LAV Filter 源代码分析 3: LAV Video (1)

来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu 黑屏 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 19:56

LAV Video 是使用很广泛的DirectShow Filter。它封装了FFMPEG中的libavcodec,支持十分广泛的视频格式的解码。在这里对其源代码进行详细的分析。

LAV Video 工程代码的结构如下图所示

直接看LAV Video最主要的类CLAVVideo吧,它的定义位于LAVVideo.h中。


/* 雷霄骅 * 中国传媒大学/数字电视技术 * * *//* *      Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Hendrik Leppkes * * *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *  (at your option) any later version. * *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the *  GNU General Public License for more details. * *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */#pragma once#include "decoders/ILAVDecoder.h"#include "DecodeThread.h"#include "ILAVPinInfo.h"#include "LAVPixFmtConverter.h"#include "LAVVideoSettings.h"#include "H264RandomAccess.h"#include "FloatingAverage.h"#include "ISpecifyPropertyPages2.h"#include "SynchronizedQueue.h"#include "subtitles/LAVSubtitleConsumer.h"#include "subtitles/LAVVideoSubtitleInputPin.h"#include "BaseTrayIcon.h"#define LAVC_VIDEO_REGISTRY_KEY L"Software\\LAV\\Video"#define LAVC_VIDEO_REGISTRY_KEY_FORMATS L"Software\\LAV\\Video\\Formats"#define LAVC_VIDEO_REGISTRY_KEY_OUTPUT L"Software\\LAV\\Video\\Output"#define LAVC_VIDEO_REGISTRY_KEY_HWACCEL L"Software\\LAV\\Video\\HWAccel"#define LAVC_VIDEO_LOG_FILE     L"LAVVideo.txt"#define DEBUG_FRAME_TIMINGS 0#define DEBUG_PIXELCONV_TIMINGS 0#define LAV_MT_FILTER_QUEUE_SIZE 4typedef struct {  REFERENCE_TIME rtStart;  REFERENCE_TIME rtStop;} TimingCache;//解码核心类//Transform Filter[uuid("EE30215D-164F-4A92-A4EB-9D4C13390F9F")]class CLAVVideo : public CTransformFilter, public ISpecifyPropertyPages2, public ILAVVideoSettings, public ILAVVideoStatus, public ILAVVideoCallback{public:  CLAVVideo(LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT* phr);  ~CLAVVideo();  static void CALLBACK StaticInit(BOOL bLoading, const CLSID *clsid);  // IUnknown  // 查找接口必须实现  DECLARE_IUNKNOWN;  STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv);  // ISpecifyPropertyPages2  // 属性页  // 获取或者创建  STDMETHODIMP GetPages(CAUUID *pPages);  STDMETHODIMP CreatePage(const GUID& guid, IPropertyPage** ppPage);  // ILAVVideoSettings  STDMETHODIMP SetRuntimeConfig(BOOL bRuntimeConfig);  STDMETHODIMP SetFormatConfiguration(LAVVideoCodec vCodec, BOOL bEnabled);  STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetFormatConfiguration(LAVVideoCodec vCodec);  STDMETHODIMP SetNumThreads(DWORD dwNum);  STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) GetNumThreads();  STDMETHODIMP SetStreamAR(DWORD bStreamAR);  STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) GetStreamAR();  STDMETHODIMP SetPixelFormat(LAVOutPixFmts pixFmt, BOOL bEnabled);  STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetPixelFormat(LAVOutPixFmts pixFmt);  STDMETHODIMP SetRGBOutputRange(DWORD dwRange);  STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) GetRGBOutputRange();  STDMETHODIMP SetDeintFieldOrder(LAVDeintFieldOrder fieldOrder);  STDMETHODIMP_(LAVDeintFieldOrder) GetDeintFieldOrder();  STDMETHODIMP SetDeintForce(BOOL bForce);  STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetDeintForce();  STDMETHODIMP SetDeintAggressive(BOOL bAggressive);  STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetDeintAggressive();  STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) CheckHWAccelSupport(LAVHWAccel hwAccel);  STDMETHODIMP SetHWAccel(LAVHWAccel hwAccel);  STDMETHODIMP_(LAVHWAccel) GetHWAccel();  STDMETHODIMP SetHWAccelCodec(LAVVideoHWCodec hwAccelCodec, BOOL bEnabled);  STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetHWAccelCodec(LAVVideoHWCodec hwAccelCodec);  STDMETHODIMP SetHWAccelDeintMode(LAVHWDeintModes deintMode);  STDMETHODIMP_(LAVHWDeintModes) GetHWAccelDeintMode();  STDMETHODIMP SetHWAccelDeintOutput(LAVDeintOutput deintOutput);  STDMETHODIMP_(LAVDeintOutput) GetHWAccelDeintOutput();  STDMETHODIMP SetHWAccelDeintHQ(BOOL bHQ);  STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetHWAccelDeintHQ();  STDMETHODIMP SetSWDeintMode(LAVSWDeintModes deintMode);  STDMETHODIMP_(LAVSWDeintModes) GetSWDeintMode();  STDMETHODIMP SetSWDeintOutput(LAVDeintOutput deintOutput);  STDMETHODIMP_(LAVDeintOutput) GetSWDeintOutput();  STDMETHODIMP SetDeintTreatAsProgressive(BOOL bEnabled);  STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetDeintTreatAsProgressive();  STDMETHODIMP SetDitherMode(LAVDitherMode ditherMode);  STDMETHODIMP_(LAVDitherMode) GetDitherMode();  STDMETHODIMP SetUseMSWMV9Decoder(BOOL bEnabled);  STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetUseMSWMV9Decoder();  STDMETHODIMP SetDVDVideoSupport(BOOL bEnabled);  STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetDVDVideoSupport();  STDMETHODIMP SetHWAccelResolutionFlags(DWORD dwResFlags);  STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) GetHWAccelResolutionFlags();  STDMETHODIMP SetTrayIcon(BOOL bEnabled);  STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetTrayIcon();  STDMETHODIMP SetDeinterlacingMode(LAVDeintMode deintMode);  STDMETHODIMP_(LAVDeintMode) GetDeinterlacingMode();  // ILAVVideoStatus  STDMETHODIMP_(const WCHAR *) GetActiveDecoderName() { return m_Decoder.GetDecoderName(); }  // CTransformFilter  // 核心的  HRESULT CheckInputType(const CMediaType* mtIn);  HRESULT CheckTransform(const CMediaType* mtIn, const CMediaType* mtOut);  HRESULT DecideBufferSize(IMemAllocator * pAllocator, ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pprop);  HRESULT GetMediaType(int iPosition, CMediaType *pMediaType);  HRESULT SetMediaType(PIN_DIRECTION dir, const CMediaType *pmt);  HRESULT EndOfStream();  HRESULT BeginFlush();  HRESULT EndFlush();  HRESULT NewSegment(REFERENCE_TIME tStart, REFERENCE_TIME tStop, double dRate);  //处理的核心  //核心一般才有IMediaSample  HRESULT Receive(IMediaSample *pIn);  HRESULT CheckConnect(PIN_DIRECTION dir, IPin *pPin);  HRESULT BreakConnect(PIN_DIRECTION dir);  HRESULT CompleteConnect(PIN_DIRECTION dir, IPin *pReceivePin);  int GetPinCount();  CBasePin* GetPin(int n);  STDMETHODIMP JoinFilterGraph(IFilterGraph * pGraph, LPCWSTR pName);  // ILAVVideoCallback  STDMETHODIMP AllocateFrame(LAVFrame **ppFrame);  STDMETHODIMP ReleaseFrame(LAVFrame **ppFrame);  STDMETHODIMP Deliver(LAVFrame *pFrame);  STDMETHODIMP_(LPWSTR) GetFileExtension();  STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) FilterInGraph(PIN_DIRECTION dir, const GUID &clsid) { if (dir == PINDIR_INPUT) return FilterInGraphSafe(m_pInput, clsid); else return FilterInGraphSafe(m_pOutput, clsid); }  STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) GetDecodeFlags() { return m_dwDecodeFlags; }  STDMETHODIMP_(CMediaType&) GetInputMediaType() { return m_pInput->CurrentMediaType(); }  STDMETHODIMP GetLAVPinInfo(LAVPinInfo &info) { if (m_LAVPinInfoValid) { info = m_LAVPinInfo; return S_OK; } return E_FAIL; }  STDMETHODIMP_(CBasePin*) GetOutputPin() { return m_pOutput; }  STDMETHODIMP_(CMediaType&) GetOutputMediaType() { return m_pOutput->CurrentMediaType(); }  STDMETHODIMP DVDStripPacket(BYTE*& p, long& len) { static_cast<CDeCSSTransformInputPin*>(m_pInput)->StripPacket(p, len); return S_OK; }  STDMETHODIMP_(LAVFrame*) GetFlushFrame();  STDMETHODIMP ReleaseAllDXVAResources() { ReleaseLastSequenceFrame(); return S_OK; }public:  // Pin Configuration  const static AMOVIESETUP_MEDIATYPE    sudPinTypesIn[];  const static int                      sudPinTypesInCount;  const static AMOVIESETUP_MEDIATYPE    sudPinTypesOut[];  const static int                      sudPinTypesOutCount;private:  HRESULT LoadDefaults();  HRESULT ReadSettings(HKEY rootKey);  HRESULT LoadSettings();  HRESULT SaveSettings();  HRESULT CreateTrayIcon();  HRESULT CreateDecoder(const CMediaType *pmt);  HRESULT GetDeliveryBuffer(IMediaSample** ppOut, int width, int height, AVRational ar, DXVA2_ExtendedFormat dxvaExtFormat, REFERENCE_TIME avgFrameDuration);  HRESULT ReconnectOutput(int width, int height, AVRational ar, DXVA2_ExtendedFormat dxvaExtFlags, REFERENCE_TIME avgFrameDuration, BOOL bDXVA = FALSE);  HRESULT SetFrameFlags(IMediaSample* pMS, LAVFrame *pFrame);  HRESULT NegotiatePixelFormat(CMediaType &mt, int width, int height);  BOOL IsInterlaced();  HRESULT Filter(LAVFrame *pFrame);  HRESULT DeliverToRenderer(LAVFrame *pFrame);  HRESULT PerformFlush();  HRESULT ReleaseLastSequenceFrame();  HRESULT GetD3DBuffer(LAVFrame *pFrame);  HRESULT RedrawStillImage();  HRESULT SetInDVDMenu(bool menu) { m_bInDVDMenu = menu; return S_OK; }  enum {CNTRL_EXIT, CNTRL_REDRAW};  HRESULT ControlCmd(DWORD cmd) {    return m_ControlThread->CallWorker(cmd);  }private:  friend class CVideoOutputPin;  friend class CDecodeThread;  friend class CLAVControlThread;  friend class CLAVSubtitleProvider;  friend class CLAVSubtitleConsumer;  //解码线程  CDecodeThread        m_Decoder;  CAMThread            *m_ControlThread;  REFERENCE_TIME       m_rtPrevStart;  REFERENCE_TIME       m_rtPrevStop;  BOOL                 m_bForceInputAR;  BOOL                 m_bSendMediaType;  BOOL                 m_bFlushing;  HRESULT              m_hrDeliver;  CLAVPixFmtConverter  m_PixFmtConverter;  std::wstring         m_strExtension;  DWORD                m_bDXVAExtFormatSupport;  DWORD                m_bMadVR;  DWORD                m_bOverlayMixer;  DWORD                m_dwDecodeFlags;  BOOL                 m_bInDVDMenu;  AVFilterGraph        *m_pFilterGraph;  AVFilterContext      *m_pFilterBufferSrc;  AVFilterContext      *m_pFilterBufferSink;  LAVPixelFormat       m_filterPixFmt;  int                  m_filterWidth;  int                  m_filterHeight;  LAVFrame             m_FilterPrevFrame;  BOOL                 m_LAVPinInfoValid;  LAVPinInfo           m_LAVPinInfo;  CLAVVideoSubtitleInputPin *m_pSubtitleInput;  CLAVSubtitleConsumer *m_SubtitleConsumer;  LAVFrame             *m_pLastSequenceFrame;  AM_SimpleRateChange  m_DVDRate;  BOOL                 m_bRuntimeConfig;  struct VideoSettings {    BOOL TrayIcon;    DWORD StreamAR;    DWORD NumThreads;    BOOL bFormats[Codec_VideoNB];    BOOL bMSWMV9DMO;    BOOL bPixFmts[LAVOutPixFmt_NB];    DWORD RGBRange;    DWORD HWAccel;    BOOL bHWFormats[HWCodec_NB];    DWORD HWAccelResFlags;    DWORD HWDeintMode;    DWORD HWDeintOutput;    BOOL HWDeintHQ;    DWORD DeintFieldOrder;    LAVDeintMode DeintMode;    DWORD SWDeintMode;    DWORD SWDeintOutput;    DWORD DitherMode;    BOOL bDVDVideo;  } m_settings;  CBaseTrayIcon *m_pTrayIcon;#ifdef DEBUG  FloatingAverage<double> m_pixFmtTimingAvg;#endif};


该类中包含了解码线程类:CDecodeThread        m_Decoder;,这里封装了解码功能。

同时该类中包含了函数Receive(IMediaSample *pIn);,是发挥解码功能的函数,其中pIn是输入的解码前的视频压缩编码数据。


//处理的核心//核心一般才有IMediaSampleHRESULT CLAVVideo::Receive(IMediaSample *pIn){  CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csReceive);  HRESULT        hr = S_OK;  AM_SAMPLE2_PROPERTIES const *pProps = m_pInput->SampleProps();  if(pProps->dwStreamId != AM_STREAM_MEDIA) {    return m_pOutput->Deliver(pIn);  }  AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt = NULL;  //获取媒体类型等等  if (SUCCEEDED(pIn->GetMediaType(&pmt)) && pmt) {    CMediaType mt = *pmt;    DeleteMediaType(pmt);    if (mt != m_pInput->CurrentMediaType() || !(m_dwDecodeFlags & LAV_VIDEO_DEC_FLAG_DVD)) {      DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 10, L"::Receive(): Input sample contained media type, dynamic format change..."));      m_Decoder.EndOfStream();      hr = m_pInput->SetMediaType(&mt);      if (FAILED(hr)) {        DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 10, L"::Receive(): Setting new media type failed..."));        return hr;      }    }  }  m_hrDeliver = S_OK;  // Skip over empty packets  if (pIn->GetActualDataLength() == 0) {    return S_OK;  }  //解码  hr = m_Decoder.Decode(pIn);  if (FAILED(hr))    return hr;  if (FAILED(m_hrDeliver))    return m_hrDeliver;  return S_OK;}

由代码我们可以看出,实际发挥出解码功能的函数是hr = m_Decoder.Decode(pIn);。


//解码线程的解码函数STDMETHODIMP CDecodeThread::Decode(IMediaSample *pSample){  CAutoLock decoderLock(this);  if (!CAMThread::ThreadExists())    return E_UNEXPECTED;  // Wait until the queue is empty  while(HasSample())    Sleep(1);  // Re-init the decoder, if requested  // Doing this inside the worker thread alone causes problems  // when switching from non-sync to sync, so ensure we're in sync.  if (m_bDecoderNeedsReInit) {    CAMThread::CallWorker(CMD_REINIT);    while (!m_evEOSDone.Check()) {      m_evSample.Wait();      ProcessOutput();    }  }  m_evDeliver.Reset();  m_evSample.Reset();  m_evDecodeDone.Reset();  pSample->AddRef();  // Send data to worker thread, and wake it (if it was waiting)  PutSample(pSample);  // If we don't have thread safe buffers, we need to synchronize  // with the worker thread and deliver them when they are available  // and then let it know that we did so  if (m_bSyncToProcess) {    while (!m_evDecodeDone.Check()) {      m_evSample.Wait();      ProcessOutput();    }  }  ProcessOutput();  return S_OK;}



/* 雷霄骅 * 中国传媒大学/数字电视技术 * * *//* *      Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Hendrik Leppkes * * *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *  (at your option) any later version. * *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the *  GNU General Public License for more details. * *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */#pragma once#include "decoders/ILAVDecoder.h"#include "SynchronizedQueue.h"class CLAVVideo;class CDecodeThread : public ILAVVideoCallback, protected CAMThread, protected CCritSec{public:  CDecodeThread(CLAVVideo *pLAVVideo);  ~CDecodeThread();  // Parts of ILAVDecoder  STDMETHODIMP_(const WCHAR*) GetDecoderName() { return m_pDecoder ? m_pDecoder->GetDecoderName() : NULL; }  STDMETHODIMP_(long) GetBufferCount() { return m_pDecoder ? m_pDecoder->GetBufferCount() : 4; }  STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) IsInterlaced() { return m_pDecoder ? m_pDecoder->IsInterlaced() : TRUE; }  STDMETHODIMP GetPixelFormat(LAVPixelFormat *pPix, int *pBpp) { ASSERT(m_pDecoder); return m_pDecoder->GetPixelFormat(pPix, pBpp); }  STDMETHODIMP_(REFERENCE_TIME) GetFrameDuration() { ASSERT(m_pDecoder); return m_pDecoder->GetFrameDuration(); }  STDMETHODIMP HasThreadSafeBuffers() { return m_pDecoder ? m_pDecoder->HasThreadSafeBuffers() : S_FALSE; }  STDMETHODIMP CreateDecoder(const CMediaType *pmt, AVCodecID codec);  STDMETHODIMP Close();  //解码线程的解码函数  STDMETHODIMP Decode(IMediaSample *pSample);  STDMETHODIMP Flush();  STDMETHODIMP EndOfStream();  STDMETHODIMP InitAllocator(IMemAllocator **ppAlloc);  STDMETHODIMP PostConnect(IPin *pPin);  STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) IsHWDecoderActive() { return m_bHWDecoder; }  // ILAVVideoCallback  STDMETHODIMP AllocateFrame(LAVFrame **ppFrame);  STDMETHODIMP ReleaseFrame(LAVFrame **ppFrame);  STDMETHODIMP Deliver(LAVFrame *pFrame);  STDMETHODIMP_(LPWSTR) GetFileExtension();  STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) FilterInGraph(PIN_DIRECTION dir, const GUID &clsid);  STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) GetDecodeFlags();  STDMETHODIMP_(CMediaType&) GetInputMediaType();  STDMETHODIMP GetLAVPinInfo(LAVPinInfo &info);  STDMETHODIMP_(CBasePin*) GetOutputPin();  STDMETHODIMP_(CMediaType&) GetOutputMediaType();  STDMETHODIMP DVDStripPacket(BYTE*& p, long& len);  STDMETHODIMP_(LAVFrame*) GetFlushFrame();  STDMETHODIMP ReleaseAllDXVAResources();protected://包含了对进程的各种操作,重要  DWORD ThreadProc();private:  STDMETHODIMP CreateDecoderInternal(const CMediaType *pmt, AVCodecID codec);  STDMETHODIMP PostConnectInternal(IPin *pPin);  STDMETHODIMP DecodeInternal(IMediaSample *pSample);  STDMETHODIMP ClearQueues();  STDMETHODIMP ProcessOutput();  bool HasSample();  void PutSample(IMediaSample *pSample);  IMediaSample* GetSample();  void ReleaseSample();  bool CheckForEndOfSequence(IMediaSample *pSample);private://各种对进程进行的操作  enum {CMD_CREATE_DECODER, CMD_CLOSE_DECODER, CMD_FLUSH, CMD_EOS, CMD_EXIT, CMD_INIT_ALLOCATOR, CMD_POST_CONNECT, CMD_REINIT};  //注意DecodeThread像是一个处于中间位置的东西  //连接了Filter核心类CLAVVideo和解码器的接口ILAVDecoder  CLAVVideo    *m_pLAVVideo;  ILAVDecoder  *m_pDecoder;  AVCodecID    m_Codec;  BOOL         m_bHWDecoder;  BOOL         m_bHWDecoderFailed;  BOOL         m_bSyncToProcess;  BOOL         m_bDecoderNeedsReInit;  CAMEvent     m_evInput;  CAMEvent     m_evDeliver;  CAMEvent     m_evSample;  CAMEvent     m_evDecodeDone;  CAMEvent     m_evEOSDone;  CCritSec     m_ThreadCritSec;  struct {    const CMediaType *pmt;    AVCodecID codec;    IMemAllocator **allocator;    IPin *pin;  } m_ThreadCallContext;  CSynchronizedQueue<LAVFrame *> m_Output;  CCritSec     m_SampleCritSec;  IMediaSample *m_NextSample;  IMediaSample *m_TempSample[2];  IMediaSample *m_FailedSample;  std::wstring m_processName;};


  CLAVVideo    *m_pLAVVideo;
  ILAVDecoder  *m_pDecoder;





//包含了对进程的各种操作DWORD CDecodeThread::ThreadProc(){  HRESULT hr;  DWORD cmd;  BOOL bEOS = FALSE;  BOOL bReinit = FALSE;  SetThreadName(-1, "LAVVideo Decode Thread");  HANDLE hWaitEvents[2] = { GetRequestHandle(), m_evInput };  //不停转圈,永不休止  while(1) {    if (!bEOS && !bReinit) {      // Wait for either an input sample, or an request      WaitForMultipleObjects(2, hWaitEvents, FALSE, INFINITE);    }//根据操作命令的不同    if (CheckRequest(&cmd)) {      switch (cmd) {  //创建解码器      case CMD_CREATE_DECODER:        {          CAutoLock lock(&m_ThreadCritSec);  //创建          hr = CreateDecoderInternal(m_ThreadCallContext.pmt, m_ThreadCallContext.codec);          Reply(hr);          m_ThreadCallContext.pmt = NULL;        }        break;      case CMD_CLOSE_DECODER:        {//关闭          ClearQueues();          SAFE_DELETE(m_pDecoder);          Reply(S_OK);        }        break;      case CMD_FLUSH:        {//清楚          ClearQueues();          m_pDecoder->Flush();          Reply(S_OK);        }        break;      case CMD_EOS:        {          bEOS = TRUE;          m_evEOSDone.Reset();          Reply(S_OK);        }        break;      case CMD_EXIT:        {//退出          Reply(S_OK);          return 0;        }        break;      case CMD_INIT_ALLOCATOR:        {          CAutoLock lock(&m_ThreadCritSec);          hr = m_pDecoder->InitAllocator(m_ThreadCallContext.allocator);          Reply(hr);          m_ThreadCallContext.allocator = NULL;        }        break;      case CMD_POST_CONNECT:        {          CAutoLock lock(&m_ThreadCritSec);          hr = PostConnectInternal(;          Reply(hr); = NULL;        }        break;      case CMD_REINIT:        {//重启          CMediaType &mt = m_pLAVVideo->GetInputMediaType();          CreateDecoderInternal(&mt, m_Codec);          m_TempSample[1] = m_NextSample;          m_NextSample = m_FailedSample;          m_FailedSample = NULL;          bReinit = TRUE;          m_evEOSDone.Reset();          Reply(S_OK);          m_bDecoderNeedsReInit = FALSE;        }        break;      default:        ASSERT(0);      }    }    if (m_bDecoderNeedsReInit) {      m_evInput.Reset();      continue;    }    if (bReinit && !m_NextSample) {      if (m_TempSample[0]) {        m_NextSample = m_TempSample[0];        m_TempSample[0] = NULL;      } else if (m_TempSample[1]) {        m_NextSample = m_TempSample[1];        m_TempSample[1] = NULL;      } else {        bReinit = FALSE;        m_evEOSDone.Set();        m_evSample.Set();        continue;      }    }//获得一份数据    IMediaSample *pSample = GetSample();    if (!pSample) {      // Process the EOS now that the sample queue is empty      if (bEOS) {        bEOS = FALSE;        m_pDecoder->EndOfStream();        m_evEOSDone.Set();        m_evSample.Set();      }      continue;    }//解码    DecodeInternal(pSample);    // Release the sample//释放    SafeRelease(&pSample);    // Indicates we're done decoding this sample    m_evDecodeDone.Set();    // Set the Sample Event to unblock any waiting threads    m_evSample.Set();  }  return 0;}

