Hadoop MapReduce之任务启动(二)

来源:互联网 发布:moneywiz2 mac 破解 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 02:04
  TaskLauncher线程监控到有新任务到达的时候,便会通过startNewTask启动一个新的线程来执行任务,该线程独立运行不会影响TT的其他线程,通过源码中的注释也能看到这个意思,任务启动之初会先做本地化操作,然后通过launchTaskForJob启动TaskLauncher,在child JVM启动之前的过程比较复杂,会经过一系列的线程创建,过程如下图:

/** * Start a new task. All exceptions are handled locally, so that we don't * mess up the task tracker. *  * @throws InterruptedException */void startNewTask(final TaskInProgress tip) throws InterruptedException {//构建一个子类Thread launchThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {@Overridepublic void run() {try {//1、初始化本地作业RunningJob rjob = localizeJob(tip);//2、设置job文件tip.getTask().setJobFile(rjob.getLocalizedJobConf().toString());// Localization is done. Neither rjob.jobConf nor rjob.ugi// can be null//3、启动任务launchTaskForJob(tip, new JobConf(rjob.getJobConf()), rjob);} catch (Throwable e) {String msg = ("Error initializing "+ tip.getTask().getTaskID() + ":\n" + StringUtils.stringifyException(e));LOG.warn(msg);tip.reportDiagnosticInfo(msg);try {tip.kill(true);tip.cleanup(true);} catch (IOException ie2) {LOG.info("Error cleaning up "+ tip.getTask().getTaskID(), ie2);} catch (InterruptedException ie2) {LOG.info("Error cleaning up "+ tip.getTask().getTaskID(), ie2);}if (e instanceof Error) {LOG.error("TaskLauncher error "+ StringUtils.stringifyException(e));}}}});launchThread.start();//启动线程}
RunningJob localizeJob(TaskInProgress tip) throws IOException,InterruptedException {Task t = tip.getTask();JobID jobId = t.getJobID();//如果是新作业,则构建RunningJob放入runningJobs集合RunningJob rjob = addTaskToJob(jobId, tip);InetSocketAddress ttAddr = getTaskTrackerReportAddress();try {synchronized (rjob) {if (!rjob.localized) {while (rjob.localizing) {rjob.wait();}if (!rjob.localized) {// this thread is localizing the jobrjob.localizing = true;}}}//下面开始初始化if (!rjob.localized) {//拷贝job.xml至本地:tasklog/ttprivate/taskTracker/hadoop/jobcache/$jobid/job.xml//设置jvm复用,涉及参数mapred.job.reuse.jvm.num.tasks,当然在多CPU架构环境中还要注意设置:mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum和mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum//初始化一系列本地目录,并且下载执行该任务所需的jar文件、配置文件、凭证文件等Path localJobConfPath = initializeJob(t, rjob, ttAddr);JobConf localJobConf = new JobConf(localJobConfPath);// to be doubly sure, overwrite the user in the config with the// one the TT// thinks it islocalJobConf.setUser(t.getUser());// also reset the #tasks per jvmresetNumTasksPerJvm(localJobConf);// set the base jobconf path in rjob; all tasks will use// this as the base path when they runsynchronized (rjob) {rjob.localizedJobConf = localJobConfPath;rjob.jobConf = localJobConf;rjob.keepJobFiles = ((localJobConf.getKeepTaskFilesPattern() != null) || localJobConf.getKeepFailedTaskFiles());rjob.localized = true;}}} finally {synchronized (rjob) {if (rjob.localizing) {rjob.localizing = false;rjob.notifyAll();}}}synchronized (runningJobs) {runningJobs.notify(); // notify the fetcher thread}return rjob;}
public void initializeJob(String user, String jobid,                           Path credentials, Path jobConf,                           TaskUmbilicalProtocol taskTracker,                          InetSocketAddress ttAddr                          ) throws IOException, InterruptedException {  final LocalDirAllocator lDirAlloc = allocator;  FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(getConf());  JobLocalizer localizer = new JobLocalizer((JobConf)getConf(), user, jobid);  //创建本地目录:$mapred.local.dir/taskTracker/$user  localizer.createLocalDirs();  //创建本地目录:$mapred.local.dir/taskTracker/$user/jobcache $mapred.local.dir/taskTracker/$user/distcache  localizer.createUserDirs();  //创建目录:$mapred.local.dir/taskTracker/$user/jobcache/$jobid  localizer.createJobDirs();  JobConf jConf = new JobConf(jobConf);  //创建工作区目录;$mapred.local.dir/taskTracker/$user/jobcache/$jobid/work  localizer.createWorkDir(jConf);  //拷贝凭证文件  Path localJobTokenFile = lDirAlloc.getLocalPathForWrite(      TaskTracker.getLocalJobTokenFile(user, jobid), getConf());  FileUtil.copy(      localFs, credentials, localFs, localJobTokenFile, false, getConf());  //创建任务日志目录:$hadoop.log.dir/$jobid  localizer.initializeJobLogDir();  // Download the job.jar for this job from the system FS?  // setup the distributed cache  // write job acls  // write localized config  //上面注释里都写的很清楚了,这里就不多说了  localizer.localizeJobFiles(JobID.forName(jobid), jConf, localJobTokenFile,                              taskTracker);}
launchTaskForJob(tip, new JobConf(rjob.getJobConf()), rjob);
public synchronized void launchTask(RunningJob rjob) throws IOException {if (this.taskStatus.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.UNASSIGNED|| this.taskStatus.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.FAILED_UNCLEAN|| this.taskStatus.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.KILLED_UNCLEAN) {//任务本地化,会设置该任务相关的一系列参数localizeTask(task);if (this.taskStatus.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.UNASSIGNED) {this.taskStatus.setRunState(TaskStatus.State.RUNNING);}//创建新的线程,TaskRunner来执行任务setTaskRunner(task.createRunner(TaskTracker.this, this, rjob));//启动新创建的线程this.runner.start();long now = System.currentTimeMillis();this.taskStatus.setStartTime(now);this.lastProgressReport = now;} else {LOG.info("Not launching task: " + task.getTaskID()+ " since it's state is "+ this.taskStatus.getRunState());}}
public final void run() {  String errorInfo = "Child Error";  try {        //before preparing the job localize     //all the archives    TaskAttemptID taskid = t.getTaskID();    final LocalDirAllocator lDirAlloc = new LocalDirAllocator("mapred.local.dir");    //simply get the location of the workDir and pass it to the child. The    //child will do the actual dir creation    //设置子进程的工作目录,当进程执行时会自动创建    final File workDir =    new File(new Path(localdirs[rand.nextInt(localdirs.length)],         TaskTracker.getTaskWorkDir(t.getUser(), taskid.getJobID().toString(),         taskid.toString(),        t.isTaskCleanupTask())).toString());    //获得执行用户    String user = tip.getUGI().getUserName();        // Set up the child task's configuration. After this call, no localization    // of files should happen in the TaskTracker's process space. Any changes to    // the conf object after this will NOT be reflected to the child.    // setupChildTaskConfiguration(lDirAlloc);    if (!prepare()) {      return;    }        // Accumulates class paths for child.    List<String> classPaths = getClassPaths(conf, workDir,                                            taskDistributedCacheManager);    long logSize = TaskLog.getTaskLogLength(conf);        //  构建JVM启动参数    Vector<String> vargs = getVMArgs(taskid, workDir, classPaths, logSize);        tracker.addToMemoryManager(t.getTaskID(), t.isMapTask(), conf);    // set memory limit using ulimit if feasible and necessary ...    String setup = getVMSetupCmd();    // 重定向输出日志    File[] logFiles = prepareLogFiles(taskid, t.isTaskCleanupTask());    File stdout = logFiles[0];    File stderr = logFiles[1];    tracker.getTaskTrackerInstrumentation().reportTaskLaunch(taskid, stdout,               stderr);    //设置JVM运行的环境变量    Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<String, String>();    errorInfo = getVMEnvironment(errorInfo, user, workDir, conf, env, taskid,                                 logSize);        // 一堆export,用户输出环境变量    List <String> setupCmds = new ArrayList<String>();    for(Entry<String, String> entry : env.entrySet()) {      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();      sb.append("export ");      sb.append(entry.getKey());      sb.append("=\"");      sb.append(entry.getValue());      sb.append("\"");      setupCmds.add(sb.toString());    }    setupCmds.add(setup);    //上面设置好环境变量、JVM的启动参数后,这里就开始启动JVM了    launchJvmAndWait(setupCmds, vargs, stdout, stderr, logSize, workDir);    tracker.getTaskTrackerInstrumentation().reportTaskEnd(t.getTaskID());    //判断返回码    if (exitCodeSet) {      if (!killed && exitCode != 0) {        if (exitCode == 65) {          tracker.getTaskTrackerInstrumentation().taskFailedPing(t.getTaskID());        }        throw new IOException("Task process exit with nonzero status of " +            exitCode + ".");      }    }  } catch (FSError e) {    LOG.fatal("FSError", e);    try {      tracker.fsErrorInternal(t.getTaskID(), e.getMessage());    } catch (IOException ie) {      LOG.fatal(t.getTaskID()+" reporting FSError", ie);    }  } catch (Throwable throwable) {    LOG.warn(t.getTaskID() + " : " + errorInfo, throwable);    Throwable causeThrowable = new Throwable(errorInfo, throwable);    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();    causeThrowable.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(baos));    try {      tracker.reportDiagnosticInfoInternal(t.getTaskID(), baos.toString());    } catch (IOException e) {      LOG.warn(t.getTaskID()+" Reporting Diagnostics", e);    }  } finally {        // It is safe to call TaskTracker.TaskInProgress.reportTaskFinished with    // *false* since the task has either    // a) SUCCEEDED - which means commit has been done    // b) FAILED - which means we do not need to commit    tip.reportTaskFinished(false);  }}
void launchJvmAndWait(List <String> setup, Vector<String> vargs, File stdout,    File stderr, long logSize, File workDir)    throws InterruptedException, IOException {  //这里开始启动,然后  jvmManager.launchJvm(this, jvmManager.constructJvmEnv(setup, vargs, stdout,      stderr, logSize, workDir, conf));  synchronized (lock) {    while (!done) {      lock.wait();    }  }}
  private void spawnNewJvm(JobID jobId, JvmEnv env,        TaskRunner t) {    JvmRunner jvmRunner = new JvmRunner(env, jobId, t.getTask());    jvmIdToRunner.put(jvmRunner.jvmId, jvmRunner);    //spawn the JVM in a new thread. Note that there will be very little    //extra overhead of launching the new thread for a new JVM since    //most of the cost is involved in launching the process. Moreover,    //since we are going to be using the JVM for running many tasks,    //the thread launch cost becomes trivial when amortized over all    //tasks. Doing it this way also keeps code simple.    jvmRunner.setDaemon(true);    jvmRunner.setName("JVM Runner " + jvmRunner.jvmId + " spawned.");    setRunningTaskForJvm(jvmRunner.jvmId, t);    LOG.info(jvmRunner.getName());    jvmRunner.start();//开始启动  }  
public int launchTask(String user,                                 String jobId,                                String attemptId,                                List<String> setup,                                List<String> jvmArguments,                                File currentWorkDirectory,                                String stdout,                                String stderr) throws IOException {  ShellCommandExecutor shExec = null;  try {                    FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(getConf());        //创建任务工作目录:$hadoop.log.dir\taskTracker\hadoop\jobcache\job_201311071504_0001\attempt_201311071504_0001_m_000002_0\work    new Localizer(localFs,         getConf().getStrings(JobConf.MAPRED_LOCAL_DIR_PROPERTY)).        initializeAttemptDirs(user, jobId, attemptId);        // create the working-directory of the task     if (!currentWorkDirectory.mkdir()) {      throw new IOException("Mkdirs failed to create "                   + currentWorkDirectory.toString());    }        //创建日志目录:$hadoop.log.dir\userlogs\job_201311071504_0001\attempt_201311071504_0001_m_000002_0    String logLocation = TaskLog.getAttemptDir(jobId, attemptId).toString();//localFs.delete(new Path(logLocation));//localFs.rename(new Path(logLocation), new Path(logLocation+".old"));    if (!localFs.mkdirs(new Path(logLocation))) {      throw new IOException("Mkdirs failed to create "                  + logLocation);    }    //read the configuration for the job    FileSystem rawFs = FileSystem.getLocal(getConf()).getRaw();    long logSize = 0; //TODO MAPREDUCE-1100    // get the JVM command line.    String cmdLine =       TaskLog.buildCommandLine(setup, jvmArguments,          new File(stdout), new File(stderr), logSize, true);    // write the command to a file in the    // task specific cache directory    // TODO copy to user dir    //将JVM启动脚本写入文件,日志中会看到如下信息:    //13/11/07 15:22:05 INFO mapred.TaskController: Writing commands to C:/hadoop/tasklog/ttprivate/taskTracker/hadoop/jobcache/job_201311071504_0001/attempt_201311071504_0001_m_000002_0/taskjvm.sh    Path p = new Path(allocator.getLocalPathForWrite(        TaskTracker.getPrivateDirTaskScriptLocation(user, jobId, attemptId),        getConf()), COMMAND_FILE);    String commandFile = writeCommand(cmdLine, rawFs, p);    rawFs.setPermission(p, TaskController.TASK_LAUNCH_SCRIPT_PERMISSION);    //构建命令执行器,用于调用上面写入的脚本    shExec = new ShellCommandExecutor(new String[]{        "bash", "-c", commandFile.substring(1)},        currentWorkDirectory);    shExec.execute();//开始执行脚本taskjvm.sh,通过ProcessBuilder来执行脚本,会开启错误监控线程  } catch (Exception e) {    if (shExec == null) {      return -1;    }    int exitCode = shExec.getExitCode();    LOG.warn("Exit code from task is : " + exitCode);    LOG.info("Output from DefaultTaskController's launchTask follows:");    logOutput(shExec.getOutput());    return exitCode;  }  return 0;}