=0


3. 重启,使设置生效

PS. 如果要以普通用户登录,则把.bak文件恢复即可

来源: http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-9688646-id-3275005.html
