HashTables - Concepts, Theory , Questions - Codophilic:

来源:互联网 发布:centos 6.5 ipv6 配置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 13:59

HashTables - Concepts, Theory , Questions - Codophilic:

 liner search
 binary search --the sorted data needed lgN
 Hash Table- O(1) --constant time search
 Dynamic Set:
 Direct Address Tables:
 Problem: not applicable to strings or when m is very large(not enough memory)
 we use a hash funciton which maps h(x) -->y in (1..m)
 when two keys maps to same y, we reslove using:
  --changing: List for each table slot
  --Open Addressing: Linear Probing
  --Bucket Addressing
 B TREE or M TREE or Binary TREE
 Data Strcuture Tutorial #14 - AVL Tree
  ALV TREE should be height balanced tree with BF(Balance Factor) is no more than (-1, 0 1)

  LL LR RR RL rotation will be used to make the AVL tree to be rebanlanced;
 Data Structure Tutorial #2 - Sorting Techniques Session #1
  Below are the main Sorting techniques
   Radix Sort, Merge Sort,
   Bubble Sort  O(n^2)
   i=1,j=n then i=1 ,j=n-1 a[i] cmp a[i+1]
   Insertion Sort
     cmp with ajacent two O(n^2)
   Selection Sort O(N^2)
     a[1] cmp a[2-j] then a[2] cmp a[3-j]
   Quick SOrt
