cocos2d-x中的 实例化与内存管理

来源:互联网 发布:优化电脑配置的软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 22:54

在 cocos2d-x by example beginner's guide,第2章,P23页中(翻译请凑合看)

  There is no Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) in cocos2d-x, so Objective-C developers
who have forgotten memory management might have a problem here.


  The rule regarding memory management with C++ is very simple: if you new, you must
delete. Cocos2d-x, however, will add a few other options and commands, similar to the
ones we have in Objective-C (without ARC). That is because Cocos2d-x, unlike C++, and
very much like Objective-C, has a root class. The framework is more than just a C++ port
of Cocos2d. It also ports certain notions of Objective-C to C++, in order to recreate its
memory management system.
C++中的内存管理准则非常简单:如果你调用了 new,那么你一定别忘了delete。但是通过在cocos2d-x中,

  Cocos2d-x has a CCObject class which is the root of every major object in the framework.

It allows the framework to have autorelease pools, and retain counts, as well other
Objective-C equivalents.
CCObject 是cocos2d-x构架的中绝大部分类的根类,它框架有了与Objective-C一样的 autorelease pool(自动释放池), retain counts(引用计数)。
Player::Player () {this->setPosition ( ccp(0,0) );}Player * Player::create () {Player * player = new Player();if (player && player->initWithSpriteFrameName("player.png")) {player->autorelease();return player;}CC_SAFE_DELETE(player);return NULL;}

When instantiating Cocos2d-x objects you basically have two options.


Option 1 – use static methods


  This is the recommended way. The three-stage instantiation process of Objective-C, with
alloc, init, and autorelease/retain is recreated here. So for instance a Player class,
which extends CCSprite, might have the following methods:
  我推荐这种方法。在Objective-C实例化,分“三步走” 1.alloc, 2. init, 3.autorelease/retain.

  For instantiation, you call the static create method. It will create a new Player objectas an empty husk version of Player. No major initialization should happen inside theconstructor, just in case you may have to delete the object due to some failure in theinstantiation process. Cocos2d-x has a series of macros for object deletion and release,like the CC_SAFE_DELETE used previously.
  我们可以调用静态的create方法,来实例化一个对象。create会创建Player类一个空的对象,该对象并没有在构造函数中进行有效的初始化,所以在实例化失败的时候,我们应该用delete,删除它。cocos2d-x中,为了对象方便进行 删除和释放操作而准备了一系列的宏,比如前面用到的CC_SAFE_DELETE。
