
来源:互联网 发布:液压系统绘图软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 16:31

在cocos2d-x example beginner's guide Ch2,P19中(翻译凑合看)

The director and caches
Then comes the all-knowing CCDirector and all-encompassing cache objects. CCDirector
manages scenes and knows all about your application. You will make calls to it to get to that
information, and to change some of it: things such as screen size, frame rate, scale factor,

and so on.

Director 和 Caches

接下来,是大名鼎鼎的 CCDirector 和包罗万象的 cache objects。CCDirector类调度场景,并知晓游戏的一草一木。


The caches are collector objects. The most important ones are CCTextureCache,
CCSpriteFrameCache, and CCAnimationCache. These are responsible for storing key
information regarding those two important rectangles I talked about. In fact, every sort of
data that is used repeatedly in Cocos2d-x will be kept in some sort of cache list.
Both CCDirector and all cache objects are singletons: a special sort of class that is

instantiated only once and this one instance can usually be accessed by any other object.

缓存是一个对象集合,最主要 的有:CCTextureCache(纹理缓存),CCSpriteFrameCache(精灵帧缓存)和CCAnimationCache(动画缓存)。

