Mac OS 使用iconv 将gb18030编码文本转换为utf-8格式文本

来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu怎样打开终端 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 04:19

  • Mac OS X comes with iconv utility that can convert text between encodings. Run the following command in Terminal to convert a gb2312 chinese text file to utf-8:
    iconv -f cp936 -t utf-8 chinese-gb2312.txt > chinese-utf8.txt
  • To list the encodings that iconv supports:
    iconv -l



#!/bin/bash     function encode() {iconv -f cp936 -t utf-8 "$1" > test# iconv -f iso8859-15 -t utf8 "$1" > test;cat test > "$1";}function walk()  {    for file in `ls $1`    do      local path=$1"/"$file      if [ -d $path ]       then        echo "DIR $path"        walk $path      else        echo "FILE $path"        encode $path    fi    done  }     if [ $# -ne 1 ]  then    echo "USAGE: $0 TOP_DIR"  else    walk $1  fi  
