TPL Part(1)

来源:互联网 发布:天普大学 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 03:09

ParallelProgramming Basic




TPL Concept





Data Parallel


·     PLINQ


Lazy Loading

How does it work ?

a.      Eachthread take data from collection , named them query chain .

b.     execute

c.      combinequery chain .

Operations not suggest use:

Take , TakeWhile , Skip , SkipWhilie ,Select ,SelectMany , ElementAt, Join , GoupBy, GroupJoin , Distinct , Intersect ,Except


·     Thread<Local>

Data for each thread will be independent(copied for each).


·     Interlocked

For simple operation (increase , decrease )


·     CancelletionTokenSource


Var cancelSource = newCancellationTokenSource();dataSource.AsParallelWithCancellation(cancelSource.Token);//whenever want to cancel execution , cancelSource.Cancel();




·     WithDegreeOfParallel(n)

Force Application Start  threads to execute .

·     Optimizationstrategy

1.      ChunkThread


·       If no index created on sequence , Bydefault , will use this one .


2.      Rangeequal number


·       If the  input  sequence is  indexed (if  it’s an  array  or implements  IList<T>), PLINQchooses range partitioning.

·       Otherwise, PLINQ chooses chunkpartitioning


3.      Hash


Parallel  invoke type



CreateThread to execute , wait to complete .


Outerloop  > Inner loop




Task Parallel






Start a newthread to do a task .

Wait for execute


1.      task.Wait();

2.      task.Result


Continue & Wait


Continue :



a.      Onetask

b.     Multipletask

Child Task(nested in another task)


Wait :

a.      WaitAny()

b.     WaitAll()

c.      Wait()


Cancellation &Exception


Use Cancellation TokenSource

Task RunConditions :

a.      NotOn Ran to completion

b.     Noton  faulted

c.      Noton cancelled


Use Aggregate Exceptionobject to catch task Exceptions from main thread


Catch(AggregateExceptionaex){Foreach(Exceptionex in aex.flatten().InnerExceptions){Logger.Exception(ex);}}



Task Scheduler


Use Scheduler to crossthread update control value


TaskScheduler_uiScheduler;_uiScheduler= TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();TaskFactory.StartNew<string>(servicemthod).continueWith(ant => lbl.Text = ant.Result,_uiScheduler);


Task Completion Source


Use TaskCompletion Source object to get result from another thread


Var source= new TaskCompletionSource<int>();NewThread(()=>Thread.Sleep(5000);source.SetResult(123);).Start();Var task=source.Task;Var result= task.Result;




Tasksproduce items => Task[] producertasksconsume items => Task[] consumerTask.WaitAll(producer, consumer);


