行转列、列转行(sys_connect_by_path,row_number() over,count(*) over),wmsys.wm_concat

来源:互联网 发布:区姓和欧姓 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 20:58
它一定要和connect by子句合用!
START WITH 代表你要开始遍历的的节点


 select deptno,        ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(ename,','),',') emps   from ( select deptno,        ename,        row_number() over                 (partition by deptno order by empno) rn,        count(*) over                 (partition by deptno) cnt   from emp        )  where level = cnt  start with rn = 1 connect by prior deptno = deptno and prior rn = rn-1;
   DEPTNO EMPS----------------------------------------------       10 CLARK,KING,MILLER       20 SMITH,JONES,SCOTT,ADAMS,FORD       30 ALLEN,WARD,MARTIN,BLAKE,TURNER,JAMES

SQL> select deptno,wmsys.wm_concat(ename) from emp group by deptno;    DEPTNO WMSYS.WM_CONCAT(ENAME)---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------        10 CLARK,MILLER,KING        20 SMITH,FORD,ADAMS,SCOTT,JONES        30 ALLEN,JAMES,TURNER,BLAKE,MARTIN,WARD

select deptno,       ename,       row_number() over                (partition by deptno order by empno) rn,       count(*) over                (partition by deptno) cnt  from emp;    DEPTNO ENAME              RN        CNT---------- ---------- ---------- ----------        10 CLARK               1          3        10 KING                2          3        10 MILLER              3          3        20 SMITH               1          5        20 JONES               2          5        20 SCOTT               3          5        20 ADAMS               4          5        20 FORD                5          5        30 ALLEN               1          6        30 WARD                2          6        30 MARTIN              3          6        30 BLAKE               4          6        30 TURNER              5          6        30 JAMES               6          6

SQL> select ','||'7654,7698,7782,7788'||',' emps from dual;EMPS---------------------,7654,7698,7782,7788,

select substr(emps,instr(emps,',',1,iter.pos)+1,4)   from (select ','||'7654,7698,7782,7788'||',' emps          from dual) csv,       (select rownum pos from emp) iter where iter.pos <= ((length(csv.emps)-length(replace(csv.emps,',')))/length(','))-1;SUBSTR(E--------7654769877827788

select substr(emps, instr(emps, ',', 1, 1) + 1, 4),       substr(emps, instr(emps, ',', 1, 2) + 1, 4),       substr(emps, instr(emps, ',', 1, 3) + 1, 4),       substr(emps, instr(emps, ',', 1, 4) + 1, 4)  from (select ',' || '7654,7698,7782,7788' || ',' emps from dual) csv;SUBS SUBS SUBS SUBS---- ---- ---- ----7654 7698 7782 7788
