
来源:互联网 发布:java rpc 实现 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 20:21


#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#define NoLEN 4#define NameLEN 6using namespace std;void main(){ofstream outData("Salary.dat");                      //在程序所在目录建立Salary.dat文件ifstream inData;                                     //定义inData为输入数据的文件char No[NoLEN], Name[NameLEN];                       //定义编号和姓名数组float base,overtime,bonus,deduct;                    //临时float变量for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++){                         //写入数据到文件cout << "Please input the worker"<<i<<"'s number:" << endl;cin >> No;outData << No << " ";cout << "Please input the worker"<<i<<"'s name:" << endl;cin >> Name;outData << Name << " ";cout << "Please input the worker"<<i<<"'s base salary:" << endl;cin >> base;outData << base << " ";cout << "Please input the worker"<<i<<"'s overtime salary:" << endl;cin >> overtime;outData << overtime << " ";cout << "Please input the worker"<<i<<"'s bonus:" << endl;cin >> bonus;outData << bonus << " ";cout << "Please input the worker"<<i<<"'s deducted salary:" << endl;cin >> deduct;outData << deduct << " ";}outData.close();                                       //关闭文件inData.open("Salary.dat");                             //以输入方式打开Salary.dat文件cout << "职工编号  姓名  基本工资  加班工资  奖金  扣除  实发工资" << endl;//输出数据for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++){inData >> No >> Name >> base >> overtime >> bonus >> deduct;cout << No<<"\t"<<Name<<"\t"<<base<<"\t"<<overtime<<"\t"<<bonus<<"\t"<<deduct<<"\t"<<base+overtime+bonus-deduct<<endl;}inData.close();                                         //关闭文件}
