mootools 的源代码TYPE 及Class解析

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝 sc 查询 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 14:53
/*---MooTools: the javascript frameworkweb build: - build: - packager build Core/Class...*//*---name: Coredescription: The heart of MooTools.license: MIT-style license.copyright: Copyright (c) 2006-2012 [Valerio Proietti]( The MooTools production team (  - Class implementation inspired by [Base.js]( Copyright (c) 2006 Dean Edwards, [GNU Lesser General Public License](  - Some functionality inspired by [Prototype.js]( Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Sam Stephenson, [MIT License]( [Core, MooTools, Type, typeOf, instanceOf, Native]...*/(function(){    this.MooTools = {        version: '1.4.5',        build: 'ab8ea8824dc3b24b6666867a2c4ed58ebb762cf0'    };// typeOf, instanceOf    var typeOf = this.typeOf = function(item){        if (item == null) return 'null';        if (item.$family != null) return item.$family();        if (item.nodeName){            if (item.nodeType == 1) return 'element';            if (item.nodeType == 3) return (/\S/).test(item.nodeValue) ? 'textnode' : 'whitespace';        } else if (typeof item.length == 'number'){            if (item.callee) return 'arguments';            if ('item' in item) return 'collection';        }        return typeof item;    };    var instanceOf = this.instanceOf = function(item, object){        if (item == null) return false;        // 在这可以获得所有对象的$constructor, 也包括字符串, 数字,如'aaaa'.$constructor === String();        var constructor = item.$constructor || item.constructor;        while (constructor){            if (constructor === object) return true;            /*               主要用来判定Class类的, Class的Matutors.extends方法会指定勾造函数的parent;               var A=new Class({                 initialize:function(){                 }                 })                 var B=new Class({                 Extends:A,                 initialize:function(){                 }                 })                 new Type('a',A);                 new Type('b',B);                 var b=new B();                 console.log( instanceOf(b,A));             */            constructor = constructor.parent;        }        /*         有三个对象会导致这个问题         window         document         element         举例,if (window instanceof Object)  每次刷新会增加50kb的内存,原因是这三个对象在IE下不是真正的对象,没有hasOwnProperty 及valueOf方法。         */        /*<ltIE8>*/        if (!item.hasOwnProperty) return false;        /*</ltIE8>*/        /*         借用 instanceof 进行深度检测,那么 instanceOf(Array, Function)  true, instance of (Array, Object) true.         */        return item instanceof object;    };// Function overloading    var Function = this.Function;    var enumerables = true;    for (var i in {toString: 1}) enumerables = null;    if (enumerables) enumerables = ['hasOwnProperty', 'valueOf', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'constructor'];    Function.prototype.overloadSetter = function(usePlural){        var self = this;        return function(a, b){            if (a == null) return this;            if (usePlural || typeof a != 'string'){                for (var k in a), k, a[k]);                if (enumerables) for (var i = enumerables.length; i--;){                    k = enumerables[i];                    if (a.hasOwnProperty(k)), k, a[k]);                }            } else {      , a, b);            }            return this;        };    };    Function.prototype.overloadGetter = function(usePlural){        var self = this;        return function(a){            var args, result;            if (typeof a != 'string') args = a;            else if (arguments.length > 1) args = arguments;            else if (usePlural) args = [a];            if (args){                result = {};                for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) result[args[i]] =, args[i]);            } else {                result =, a);            }            return result;        };    };    Function.prototype.extend = function(key, value){        this[key] = value;    }.overloadSetter();    Function.prototype.implement = function(key, value){        this.prototype[key] = value;    }.overloadSetter();// From    var slice = Array.prototype.slice;    Function.from = function(item){        return (typeOf(item) == 'function') ? item : function(){            return item;        };    };    Array.from = function(item){        if (item == null) return [];        return (Type.isEnumerable(item) && typeof item != 'string') ? (typeOf(item) == 'array') ? item : : [item];    };    Number.from = function(item){        var number = parseFloat(item);        return isFinite(number) ? number : null;    };    String.from = function(item){        return item + '';    };// hide, protect    Function.implement({        hide: function(){            this.$hidden = true;            return this;        },        protect: function(){            this.$protected = true;            return this;        }    });// Type    var Type = this.Type = function(name, object){        if (name){            var lower = name.toLowerCase();            var typeCheck = function(item){                return (typeOf(item) == lower);            };            Type['is' + name] = typeCheck;            if (object != null){                /*                    在开头的typeOf函数会调用这个$family, var A=function(){}; new Type('Atype',A); var a=new A(); console.log(typeOf(a));将会输出 atype;                    A.prototype.$family=function(){return "atype";}, 所以实例会从原型中继承 $family方法。                    注:这里可以不需要圆括号 object.prototype.$family=function(){return lower;}.hide();                 */                object.prototype.$family = (function(){                    return lower;                }).hide();            }        }        if (object == null) return null;        /*         var A=function(){}         var aType=new Type('A',A);         this 指向 aType实例,这样在object 里就可以调用  type内的实例方法,如 A.mirror 方法。即将 type内的方法通过extend 变成 A的静态方法,而不是实例方法。         */        object.extend(this);        /*         用于instanceOf(Array,Type)的检测         第一句的作用是判断 instanceOf(Array,Type) 为true         第二句的作用是判断 var a=[1,2,3] instanceOf(a, Array) true;         */        object.$constructor = Type;       object.prototype.$constructor = object;        return object;    };    var toString = Object.prototype.toString;    Type.isEnumerable = function(item){        return (item != null && typeof item.length == 'number' && != '[object Function]' );    };    /*     注解ID: 勾子函数     勾子函数,主要运用去implement方法内, 用来存取在implement方法执行必须执行的方法, 通过mirror将要先执行的函数添加进去。     添加的方法有两个     1. 如果给mirror传递的为一个普能函数,则在执行的implement, 先调用这个普能的函数     2. 如果给mirror传凝视的为一个Type类别 B, 则传递的类别也将拥有这个implement的方法。     如, var A=function(){};     var B=function(){};     A.prototype=new String();     B.prototype=new String();     var typeA=new Type('a',A);     var typeB=new Type('b',B);     typeA.mirror(function(){ console.log(' general functin') });     typeA.mirror(typeB);     typeA.implement('sayHello',function(arg1){ console.log(arg1);}); // 此时会输出 'general funcion'     var a= new A();     var b=new B();     a.sayHello('this is a');  // 输出this is a.     b.sayHello('this is b'); // 输出this is b. B中没有定义,但通过A的 勾子函数也实现了sayHello这个功能。     */    var hooks = {};    var hooksOf = function(object){        var type = typeOf(object.prototype);        return hooks[type] || (hooks[type] = []);    };    var implement = function(name, method){        if (method && method.$hidden) return;        var hooks = hooksOf(this);        for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++){            /*参见注解 勾子函数 202行*/            var hook = hooks[i];            if (typeOf(hook) == 'type'){      , name, method);            }            else, name, method);        }        /*         如果 A 的原型方法中没有 name这个方法,或者 有 name这个方法,name方法没有写保护,则添加这个 name方法到 A的原型方法中。         举例请见下一步         */        var previous = this.prototype[name];        if (previous == null || !previous.$protected) this.prototype[name] = method;        /*         上一步是将name方法扩展到原型方法中, 此步将方法扩展到 A类的静态方法中,传入的第一个参数为 实例对像, 静态方法不会被重写         举例:         var A=function(){}         new Type('A',A);         var a=new A();         A.implement('test',function(){  console.log('test');})         A.implement('test',function(){ console.log('test1'):});         A.test(a)   // 输出test         a.test(); //输出test1, 因为实例方法可以被重写         */        if (this[name] == null && typeOf(method) == 'function'), name, function(item){            return method.apply(item,, 1));        });    };    var extend = function(name, method){        if (method && method.$hidden) return;        var previous = this[name];        if (previous == null || !previous.$protected) this[name] = method;    };    Type.implement({        implement: implement.overloadSetter(),        extend: extend.overloadSetter(),        /*        方法别名的应用         var str = 'howdy';         // implement the original         String.implement({         repeat: function(times){         var arr = [];         while (times--) arr.push(this);         return arr.join('');         }         });         console.log(str.repeat(2)); // 'howdyhowdy'         // alias repeat         String.alias('again', 'repeat');         console.log(str.again == str.repeat); // true         console.log(str.again(2)); // 'howdyhowdy'         */        alias: function(name, existing){  , name, this.prototype[existing]);        }.overloadSetter(),        /*参见注解 勾子函数 202行*/        mirror: function(hook){            hooksOf(this).push(hook);            return this;        }    });    /*     new Type('Type', Type) 主要是将 Type构造函数的 object.prototype.$family='type', 那么 object.extend(this) 就能获得这个值。     相当于设置 Type.prototype.$family=function(){return 'type'};     *     如果不调用 new Type('Type', Type);     *     *     那么 var a= new Type('a',A) 返回的 数据将为 function,  而不是 Type.     *     * */    new Type('Type', Type);// Default Types    var force = function(name, object, methods){        var isType = (object != Object),            prototype = object.prototype;        if (isType) object = new Type(name, object);        /*         将指写的方法保护起来,不能通过implement函数重写         例:         var A=function(){}         A.prototype=new Array();         new Type('a',A).implement('push',function(){})  // 不会重写Array 里面的push方法         */        for (var i = 0, l = methods.length; i < l; i++){            var key = methods[i],                generic = object[key],                proto = prototype[key];            if (generic) generic.protect();            /*为什么不简单的设置为proto.protect()  ? */            if (isType && proto) object.implement(key, proto.protect());        }        if (isType){            /*             遍列内置对象的方法,不能枚举的需要在methods数组中指定。如果methods的数组中有可枚举的方法,那么会             被调用两次fn, 看起来有bug.             */            var methodsEnumerable = prototype.propertyIsEnumerable(methods[0]);            object.forEachMethod = function(fn){                if (!methodsEnumerable) for (var i = 0, l = methods.length; i < l; i++){          , prototype[methods[i]], methods[i]);                }                for (var key in prototype), prototype[key], key)            };        }        return force;    };    force('String', String, [        'charAt', 'charCodeAt', 'concat', 'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf', 'match', 'quote', 'replace', 'search',        'slice', 'split', 'substr', 'substring', 'trim', 'toLowerCase', 'toUpperCase'    ])('Array', Array, [            'pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift', 'concat', 'join', 'slice',            'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf', 'filter', 'forEach', 'every', 'map', 'some', 'reduce', 'reduceRight'        ])('Number', Number, [            'toExponential', 'toFixed', 'toLocaleString', 'toPrecision'        ])('Function', Function, [            'apply', 'call', 'bind'        ])('RegExp', RegExp, [            'exec', 'test'        ])('Object', Object, [  /*  将 Object 的静态方法保护起来 */            'create', 'defineProperty', 'defineProperties', 'keys',            'getPrototypeOf', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', 'getOwnPropertyNames',            'preventExtensions', 'isExtensible', 'seal', 'isSealed', 'freeze', 'isFrozen'        ])('Date', Date, ['now']);    Object.extend = extend.overloadSetter();    Date.extend('now', function(){        return +(new Date);    });    new Type('Boolean', Boolean);// fixes NaN returning as Number    Number.prototype.$family = function(){        return isFinite(this) ? 'number' : 'null';    }.hide();// Number.random    Number.extend('random', function(min, max){        return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);    });// forEach, each    var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;    Object.extend('forEach', function(object, fn, bind){        for (var key in object){            if (, key)), object[key], key, object);        }    });    Object.each = Object.forEach;    Array.implement({        forEach: function(fn, bind){            for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){                if (i in this), this[i], i, this);            }        },        each: function(fn, bind){            Array.forEach(this, fn, bind);            return this;        }    });// Array & Object cloning, Object merging and appending    var cloneOf = function(item){        switch (typeOf(item)){            case 'array': return item.clone();            case 'object': return Object.clone(item);            default: return item;        }    };    Array.implement('clone', function(){        var i = this.length, clone = new Array(i);        while (i--) clone[i] = cloneOf(this[i]);        return clone;    });    var mergeOne = function(source, key, current){        switch (typeOf(current)){            case 'object':                if (typeOf(source[key]) == 'object') Object.merge(source[key], current);                else source[key] = Object.clone(current);                break;            case 'array': source[key] = current.clone(); break;            default: source[key] = current;        }        return source;    };    /*     没有破坏 Object的原始链     */    Object.extend({        merge: function(source, k, v){            if (typeOf(k) == 'string') return mergeOne(source, k, v);            for (var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){                var object = arguments[i];                for (var key in object) mergeOne(source, key, object[key]);            }            return source;        },        clone: function(object){            var clone = {};            for (var key in object) clone[key] = cloneOf(object[key]);            return clone;        },        append: function(original){            for (var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){                var extended = arguments[i] || {};                for (var key in extended) original[key] = extended[key];            }            return original;        }    });// Object-less types    /*     仅仅是获得Type.isObject(item); Type.isTextNode(item) 等静态方法     */    ['Object', 'WhiteSpace', 'TextNode', 'Collection', 'Arguments'].each(function(name){        new Type(name);    });// Unique ID    var UID =;    String.extend('uniqueID', function(){        return (UID++).toString(36);    });})();/*---name: Arraydescription: Contains Array Prototypes like each, contains, and erase.license: MIT-style license.requires: Typeprovides: Array...*/Array.implement({/*<!ES5>*/every: function(fn, bind){for (var i = 0, l = this.length >>> 0; i < l; i++){if ((i in this) && !, this[i], i, this)) return false;}return true;},filter: function(fn, bind){var results = [];for (var value, i = 0, l = this.length >>> 0; i < l; i++) if (i in this){value = this[i];if (, value, i, this)) results.push(value);}return results;},indexOf: function(item, from){var length = this.length >>> 0;for (var i = (from < 0) ? Math.max(0, length + from) : from || 0; i < length; i++){if (this[i] === item) return i;}return -1;},map: function(fn, bind){var length = this.length >>> 0, results = Array(length);for (var i = 0; i < length; i++){if (i in this) results[i] =, this[i], i, this);}return results;},some: function(fn, bind){for (var i = 0, l = this.length >>> 0; i < l; i++){if ((i in this) &&, this[i], i, this)) return true;}return false;},/*</!ES5>*/clean: function(){return this.filter(function(item){return item != null;});},invoke: function(methodName){var args = Array.slice(arguments, 1);return{return item[methodName].apply(item, args);});},associate: function(keys){var obj = {}, length = Math.min(this.length, keys.length);for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) obj[keys[i]] = this[i];return obj;},link: function(object){var result = {};for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){for (var key in object){if (object[key](this[i])){result[key] = this[i];delete object[key];break;}}}return result;},contains: function(item, from){return this.indexOf(item, from) != -1;},append: function(array){this.push.apply(this, array);return this;},getLast: function(){return (this.length) ? this[this.length - 1] : null;},getRandom: function(){return (this.length) ? this[Number.random(0, this.length - 1)] : null;},include: function(item){if (!this.contains(item)) this.push(item);return this;},combine: function(array){for (var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) this.include(array[i]);return this;},erase: function(item){for (var i = this.length; i--;){if (this[i] === item) this.splice(i, 1);}return this;},empty: function(){this.length = 0;return this;},flatten: function(){var array = [];for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){var type = typeOf(this[i]);if (type == 'null') continue;array = array.concat((type == 'array' || type == 'collection' || type == 'arguments' || instanceOf(this[i], Array)) ? Array.flatten(this[i]) : this[i]);}return array;},pick: function(){for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){if (this[i] != null) return this[i];}return null;},hexToRgb: function(array){if (this.length != 3) return null;var rgb ={if (value.length == 1) value += value;return value.toInt(16);});return (array) ? rgb : 'rgb(' + rgb + ')';},rgbToHex: function(array){if (this.length < 3) return null;if (this.length == 4 && this[3] == 0 && !array) return 'transparent';var hex = [];for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){var bit = (this[i] - 0).toString(16);hex.push((bit.length == 1) ? '0' + bit : bit);}return (array) ? hex : '#' + hex.join('');}});/*---name: Stringdescription: Contains String Prototypes like camelCase, capitalize, test, and toInt.license: MIT-style license.requires: Typeprovides: String...*/String.implement({test: function(regex, params){return ((typeOf(regex) == 'regexp') ? regex : new RegExp('' + regex, params)).test(this);},contains: function(string, separator){return (separator) ? (separator + this + separator).indexOf(separator + string + separator) > -1 : String(this).indexOf(string) > -1;},trim: function(){return String(this).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');},clean: function(){return String(this).replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();},camelCase: function(){return String(this).replace(/-\D/g, function(match){return match.charAt(1).toUpperCase();});},hyphenate: function(){return String(this).replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(match){return ('-' + match.charAt(0).toLowerCase());});},capitalize: function(){return String(this).replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(match){return match.toUpperCase();});},escapeRegExp: function(){return String(this).replace(/([-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');},toInt: function(base){return parseInt(this, base || 10);},toFloat: function(){return parseFloat(this);},hexToRgb: function(array){var hex = String(this).match(/^#?(\w{1,2})(\w{1,2})(\w{1,2})$/);return (hex) ? hex.slice(1).hexToRgb(array) : null;},rgbToHex: function(array){var rgb = String(this).match(/\d{1,3}/g);return (rgb) ? rgb.rgbToHex(array) : null;},substitute: function(object, regexp){return String(this).replace(regexp || (/\\?\{([^{}]+)\}/g), function(match, name){if (match.charAt(0) == '\\') return match.slice(1);return (object[name] != null) ? object[name] : '';});}});/*---name: Functiondescription: Contains Function Prototypes like create, bind, pass, and delay.license: MIT-style license.requires: Typeprovides: Function...*/Function.extend({attempt: function(){for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){try {return arguments[i]();} catch (e){}}return null;}});Function.implement({attempt: function(args, bind){try {return this.apply(bind, Array.from(args));} catch (e){}return null;},/*<!ES5-bind>*/bind: function(that){var self = this,args = arguments.length > 1 ? Array.slice(arguments, 1) : null,F = function(){};var bound = function(){var context = that, length = arguments.length;if (this instanceof bound){F.prototype = self.prototype;context = new F;}var result = (!args && !length)? self.apply(context, args && length ? args.concat(Array.slice(arguments)) : args || arguments);return context == that ? result : context;};return bound;},/*</!ES5-bind>*/pass: function(args, bind){var self = this;if (args != null) args = Array.from(args);return function(){return self.apply(bind, args || arguments);};},delay: function(delay, bind, args){return setTimeout(this.pass((args == null ? [] : args), bind), delay);},periodical: function(periodical, bind, args){return setInterval(this.pass((args == null ? [] : args), bind), periodical);}});/*---name: Numberdescription: Contains Number Prototypes like limit, round, times, and ceil.license: MIT-style license.requires: Typeprovides: Number...*/Number.implement({limit: function(min, max){return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, this));},round: function(precision){precision = Math.pow(10, precision || 0).toFixed(precision < 0 ? -precision : 0);return Math.round(this * precision) / precision;},times: function(fn, bind){for (var i = 0; i < this; i++), i, this);},toFloat: function(){return parseFloat(this);},toInt: function(base){return parseInt(this, base || 10);}});Number.alias('each', 'times');(function(math){var methods = {};math.each(function(name){if (!Number[name]) methods[name] = function(){return Math[name].apply(null, [this].concat(Array.from(arguments)));};});Number.implement(methods);})(['abs', 'acos', 'asin', 'atan', 'atan2', 'ceil', 'cos', 'exp', 'floor', 'log', 'max', 'min', 'pow', 'sin', 'sqrt', 'tan']);/*---name: Classdescription: Contains the Class Function for easily creating, extending, and implementing reusable Classes.license: MIT-style license.requires: [Array, String, Function, Number]provides: Class...*/(function(){var Class = this.Class = new Type('Class', function(params){if (instanceOf(params, Function)) params = {initialize: params};var newClass = function(){        /*         this 指向通过 new newClass(arge) 构造的实例         一步步讲解一下         var A=function(param){         reset(this);         }         function reset(object){         for(var key in object) console.log(key);         }         1. 如果A只是简单的构造函数,那么this的prototype为Oject, 即不输出任何内容         2. 如果指写A的原型为new String, 而String的prototype有定义方法,则会输出定议的方法         3. 如果在A的构造函数里面指定了this.a=param, 则reset里面也会输出a.         4. 如果将方法 b指定为A的原型, A.prototype.b=function(){}, 则reset里面也会输出b.         所以this指向的就是newClass的实例。         下面讲解下这个 this 会有哪些值。         implement 会加param 添加到这个newClass构造函数的原型上。 那么 newClass将会引用这些个属性或方法         */reset(this);if (newClass.$prototyping) return this;this.$caller = null;var value = (this.initialize) ? this.initialize.apply(this, arguments) : this;this.$caller = this.caller = null;return value;        /*         extend,将Class对象的上的一些方法,设置为newClass类的静态方法,如implement            var A=new Class({a:'hello',say:function(){console.log('hello');});            若没有设置 extend 那么,A.implement只是调用 Function原型中设置的implement,            右设置了extend,那么A.implemnt会调用之后Class定义的implemnt.         通过extend(this),可以不将Class做为newClass的原型,只是将Class的方法复制到newClass上。            var B= new Class()           B instanceof Class //false;          */}.extend(this).implement(params);    /*     如果设置了这个     var B = new Class()     instanceOf(B,Class); //true;     */newClass.$constructor = Class;newClass.prototype.$constructor = newClass;newClass.prototype.parent = parent;return newClass;});var parent = function(){if (!this.$caller) throw new Error('The method "parent" cannot be called.');var name = this.$caller.$name,parent = this.$caller.$owner.parent,previous = (parent) ? parent.prototype[name] : null;if (!previous) throw new Error('The method "' + name + '" has no parent.');return previous.apply(this, arguments);};/*    将传入的对象进行重置,即只做传值处理,不会改变原始的对象。     obj={text:'Hello,Robin'};     var B=new Class({a:'hello','say':function(){console.log('annnn')},obj:obj});     var b=new B();     b.obj.text='hello';     console.log(obj.text);     console.log(b.obj.text); */var reset = function(object){for (var key in object){var value = object[key];switch (typeOf(value)){case 'object':var F = function(){};F.prototype = value;object[key] = reset(new F);break;case 'array': object[key] = value.clone(); break;}}return object;};var wrap = function(self, key, method){if (method.$origin) method = method.$origin;var wrapper = function(){        /*         var A=new Class({         say:function(){         console.log('hi A');         }         })         var B=new Class({         Extends:A,         say:function(){         this.parent();         console.log('hi B')         }         })         var C=new Class({         Extends:B,         say:function(){         this.parent();         console.log('hi C');         }         })         var c=new C('test');         c.say();         调用过程如下:            1. c.say(),  设置 caller, current, this->caller,$this.$caller= c.say为空            2. 完成以上两个值后,调用this.parent(), c.say()还没有完成,到 b.say(), caller=null, current=c.say(),            this->caller =c.say(), this->$caller=b.say();            3.完成设置后,调用 this.parent(), b.say 还没有完成,到 a.say(),caller=c.say(), current=b.say(),                  this->caller=b.say(), this->$caller=a.say();            4.因为 A中没有parent(),log "hi A" , 调用链重置, 此时this->caller=c.say(), $this->$caller=b.say(); 参考3.            5. 返回到 B, log "hi B" ,调用链重置 $this->caller=null, $this->current=c.say(), 参考2.            6. 返厍到C, log 'Hi c', 设用链重置 $this->caller=null , $this-current=null 参考1。         */if (method.$protected && this.$caller == null) throw new Error('The method "' + key + '" cannot be called.');        // current用来保存上一个方法, caller保存上上一个方法, this.$caller 为当前方法, this.caller为上一个方法var caller = this.caller,            current = this.$caller;this.caller = current; this.$caller = wrapper;var result = method.apply(this, arguments);this.$caller = current; this.caller = caller;return result;}.extend({$owner: self, $origin: method, $name: key});return wrapper;};var implement = function(key, value, retain){    /*        如果有指定特定的函数,如果有在Class.Mutators, 则按照Class.Mutators里面指定的方法执行。        同时执行完成后,需要Class.Mutators没有指定返回值, if(varlue==null) 为true, 直接退出implement。     */if (Class.Mutators.hasOwnProperty(key)){value = Class.Mutators[key].call(this, value);if (value == null) return this;}if (typeOf(value) == 'function'){if (value.$hidden) return this;this.prototype[key] = (retain) ? value : wrap(this, key, value);} else {Object.merge(this.prototype, key, value);}    // 因为调用implement都是调用overloadSetter,  而它是不需要有返回值的。return this;};var getInstance = function(klass){    /*       通过$prototyping, 不让父类创建一个实例,只是调用父类的reset方法,即获得父类的原型属性       var A=new Class({            name:'robin',            email:'154371199',            implement:function(){                console.log('hello');            }       })       var B=new Class({            Extedns:A       })       var b=new B();       console.log(;     */klass.$prototyping = true;var proto = new klass;delete klass.$prototyping;return proto;};Class.implement('implement', implement.overloadSetter());Class.Mutators = {Extends: function(parent){this.parent = parent;this.prototype = getInstance(parent);},Implements: function(items){Array.from(items).each(function(item){var instance = new item;for (var key in instance), key, instance[key], true);}, this);}};})();