Hibernate Tutorial 11 - Configuring Collections and Adding Keys --Continued

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Configuring Collections and Adding Keys---ended@T19

@you need to use the collections that has index which set collection does not fit here;


@jointable(name="USER_ADDRESS", joinColumns=@JoioColumn(name="USERID")

import org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionOd

import org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator

import org.hibernate.annotations.Type

//which is not JPA anotation specification standard and provided by Hibernate itself;

@Generic Generator(name="hilo-gen", stragedy="hilo")

@CollectionId(columns={@Column="ADDRESS_ID"}, generator = "hilo ", type= @Type(type==long))Hibernate

private Collection<Address> ListOfAddress =new ArrayList<Address>();


Proxy Objects and Eager and Lazy Fetch Types:


By default, It is the lazy Fetch;

The Fetch strategy is due to the performance consideration;

One To One Mapping

Since this tutorial, we will work on entity inside an entiry which is different from a valuetype(Previous ListOfAddress type) in an entity

One to One mapping means one entity contains another entity;

public class UserDetails


private int userId;

private String userName;




private Vehicle vehicle;


One To Many Mapping

A new user_detail_vehicle table will be created for the mapping between user_detail and vehicle to record the mapping information; 

public class UserDetails



@JoinTable(name="USER_VEHICLE "joinCilumns=@JoinColumn(name="USER_ID), linverseJoinColumn=@JoinColumn(name=VEHICLE_ID)""Vehicle_ID"))

private int userId;

private String userName;

private  Collection<Vehicle> vehicle = new ArrayList<Vehicle>();


Many To One Mapping

public class Vehicle


@Id @GeneratoedValue

private int vehicle_id;


Private UserDetails user;


mappedBy and Many To Many Mapping:


we do not have seperate table for mappiing vehicle to user_details;

two relationship tables will  be created for manttomany relationship;

public class UserDetails



private int userId;

private String userName;

private Collection<Vehicle> vehicle = new ArrayList<Vehicle>(); //for one to many and many to one and one to one, there is only one collection  for vehicle and user_details;



public class Vehicle


@Id @GeneratoedValue

private int vehicle_id;


@JoinColumn(name="USER_ID") // done the mapping within the vehicle using user_id which does not need to create another join table(!@JoinTable)

Private UserDetails user;

private Collection<UserDetail> userDetails userList = new ArrayList();



CascadeTypes and Hibernate Collections


Hibernate Collections

Bag semantic- List/ArrayyList

Bag semantic with ID- List/ArrayyList

List semantic- List/ArrayyList

Set semantic- Set

Map semantic- Map



public class UserDetails


@OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.PERSIST(also could be all or remove))// which will automatically save the realted references entities(sess.save(userdetails;session.save(vehicle2)) will be changed to be as session.persist(user))

private Collection<Vehicle> vehicle = new ArrayList<Vehicle>(); //for one to many and many to one and one to one, there is only one collection for vehicle and private \


Implementing Inheritance:

To take the advantage of the java polyphorsm feature, for e..g., the userdetail class composes/embed a vehicle instance variable which has two subclass boat and car. so Hibernate needs to be aware of the inheritence relateship between entity classes;

By default, it is singble table strategy;



@DiscriminatorColumn{ name="VEHICLE_TYPE",discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING}



Implementing Inheritance With Table Per Class:

//multi tables will be created for each class





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