CMUSphinx Learn - Adapting the default acoustic model

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Adapting the default acoustic model



This page describes how to do some simple acoustic model adaptation to improve speech recognition in your configuration. Please note that the adaptation doesn't necessary adapt for a particular speaker. It just improves the fit between the adapatation data and the model. For example you can adapt to your own voice to make dictation good, but you also can adapt to your particular recording environement, your audio transmission channel, your accent or accent of your users. You can use model trained with clean broadcast data and telephone data to produce telephone acoustic model by doing adaptation. Cross-language adaptation also make sense, for example you can adapt English model to sounds of other language by creating a phoneset map and creating other language dictionary with English phoneset.



The adaptation process takes transcribed data and improves the model you already have. It's more robust than training and could lead to a good results even if your adaptation data is small. For example, it's enough to have 5 minutes of speech to significantly improve the dictation accuracy by adaptation to the particular speaker.



The methods of adaptation are a bit different between PocketSphinx and Sphinx4 due to the different types of acoustic models used. For more technical information on that seeAcousticModelTypes.



Creating an adaptation corpus


The first thing you need to do is create a corpus of adaptation data. This will consist of a list of sentences, a dictionary describing the pronunciation of all the words in that list of sentences, and a recording of you speaking each ofthose sentences.


Required files


The actual set of sentences you use is somewhat arbitrary, but ideally it should have good coverage of the most frequently used words or phonemes in the set of sentences or the type of text you want to recognize. We have had good results simply using sentences from the CMU ARCTIC text-to-speech databases. To that effect, here are the first 20 sentences from ARCTIC, a control file, a transcription file, and a dictionary for them:

实际使用的句子集合有点乱,比较理想的是,可以很好的覆盖大部分常用单词,或者句子集合,抑或是识别类型的文本,通过使用CMU ARCTIC 的文本到语音数据库中的句子,我们已经获得很好的结果,这里有ARCTIC的前20个句子,一个控制文件,一个转换文件,一个字典文件:

  • arctic20.txt
  • arctic20.fileids
  • arctic20.transcription
  • arctic20.dic

The sections below will refer to these files, so it would be a good idea to download them now. You should also make sure that you have downloaded and compiled SphinxBase and SphinxTrain.


Recording your adaptation data


In case you are adapting to a single speaker you can record the adaptation data yourself. This is unfortunately a bit more complicated than it ought to be. Basically, you need to record a single audio file for each sentence in the adaptation corpus, naming the files according to the names listed in arctic20.transcription andarctic20.fileids. In addition, you willNEED TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU RECORD AT A SAMPLING RATE OF 16 KHZ (or 8 kHz if you adapt a telephone model) IN MONO WITH SINGLE CHANNEL.



If you are at a Linux command line, you can accomplish this in very nerdy style with the followingbash one-liner from the directory in which you downloadedarctic20.txt: Since we are redirecting the output the /dev/null in the one-liner, you should verify whether you have thesox package, and if not, install it using this command.



sudo apt-get install sox

Now, the one-liner is as follows


for i in `seq 1 20`; do        fn=`printf arctic_%04d $i`;        read sent; echo $sent;        rec -r 16000 -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 $fn.wav 2>/dev/null; done < arctic20.txt

This will echo each sentence to the screen and start recording immediately. Hit Control-C to move on to the next sentence. You should see the following files in the current directory afterwards:


arctic_0001.wav  arctic_0002.wav.....arctic_0019.wavarctic20.dicarctic20.fileidsarctic20.transcriptionarctic20.txt

If you've hit Control-C immediately after you finished speaking out a sentence, chances are that your recording might have truncated the last word. You should verify that these recordings sound okay. To do this, you can play them back with:



for i in *.wav; do play $i; done

If you are adapting to a channel, accent or some other generic property of the audio, then you need to collect a little bit more recordings manually. For example, in call center you can record and transcribe hundred calls and use them to improve the recognizer accuracy by means of adaptation.



Adapting the acoustic model


First we will copy the default acoustic model from PocketSphinx into the current directory in order to work on it. Assuming that you installed PocketSphinx under/usr/local, the acoustic model directory is/usr/local/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/en_US/hub4wsj_sc_8k. Copy this directory to your working directory:



cp -a /usr/local/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/en_US/hub4wsj_sc_8k.

Generating acoustic feature files


In order to run the adaptation tools, you must generate a set of acoustic model feature files from these WAV audio recordings. This can be done with thesphinx_fe tool from SphinxBase. It is imperative that you make sure you are using the same acoustic parameters to extract these features as were used to train the standard acoustic model. Since PocketSphinx 0.4, these are stored in a file calledfeat.params in the acoustic model directory. You can simply add it to the command line forsphinx_fe, like this:

为了运行适应工具,必须从WAV音频录音文件中产生声学模型特征文件集合,可以用SphinxBase的sphinx_fe工具来做这些工作,必须保证训练标准声学模型的参数和从录音文件中提取特征值时的参数是一样的,对于PocketSphinx 0.4,特征值存储在声学模型目录下的feat.params文件中,你可以为sphinx_fe简单添加如下命令行:


sphinx_fe -argfile hub4wsj_sc_8k/feat.params \        -samprate 16000 -c arctic20.fileids \       -di . -do . -ei wav -eo mfc -mswav yes

If you are using Sphinx4 and the model doesn't have thefeat.params file, just omit theargfile parameter to use default settings.



You should now have the following files in your working directory:



Converting the sendump and mdef files


Some models don't have enough data for adaptation. There is an extra file which you need which was left out of the PocketSphinx distribution in order to save space. You candownload the it from code repository from the package called pocketsphinx-extra from the folder pocketsphinx-extra/model/hmm/en_US/hub4_wsj_sc_3s_8k.cd_semi_5000 or checkout it from subversion. Copy the mixture_weights file to your acoustic model folder.



Sometimes sendump file can be converted back to mixture_weights file. This is only possible for an older sendump files. If you have installed theSphinxTrain Python modules, you can useSphinxTrain/python/cmusphinx/ to convert thesendump file from the acoustic model to amixture_weights file. For hub4_wsj acoustic model it will not work.



You will also need to convert the mdef file from the acoustic model to the plain text format used by the SphinxTrain tools. To do this, use thepocketsphinx_mdef_convert program:



pocketsphinx_mdef_convert -text hub4wsj_sc_8k/mdef hub4wsj_sc_8k/mdef.txt

Accumulating observation counts


The next step in adaptation is to collect statistics from the adaptation data. This is done using thebw program from SphinxTrain. You should be able to findbw tool in a sphinxtrain installation in a folder/usr/local/libexec/sphinxtrain (or under other prefix on Linux) or inbin\Release (in sphinxtrain directory on Windows). Copy it to the working directory along with themap_adapt andmk_s2sendump programs.

适应的下一步是从适应数据中收集统计信息,使用SphinxTrain的bw程序来完成此步骤,可以从sphinxtrain的安装文件夹/usr/local/libexec/sphinxtrain(或者Linux的其他文件夹) 或者 bin\Release 中找到bw工具(Windows系统的sphinxtrain目录),把它连同map_adapt和mk_s2sendump程序一起拷贝到工作目录。


Now, to collect statistics, run:


./bw \ -hmmdir hub4wsj_sc_8k \ -moddeffn hub4wsj_sc_8k/mdef.txt \ -ts2cbfn .semi. \ -feat 1s_c_d_dd \ -svspec 0-12/13-25/26-38 \ -cmn current \ -agc none \ -dictfn arctic20.dic \ -ctlfn arctic20.fileids \ -lsnfn arctic20.transcription \ -accumdir .

Make sure the arguments in bw command should match the parameters infeat.params file inside the acoustic model folder. Please note that not all the parameters fromfeat.param are supported by bw, only a few of them. bw for example doesn't suppportupperf or other feature extraction params. You only need to use parameters which are accepted, other parameters fromfeat.params should be skipped.



For example, for most continuous models (like the ones used by Sphinx4) you don't need to include thesvspec option. Instead, you need to use just-ts2cbfn .cont. For PTM models use-ts2cbfn .ptm.

比如,对大部分的连续模型(像Sphinx4使用的),不需要包含svspec选项,相反,应该仅使用-ts2cbfn选项,对于PTM模型应该使用-ts2cbfn .ptm选项。


Sometimes if you miss the file noisedict you also need an extra step, copy thefillerdict file into the directory that you choose in thehmmdir parameter, renaming it tonoisedict.

有时,如果丢失noisedict文件,你需要做些额外的工作,拷贝fillerdict 文件到hmmdir参数的目录中,重新将其命名为noisedict


Creating transformation with MLLR


MLLR transforms are supported by pocketsphinx and sphinx4. MLLR is a cheap adaptation method that is suitable when amount of data is limited. It's a good idea to use MLLR for online adaptation. MLLR works best for continuous model. It's effect for semi-continuous models is very limited since semi-continuous models mostly relies on mixture weights. If you want best accuracy you can combine MLLR adaptation with MAP adaptation below



Next we will generate an MLLR transformation which we will pass to the decoder to adapt the acoustic model at run-time. This is done with the mllr_solve program:


./mllr_solve \    -meanfn hub4wsj_sc_8k/means \    -varfn hub4wsj_sc_8k/variances \    -outmllrfn mllr_matrix -accumdir .

This command will create an adaptation data file calledmllr_matrix. Now, if you wish to decode with the adapted model, simply add-mllr mllr_matrix (or whatever the path to the mllr_matrix file you created is) to your pocketsphinx command line.

这个命令将建立一个mllr_matrix适应数据文件,现在,如果你想用适应模型来解码,只需简单添加-mllr mllr_matrix(或者任何创建的mllr_matrix文件的路径)到你的pocketsphinx的命令行中。


Updating the acoustic model files with MAP



MAP is different adaptation method. In this case unlike for MLLR we don't create a generic transform but update each parameter in the model. We will now copy the acoustic model directory and overwrite the newly created directory with adapted model files:


cp -a hub4wsj_sc_8k hub4wsj_sc_8kadapt

To do adaptation, use the map_adapt program:


./map_adapt \    -meanfn hub4wsj_sc_8k/means \    -varfn hub4wsj_sc_8k/variances \    -mixwfn hub4wsj_sc_8k/mixture_weights \    -tmatfn hub4wsj_sc_8k/transition_matrices \    -accumdir . \    -mapmeanfn hub4wsj_sc_8kadapt/means \    -mapvarfn hub4wsj_sc_8kadapt/variances \    -mapmixwfn hub4wsj_sc_8kadapt/mixture_weights \    -maptmatfn hub4wsj_sc_8kadapt/transition_matrices

Recreating the adapted sendump file


If you want to save space for the model you can use sendump file supported by pocketsphinx. For sphinx4 you don't need that. To recreate thesendump file from the updatedmixture_weights file:


./mk_s2sendump \    -pocketsphinx yes \    -moddeffn hub4wsj_sc_8kadapt/mdef.txt \    -mixwfn hub4wsj_sc_8kadapt/mixture_weights \    -sendumpfn hub4wsj_sc_8kadapt/sendump

Congratulations! You now have an adapted acoustic model! You can delete the fileswsj1adapt/mixture_weights andwsj1adapt/mdef.txt to save space if you like, because they are not used by the decoder.



Other acoustic models


For Sphinx4, the adaptation is the same as for PocketSphinx, except that the model is continuous. You need to take a continuous model from sphinx4 for adaptation. Continuous models often have text mdef file, thus you don't need to unpack the binary mdef and pack it back. Also, during the bw the type of model is .cont. and not .semi. and the feature type is usually 1s_c_d_dd. The rest is the same - bw + map_adapt will do the work.


Testing the adaptation


After you have done the adaptation, it's critical to test the adaptation quality. To do that you need to setup the database similar to the one used for adaptation. To test the adaptation you need to configure the decoding with the required paramters, in particular, you need to have <your.lm>. For more details see Building Language Model

当你完成自适应的时候,测试自适应模型的性能是很重要的。为了测试工作,需要建立和自适应模型相类似的数据库,为了测试自适应模型,需要配置解码器需要的参数,特别是需要<your,lm>,更多信息请看Building Language Model


Create fileids file adaptation-test.fileids:

创建自适应文件标示 - test.fileids:


Create transcription file adaptation-test.transcription:

创建自适应转换文件 - test.transcription:

some text (test1)some text (test2)

Put the audio files in wav folder. Make sure those files have proper format and sample rate.



You can also use adaptation data for testing, but it's recommended to create a separate test set. Now, let's run the decoder:


pocketsphinx_batch \ -adcin yes \ -cepdir wav \ -cepext .wav \ -ctl adaptation-test.fileids \ -lm <your.lm> \ -dict <your.dic, for example arctic.dic> \ -hmm <your_new_adapted_model, for example hub4wsj_sc_8kadapt> \ -hyp adaptation-test.transcription adapation-test.hyp

Make sure to add

 -samprate 8000 

to the above command if you are decoding 8kHz files!



The script from Sphinxtrain will report you the exact error rate which you can use to decide if adaptation worked for you. It will look something like:


TOTAL Words: 773 Correct: 669 Errors: 121TOTAL Percent correct = 86.55% Error = 15.65% Accuracy = 84.35%TOTAL Insertions: 17 Deletions: 11 Substitutions: 93

You can try to run decoder on the original acoustic model and on new acoustic model to estimate the improvement.



Using the model



After adaptation, the acoustic model is located in the folder



You need only that folder. The model should have the following files:



Depending on the type of the model you trained.



To use the model in pocketsphinx, simply put the model files to the resources of your application. Then point to it with the -hmm option:



pocketsphinx_continuous -hmm <your_new_model_folder> -lm <your_lm> -dict <your_dict>.

Or with -hmm engine configuration option through cmd_ln_init function. Alternatively you can replace the old model files with the new ones.



To use the trained model in sphinx4, you need to update the model location in the config file. Read the documentation on Using SphinxTrain models in sphinx4.

在sphinx4中使用训练的模型,需要在配置文件中更新模型的位置,请读文档 Using SphinxTrain models in sphinx4.


Adaptation didn't improve results. Troubleshooting


Now test your accuracy to see it's good.


I have no idea where to start looking for the problem


  1. test accuracy on adaptation set if it improves
  2. accuracy improves on adaptation set → check if your adaptation set match with your test set
  3. accuracy didn't improve on adaptation set → you made mistake during adaptation

  1. 如果精度提高,就在自适应数据集中进行测试

  2. 在自适应数据集的精度提高 -> 检查自适应数据集和测试数据集是否匹配。

  3. 自适应数据集的精度并未提高 -> 在自适应过程中出现了问题。

or how much improvement I might expect through adaptation


From few sentences you should get about 10% relative WER improvement.


I'm lost

whether it's needing more/better training data, whether I'm not doing the adaptation correctly, whether my language model is the problem here, or whether there is something intrinsically wrong with my configuration


Most likely you just ignored error messages that were printed to you. You obviosly need to provide more information and give access to your experiment files in order to get more definite advise.


What next

We hope adapted model give you acceptable results. If not, try to improve your adaptation process:


  1. Add more adaptation data
  2. Adapt your language model / use better language model

  1. 增加更多的自适应数据

  2. 自适应语言模型 或者 使用更好的语言模型。