So cute are you Python 9

来源:互联网 发布:d3.js 地球仪 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 08:28


#!/usr/bin/evn Show how to using threading with python#History:17-10-2013import threadingmylock = threading.RLock()num= 0 class myThread(threading.Thread):    def __init__(self,name):        threading.Thread.__init__(self)        self.t_name=name     def run(self):        global num        while True:            mylock.acquire()            print '\nThread(%s) lovked,Number:%d'%(self.t_name,num)            if num>= 4:                mylockrelease()                print '\nThread(%s) released,Number:%d'%(self.t_name,num)                break                         num+ 1            print '\nThread(%s) released,Number:%d'%(self.t_name,num)            mylock.release()def test():    thread1 = myThread('A')    thread2 =myThread('B')    thread1.start()    thread2.start() if __name__=='__main__':    test()
2.使用function 调用thread

#!/usr/bin/evn how to use an thread.#History:18-10-2013import string,threading,timedef thread_main(a):    global count,mutex    #获得线程名    threadname = threading.currentThread().getName()    for x in xrange( 0,int(a)):        #取得锁        mutex.acquire()        count=count+ 1        #释放锁        mutex.release()        print'Thread name:-%s,out_count=%d,count=%d' %(threadname,x,count)        time.sleep( 1)def main(num):    global count,mutex    threads =[]     count = 1    #创建一个锁    mutex=threading.Lock()    #创建一个线程对象    for x in xrange( 0,num):        threads.append(threading.Thread(target=thread_main,args=(10,)))    #启动所有线程    for t in threads:        t.start()    #主线程等待所有子线程退出    for t in threads:        t.join() if __name__ == '__main__':    num= 4    #创建4个线程    main(num)
3.使用 线程类

#!/usr/bin/evn how to use an thread ,with thread class#History:18-10-2013import threadingimport timeclass test(threading.Thread):    def __init__(self,num):        threading.Thread.__init__(self)        self.__run__num=num     def run(self):        global count,mutex        threadname=threading.currentThread().getName()         for x in xrange( 0,int(self.__run__num)):            mutex.acquire()            count=count+ 1            mutex.release()            print 'ThreadName:_%s,out_loop=%d,count_:%d'%(threadname,x,count) if __name__=='__main__':    global count,mutex    threads=[]    num= 4    count= 1    #创建锁    mutex =threading.Lock()    #创建对象    for x in xrange( 0,num):        threads.append(test(10))    #启动线程    for t in threads:        t.start()    #等待子线程结束    for t in threads:        t.join()    
