PLS-9-12 Oracle PL/SQL

来源:互联网 发布:扎古2.0知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 19:32

retreving data using select statement
v_sal emp.sal%TYPE
select ename, sal infor v_name, v_sal from emp which only stores just 1 record; it also
has a implicit cursor created by oracle
<delete from emp> also will create cursors
way to use cursor

 declare open fetch open
 cursor cl is select empno,ename from emp;
 open cl;
 fetch cl into v_eno, v_name;
 exit when cl%NOTFOUND;
 end loop;
 close cl
 //this is a simplifized version
 for rec in cl loop
 end loop;
cursor attribute
Cursors With Parameters
    cursor cl (v_deptno NUMBER) IS
Oracle PL/SQL Reference Cursor
 the cursor content will be determined in the beging block during the runtime
 type emp_refcursor is REF CURSOR
 emp_cv emp_refcurosr
PL/SQL Bulk Collect and Bulk Bind  //what is the benificiency? the anwser is the performance improvement
 type empnotab IS TABLE OF emp.empno%TYPE
 l_EMPNO empno  empnotab
 curesor cl is select empno from emp
 //for x in c loop; null;end loop;





