
来源:互联网 发布:如何看淘宝消费总额 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 23:59
  2.1. 不使用Log4j 
  2.1.1. 客户程序 
   package log4j ;      import java.io.* ;   import java.net.* ;       public class ClientWithoutLog4j {          public static void main ( String args [] ) {          String welcome = null;       String response = null;       BufferedReader reader = null;       PrintWriter writer = null;       InputStream in = null;       OutputStream out = null;       Socket client = null;          try {         client = new Socket ( "localhost", 8001 ) ;         System.out.println ( "info: Client socket: " + client ) ;         in = client.getInputStream () ;         out = client.getOutputStream () ;       } catch ( IOException e ) {         System.out.println ( "error: IOException : " + e ) ;         System.exit ( 0 ) ;       }          try{         reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader ( in ) ) ;         writer = new PrintWriter ( new OutputStreamWriter ( out ), true ) ;            welcome = reader.readLine () ;         System.out.println ( "debug: Server says: '" + welcome + "'" ) ;            System.out.println ( "debug: HELLO" ) ;         writer.println ( "HELLO" ) ;         response = reader.readLine () ;         System.out.println ( "debug: Server responds: '" + response + "'") ;            System.out.println ( "debug: HELP" ) ;         writer.println ( "HELP" ) ;         response = reader.readLine () ;         System.out.println ( "debug: Server responds: '" + response + "'" ) ;            System.out.println ( "debug: QUIT" ) ;         writer.println ( "QUIT" ) ;       } catch ( IOException e ) {         System.out.println ( "warn: IOException in client.in.readln()" ) ;         System.out.println ( e ) ;       }       try{         Thread.sleep ( 2000 ) ;       } catch ( Exception ignored ) {}     }   } 

  2.1.2. 服务器程序 
    package log4j ;      import java.util.* ;   import java.io.* ;   import java.net.* ;         public class ServerWithoutLog4j {        final static int SERVER_PORT = 8001 ; // this server's port             public static void main ( String args [] ) {       String clientRequest = null;       BufferedReader reader = null;       PrintWriter writer = null;       ServerSocket server = null;       Socket socket = null;       InputStream in = null;       OutputStream out = null;          try {         server = new ServerSocket ( SERVER_PORT ) ;         System.out.println ( "info: ServerSocket before accept: " + server ) ;         System.out.println ( "info: Java server without log4j, on-line!" ) ;            // wait for client's connection         socket = server.accept () ;         System.out.println ( "info: ServerSocket after accept: " + server ) ;            in = socket.getInputStream () ;         out = socket.getOutputStream () ;          } catch ( IOException e ) {         System.out.println( "error: Server constructor IOException: " + e ) ;         System.exit ( 0 ) ;       }       reader = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader ( in ) ) ;       writer = new PrintWriter ( new OutputStreamWriter ( out ) , true ) ;          // send welcome string to client       writer.println ( "Java server without log4j, " + new Date () ) ;          while ( true ) {         try {           // read from client           clientRequest = reader.readLine () ;           System.out.println ( "debug: Client says: " + clientRequest ) ;           if ( clientRequest.startsWith ( "HELP" ) ) {             System.out.println ( "debug: OK!" ) ;             writer.println ( "Vocabulary: HELP QUIT" ) ;           }           else {             if ( clientRequest.startsWith ( "QUIT" ) ) {               System.out.println ( "debug: OK!" ) ;               System.exit ( 0 ) ;             }             else{               System.out.println ( "warn: Command '" + clientRequest + "' not understood." ) ;               writer.println ( "Command '" + clientRequest + "' not understood." ) ;             }           }         } catch ( IOException e ) {           System.out.println ( "error: IOException in Server " + e ) ;           System.exit ( 0 ) ;         }       }     }   } 

  2.2. 迁移到Log4j 
  2.2.1. 客户程序 
    package log4j ;      import java.io.* ;   import java.net.* ;      // add for log4j: import some package   import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator ;   import org.apache.log4j.Logger ;   import org.apache.log4j.Level ;         public class ClientWithLog4j {             static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger    ( ClientWithLog4j.class.getName () ) ;             public static void main ( String args [] ) {          String welcome = null ;       String response = null ;       BufferedReader reader = null ;       PrintWriter writer = null ;       InputStream in = null ;       OutputStream out = null ;       Socket client = null ;                 PropertyConfigurator.configure ( "ClientWithLog4j.properties" ) ;          // add for log4j: set the level   //    logger.setLevel ( ( Level ) Level.DEBUG ) ;          try{         client = new Socket( "localhost" , 8001 ) ;            // add for log4j: log a message with the info level         logger.info ( "Client socket: " + client ) ;            in = client.getInputStream () ;         out = client.getOutputStream () ;       } catch ( IOException e ) {            // add for log4j: log a message with the error level         logger.error ( "IOException : " + e ) ;            System.exit ( 0 ) ;       }          try{         reader = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader ( in ) ) ;         writer = new PrintWriter ( new OutputStreamWriter ( out ), true ) ;            welcome = reader.readLine () ;            // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level         logger.debug ( "Server says: '" + welcome + "'" ) ;            // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level         logger.debug ( "HELLO" ) ;            writer.println ( "HELLO" ) ;         response = reader.readLine () ;            // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level         logger.debug ( "Server responds: '" + response + "'" ) ;            // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level         logger.debug ( "HELP" ) ;            writer.println ( "HELP" ) ;         response = reader.readLine () ;            // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level         logger.debug ( "Server responds: '" + response + "'") ;            // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level         logger.debug ( "QUIT" ) ;            writer.println ( "QUIT" ) ;       } catch ( IOException e ) {            // add for log4j: log a message with the warn level         logger.warn ( "IOException in client.in.readln()" ) ;            System.out.println ( e ) ;       }       try {         Thread.sleep ( 2000 ) ;       } catch ( Exception ignored ) {}     }   } 

  2.2.2. 服务器程序 
    package log4j;      import java.util.* ;   import java.io.* ;   import java.net.* ;      // add for log4j: import some package   import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator ;   import org.apache.log4j.Logger ;   import org.apache.log4j.Level ;         public class ServerWithLog4j {        final static int SERVER_PORT = 8001 ; // this server's port             static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger ( ServerWithLog4j.class.getName()) ;             public static void main ( String args[]) {       String clientRequest = null ;       BufferedReader reader = null ;       PrintWriter writer = null ;       ServerSocket server = null ;       Socket socket = null ;          InputStream in = null ;       OutputStream out = null ;                 PropertyConfigurator.configure ( "ServerWithLog4j.properties" ) ;          // add for log4j: set the level   //    logger.setLevel ( ( Level ) Level.DEBUG ) ;          try{         server = new ServerSocket ( SERVER_PORT ) ;            // add for log4j: log a message with the info level         logger.info ( "ServerSocket before accept: " + server ) ;            // add for log4j: log a message with the info level         logger.info ( "Java server with log4j, on-line!" ) ;            // wait for client's connection         socket = server.accept() ;            // add for log4j: log a message with the info level         logger.info ( "ServerSocket after accept: " + server ) ;            in = socket.getInputStream() ;         out = socket.getOutputStream() ;          } catch ( IOException e ) {            // add for log4j: log a message with the error level         logger.error ( "Server constructor IOException: " + e ) ;         System.exit ( 0 ) ;       }       reader = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader ( in ) ) ;       writer = new PrintWriter ( new OutputStreamWriter ( out ), true ) ;          // send welcome string to client       writer.println ( "Java server with log4j, " + new Date () ) ;          while ( true ) {         try {           // read from client           clientRequest = reader.readLine () ;              // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level           logger.debug ( "Client says: " + clientRequest ) ;              if ( clientRequest.startsWith ( "HELP" ) ) {                // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level             logger.debug ( "OK!" ) ;                writer.println ( "Vocabulary: HELP QUIT" ) ;           }           else {             if ( clientRequest.startsWith ( "QUIT" ) ) {                  // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level               logger.debug ( "OK!" ) ;                  System.exit ( 0 ) ;             }             else {                  // add for log4j: log a message with the warn level               logger.warn ( "Command '"  + clientRequest + "' not understood." ) ;                  writer.println ( "Command '" + clientRequest + "' not understood." ) ;             }           }         } catch ( IOException e ) {              // add for log4j: log a message with the error level           logger.error( "IOException in Server " + e ) ;              System.exit ( 0 ) ;         }       }     }   } 

  2.2.3. 配置文件 客户程序配置文件 
    log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A1      log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender      log4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout      log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r %-5p [%t] %37c %3x - %m%n 服务器程序配置文件 
    log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A1      log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender      log4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout      log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r %-5p [%t] %37c %3x - %m%n 

  2.3. 比较 

   比较这两个应用可以看出,采用Log4j进行日志操作的整个过程相当简单明了,与直接使用System.out.println语句进行日志信息输出的 方式相比,基本上没有增加代码量,同时能够清楚地理解每一条日志信息的重要程度。通过控制配置文件,我们还可以灵活地修改日志信息的格式,输出目的地等等方面,而单纯依靠System.out.println语句,显然需要做更多的工作。 
