
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝一键开店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 05:09

USE [my_db]  /*使用表my_table*/


 *create schema <name> authorization <user>
 /*create schema my_db*/

 create schema my_db create table mytable(
 col1 smallint,
 col2 int,
 col3 char(10),
 col4 numeric(10,3),
 col5 decimal(5, 2),


  *drop schema <name> <cascade|restrict>
  drop schema my_db


 *create table <name> (<col> <type> [约束],..., [<表级约束>]);
 *create table <"schema">.<name>(...);
  create table student(
  sno char(9) primary key,
  sname char(20) unique,
  ssex char(2),
  sage smallint,
  sdept char(20) /*增加外键*/

  create table course(
  cno char(4) primary key,/*课程号*/
  cname char(40), /*课程名*/
  cpno char(4),  /*先修课*/
  ccredit smallint,/*学分*/
  foreign key(cpno) references course(cno)

  create table sc(
  scno char(9),  /*学号*/
  cno char(4), /*课程号*/
  scgrade smallint, /*成绩*/

  primary key(scno,cno),
  foreign key(scno) references student(sno),
  foreign key(cno) references course(cno)



   *alter table <name>
   *[add <colname> <type> [完整性约束]]
   *[drop <完整性约束>]
   *[alter column <colname> <type>];
  alter table course
  alter column cs int
  alter table course add unique(cname)

  alter table sc
  add constraint sa foreign key(scno) references student(sno)
  on update cascade on delete cascade


  *drop table <tablename>
  alter table sc drop sa /*从表sc中删除约束规则sa*/
  drop sc /*删除表sc*/
  drop table student restrict; /*执行时出现问题*/


   *create view <name> as select * from <tablename> where *
   create view as
   select *
   from course
   where cno = '11';

   alter table sc
   drop constraint student 有错误!!
   将Delete Rule 和 Update Rule 改为cascade即可。
   alter table SZ_Picture
   add constraint FK_SZ_PICTU_RELATIONS_SZ_PICTU foreign key (pictureTypeId)
   references SZ_PictureType (pictureTypeId)
   on update cascade on delete cascade


 *create [unique] [cluster] index <name>
 * on <tablename> (<colname>[order],...);
 *drop index <name>
 drop index course.courseindex
 create unique index courseindex
 on course(cno asc, cname desc)

/*query database

 *select [top] [all|distinct] <col/exp>,...
 *from <tablename/viewname>,...
 *[where <exp>]
 *[group by <col> [having <exp>] ]
 *[order <col> [asc | desc] ]

/*basic query*/

select sno, sname
from student

/*as: allia name, expr*/
select sname,'year of birth', 2014-sage as birth, UPPER(sdept)
from student

/*distinct the same row*/
select distinct sno
from sc

/*insert usage*/
into sc(sno, cno, scgrade)
values('200215122','4',99) //外键码值要跟主键值域匹配


select distinct sno,sname
from student
where ssex not between '男' and '男'

/*in: the value in domain*/

select distinct sno,sname
from student
where ssex in ('男','女')

/* %_: match string*/

select distinct sno,sname,sdept
from student
where sdept  like '%c\_' escape '\'

/*is: query value is null*/

select distinct cno
from course
where cpno is NULL

/*or:  equal in*/

select *
from student
where sdept = 'computer' or sdept = 'chinese'

select *
from student
where sdept in ('computer', 'chinese')

/*aggregate functions
 *count: num of row
 *sum: add values
select COUNT(sno)
from student

select COUNT(distinct sno)
from sc

select avg(scgrade)
from sc
where cno = '1'

select SUM(ccredit)
from sc,course
where sc.cno = course.cno and sno='200215122'


select sno
from sc
group by sno
having count(*) >= 3 /*作用于组不能使用where*/


select student.*, sc.*
from student,sc
where student.sno = sc.sno

select fir.cno, sec.cpno
from course fir, course sec
where fir.cpno = sec.cno

select student.*
from student,sc
where sc.cno = '2' and sc.scgrade >= 80 and student.sno = sc.sno

select student.*,sc.*,course.*
from student,sc,course
where  student.sno = sc.sno and sc.cno = course.cno

select student.*
from student
where sdept in (
select sdept
from student
where sname = '刘晨')

select s1.*
from student s1, student s2
where s1.sname = '刘晨' and s1.sdept = s2.sdept

select student.sno,sname
from studet
where student.sno in
select sc.sno
from sc, course
where sc.cno = course.cno and cname = '信息系统'

select sc.sno,sname
from sc, course,student
where sc.cno = course.cno and cname = '信息系统' and student.sno = sc.sno

select sno,cno
from sc sc1
where sc1.scgrade > (
    select AVG(sc2.scgrade)
    from sc sc2
    where sc1.sno = sc2.sno


 *into <tablename> [(<col1>, <col2>,...)]
 *values(<val1>, <val2>,...)

 *所在系:IS, 年龄:18)插入到student表中*/
into student(sno, sanme, ssex, sdept,sage)
values('200215128', '陈东', '男', 'IS', 18)

into sc
values('200215128', '1')

create table dept_sage
(sdept char(3),
 avg_age smallint

into dept_sage(sdept, avg_age)
select sdept, AVG(scgrade)
from sc,student
where sc.sno = student.sno
group by sdept


 *update <tablename>
 *set <col1>=<val1>,[<col1>=<val2>,...]
 *where <expr>

update student
set sage = 22
where sno = '200215121'

update student
set sage = sage + 1

/*将所有学生的年龄修改为课程分 + 课程学分*/
update sc /*错误*/
set scgrade = scgrade+ccredit
where course.cno = sc.cno and sc.sno = student.sno

update student /*错误*/
set sage = sage + course.ccredit
where sno =
( select sno
  from sc,course
  where course.cno = sc.cno

update sc /*正确*/
set scgrade = scgrade+ccredit
from sc,course
where sc.cno=course.cno


 *from <tablename>
 *[where <expr>]
from student
where sno = '200215128'


 *create view <viewname> [<col1>, <col2>, ...]
 *as <expr>
 *[with check option]
create view info_view
select sno,sname,sage,sdept
from student
where sdept = 'computer'

create view info_view
select sno,sname,sage,sdept
from student
where sdept = 'computer'
with check option;
create view no1_view
select distinct student.sno,sname,scgrade
from student,sc
where student.sdept = 'computer' and sc.cno = '1'

create view above_view
select student.sno,sname,sdept
from student,sc
where sc.cno = '1' and scgrade > 90 and sc.sno = student.sno

create view above_view
select student.sno,sname,scgrade
from no1_view
where scgrade > 90

create view birth_view(sno, sname, birthday)
select sno,sname,2013-sage
from student

create view avg_view(sno, avg_grade)
select sno, avg(scgrade)
from sc
group by sno

create view girl_view
select *
from sc
where sc.ssex='女'


 *drop view <viewname> [cascade]
drop view view1

select *
from info_view
where sage<20

select sc.sno,sc.cno,sc.scgrade
from info_view,sc
where sc.cno = '1' and info_view.sno = sc.sno

select *
from avg_view
where avg_grade>90

select *
from sc x
where scgrade >
(select avg(scgrade)
 from sc y
 /*group by y.sno 使用不对*/
 where x.sno = y.sno


update birth_view
set sname = '刘莉'
where sno='200215123'

into birth_view
values('200215129', '赵信', 20)

from birth_view
where sno = '200215128'


 *create table 用primary key指定主码
create table stu1(
 sno char(20) primary key,
 sname char(10) not null,
 ssex char(2),
 sage smallint,
 sdept char(50)

/*将sc表中的sno, cno属性定义为主码*/
create table sc1(
 sno char(20),
 cno int,
 scgrade int,
 primary key(sno, cno)


 *create table 使用foreign key定义外码,使用references定义参照那些主码
create table sc2(
sno char(9),
cno char(4),
scgrade int,
foreign key(sno) references student(sno),
foreign key(cno) references course(cno)

create table sc3(
sno char(9),
cno char(4),
scgrade int,
primary key(sno, cno),
foreign key(sno) references student(sno)
on update cascade on delete cascade,
foreign key(cno) references course(cno)
on update cascade on delete cascade


 *列值非空(not null )
 *列值唯一(unique )
create table sc4(
sno char(9) not null,
cno char(4) not null,
scgrade int not null

create table dept(
deptno char(20) primary key,
dname char(50) unique,
location char(100),

create table stu2(
sno char(9),
snmae char(20),
ssex char(4) not null check(ssex in('男', '女','保密')),
sage smallint,
sept char(20)

create table sc5(
sno char(9),
cno char(4),
scgrade int check(scgrade between 0 and 100)

create table stu3(
sno char(9),
sname char(20),
ssex char(4),
sage smallint,
sdept char(50),
check(ssex  = '女' or sname not like 'Ms.%' )


 *create table constraint完整性约束定义命名
 *constraint <constrname> [primary key expr] [foreign key expr] [check expr]
create table stu4(
sno char(9)
constraint a1 primary key check(sno between '9000' and '9999'),
sname char(20),
ssex char(4)
constraint a2 check(ssex in('男','女')),
sage smallint
constraint a3 check(sage<30),
sdept char(20)

create table teacher(
eno numeric(4) primary key,
ename char(10),
job char(8),
sal numeric(7,2),
deduct numeric(7,2),
deptno numeric(7,2),
/*constraint empkey foreign key(deptno) references dept(deptno),*/
constraint c1 check(sal+deuct >= 3000)


 *alter table <tablename>
 *drop constraint <constname>
alter table stu4
drop constraint a2

alter table stu4
drop constraint a1

alter table stu4
add constraint a1 primary key(sno) check(sno between '90000' and '99999')

alter table stu4
drop constraint a3

alter table stu4
add constraint a3 check(sage < 40)

/*域中完整性(sql 2012不支持域)

 * create domain <domainname> <type>
 * check(expr)
create domain dom1 char(2)
check(values in('男','女'))


 *create trigger <triggername>
 *{before | after} <event>//insert/update/delete
 *on <tablename>
 *for each {row | statement}
 *[when <expr>] //条件为真
 *<action> //PL/SQL过程块,或者是已创建的存储过程
create trigger teachsale
before update or insert on teacher
for each row
as begin
 if(new.job = '教授') and (new.sale < 4000)
    new.sale = 4000;
 end if