
来源:互联网 发布:二元期权模拟软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 20:10
(2)过滤和排序SQL> -过滤:where子句SP2-0734: 未知的命令开头 "-过滤:whe..." - 忽略了剩余的行。SQL> --过滤:where子句SQL> host clsSQL> --查询部门号为10的员工信息SQL> select * from emp where deptno=10;SQL> --查询姓名叫KING的员工SQL> select *  from emp where ename='KING';SQL> /*select * from emp where ename='king';*/SQL> select * from emp where ename='king';SQL> -- MYSQL中试试SQL> --字符串大小写敏感SQL> --日期:SQL> --查询入职日期为17-11月-81的员工SQL> select *  from emp where hiredate='17-11月-81';  SQL> select * from emp where hiredate='1981-11-17';                  第 3 行出现错误: ORA-01861: 文字与格式字符串不匹配 SQL> --对于日期,格式敏感SQL> --如何获取当前系统的日期格式?SQL> --1.查询系统时间SQL> select sysdate from dual;SYSDATE                                                                                                                                               --------------                                                                                                                                        27-9月 -11                                                                                                                                            已选择 1 行。SQL> --sysdate:既包含日期,也包含时间SQL> --2. 查询系统的参数SQL> select * from v$nls_parameters;PARAMETER               VALUE                                                                                --------------------------------------------------------------NLS_LANGUAGE                 SIMPLIFIED CHINESE                                                                   NLS_TERRITORY                    CHINA                                                                                NLS_CURRENCY                     ¥                                                                                   NLS_ISO_CURRENCY               CHINA                                                                                NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS                                           .,                                                                                   NLS_CALENDAR                  GREGORIAN                                                                            NLS_DATE_FORMAT                    DD-MON-RR                                                                            NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE             SIMPLIFIED CHINESE                                                                   NLS_CHARACTERSET                  ZHS16GBK                                                                             NLS_SORT                                      BINARY                                                                               NLS_TIME_FORMAT                       HH.MI.SSXFF AM                                                                       NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT     DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM                                                             NLS_TIME_TZ_FORMAT            HH.MI.SSXFF AM TZR                                                                   NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY                                                ¥                                                                                   NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET         AL16UTF16                                                                            NLS_COMP                          BINARY                                                                               SQL> --查询名字是4个字的员工SQL> select *  2  from emp  3  where ename like '____';SQL> insert into emp(empno,ename) values(1234,'Tom_123');SQL> select * from emp;SQL> --查询名字中含义下划线的员工SQL> select *  2  from emp  3  where ename like '%_%';SQL> --转义字符,选取%和_SQL> ed已写入 file afiedt.buf  1  select *  2  from emp  3* where ename like '%\_%' escape '\'SQL> ed已写入 file afiedt.buf  1  select *  2  from emp  3* where ename like '%a_%' escape 'a'SQL> rollback;回退已完成。SQL> --排序 order bySQL> --查询员工的信息,按照工资排序SQL> --a命令:追加命令SQL> a order by sal  2* from emporder by salSQL> --a:两个以上的空格SQL> a  order by sal;  1* select * from emp order by salSQL> /SQL> a  desc  1* select * from emp order by sal descSQL> /*SQL> order by后面可以跟什么:SQL> 1. 列名2. 表达式3. 别名4. 序号SQL> */SQL> --查询员工信息,按照年薪排序SQL> select empno,ename,sal,sal*12  2  from emp  3  order by sal*12;SQL> --按照别名排序SQL>  select empno,ename,sal,sal*12+nvl(comm,0) 年收入  2  from  emp  3  order by 年收入;     EMPNO ENAME      SAL     年收入                                                                                                                  ---------- -------- ----- ----------                                                                                                                        7369 SMITH      800       9600   
SQL> --修改日期格式SQL> alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='yyyy-mm-dd';会话已更改。SQL> select *  2  from emp  3  where hiredate='1981-11-17';     EMPNO ENAME    JOB              MGR HIREDATE     SAL       COMM     DEPTNO                                                                       ---------- -------- --------- ---------- ---------- -----   7839 KING     PRESIDENT       1981-11-17  5000            10                                                                       已选择 1 行。SQL> alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='DD-MON-RR';会话已更改。SQL> host clsSQL> --between.. and: 在某个区间上SQL> -- 查询薪水在1000~2000的员工SQL> select * from emp where sal>=1000 and sal<=2000;SQL> select * from emp where sal between 1000 and 2000;SQL> --问题:between..and含边界吗? 含SQL> select * from emp where sal between 2000 and 1000;未选定行SQL> --between and: 小值在前,大值在后SQL> host clsSQL> --in:在集合中SQL> --查询部门号为10,20的员工SQL> select * from emp where deptno=10 or deptno=20;SQL> select * from emp where deptno in (10,20);SQL> --方式三:SQL> /*SQL> select * from emp where deptno=10SQL> +SQL> select * from emp where deptno=20;SQL> */SQL> host clsSQL> --like:模糊查询SQL> --查询名字以S打头的员工SQL> select *  2  from emp  3  where ename like 'S%';

SQL> ed已写入 file afiedt.buf  1   select empno,ename,sal,sal*12+nvl(comm,0) 年收入  2  from  emp  3* order by 4SQL> /     EMPNO ENAME      SAL     年收入                                                                                                                  ---------- -------- ----- ----------                                                                                                                        7369 SMITH      800       9600                                                                                                                        7900 JAMES      950      11400                                                                                                                        7876 ADAMS     1100      13200                                                                                                                        7521 WARD      1250      15500                                                                                                                  SQL> --order by后面有多列,怎么排序?SQL> select *  2  from emp  3  order by deptno,sal;SQL> --先按照第一列排;如果相同,再按照第二列排;以此类推SQL> ed已写入 file afiedt.buf  1  select *  2  from emp  3* order by deptno,sal descSQL> ed已写入 file afiedt.buf  1  select *  2  from emp  3* order by deptno desc,sal descSQL> /SQL> --作用于多列时,降序需要在每列后SQL> host clsSQL> --查询员工信息,按照奖金排序SQL> select *  2  from emp  3  order by comm;SQL> ed已写入 file afiedt.buf  1  select *  2  from emp  3* order by comm descSQL> /SQL> --如何将空值排到最后SQL> select *  2  from emp  3  order by comm desc  4  nulls last;
