
来源:互联网 发布:矩阵是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 07:55
#include <string.h>#include <ctype.h>#ifndef __APPLE__#include <malloc.h>#endif#include <stdlib.h>//#include "lerror.h"#include "smatch.h"//#include "heap.h"#define Hallocate malloc#define Hdeallocate free#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))/* * Returns the length of the string. */int Slength(char *text){    if(text==0) return 0;    else return strlen(text);}/* * Returns < 0 if the first string comes first in alphabetical order. * Returns = 0 if the two strings are the same. * Returns > 0 if the second string comes first in alphabetical order. */int Scompare(char *text1, char *text2){    if(text1==0 && text2==0)     {        return 0;    }    else if(text1==0)    {        return -1;    }    else if(text2==0)     {        return 1;    }    return strcmp(text1,text2);}/* * Same as Scompare() except that the comparison is done from the end  * of the string. Thus CBA comes before BCA. * * Returns < 0 if the first string comes first in alphabetical order. * Returns = 0 if the two strings are the same. * Returns > 0 if the second string comes first in alphabetical order. */int ScompareBackwards(char *text1, char *text2){    int ic;    int length, length1, length2;    if(text1==0 && text2==0)     {        return 0;    }    else if(text1==0)    {        return -1;    }    else if(text2==0)     {        return 1;    }    length1=Slength(text1);    length2=Slength(text2);    length=MIN(length1,length2);    /*     * Comapre the strings character by character until one of them ends.     */    for(ic=0; ic<length; ic++)    {        if(text1[length1-ic-1]<text2[length2-ic-1])        {            return -1;        }        if(text1[length1-ic-1]>text2[length2-ic-1])        {            return 1;        }    }    /*     * They're the same up until one of them ends. So the shorter one     * comes first.     */    if(length1==length2)     {        return 0;    }    else if(length1<length2)     {        return -1;    }    else    {        return 1;    }}/* * Returns 0 if the two input strings are different. * Returns 1 if they are the same. */int Sequal(char *text1, char *text2){    if(text1==0 && text2==0) return 1;    else if(text1==0 || text2==0) return 0;    return strcmp(text1,text2)==0;}/* * Copies the source string to the destination. */void Scopy(char *destination, char *source){    if(destination==0)     {        return;    }    if(source==0)     {        strcpy(destination,"");        return;    }    (void)strcpy(destination,source);}void Sdestroy(char *text){    if(text!=0)    {        Hdeallocate(text);    }}/* * Creates and copies an existing string. */char *Sduplicate(char *source){    char *result = 0;    if( source != 0 )    {result = (char *)Hallocate(strlen(source) + 1);if( result != 0 )        {    Scopy(result, source);        }    }    return result;}/* * Makes the string empty. */void Sempty(char *text){    if(text==0) return;    Scopy(text,"");}/* * Copies the source string to the destination, converting uppercase letters * to lowercase letters in the process. */void Stolower(char *destination, char *source){    int i;int length;      if(destination==0)     {        return;    }    if(source==0)     {        Sempty(destination);        return;    }    if(destination!=source)    {        (void)strcpy(destination,source);    }length=strlen(destination);    for (i=0; i<length; i++)    {        if (isupper(destination[i]))            destination[i] = tolower(destination[i]);    }}/* * Copies the source string to the destination, converting lowercase letters * to uppercase letters in the process. */void Stoupper(char *destination, char *source){    int i;int length;      if(destination==0)     {        return;    }    if(source==0)     {        Sempty(destination);        return;    }    if(destination!=source)    {        (void)strcpy(destination,source);    }length=strlen(destination);    for (i=0; i<length; i++)    {        if (islower(destination[i]))            destination[i] = toupper(destination[i]);    }}/* * Truncates the string to the specified length. */void Struncate(char *text, int length){    if(text==0) return;    if(Slength(text)>length) text[length]=0;}/* * Appends the second string to the end of the first. */void Sappend(char *text1, char *text2){    if(text1==0 || text2==0) return;    (void)strcat(text1,text2);}/* * Appends the character the end of the text. */void SappendChar(char *text1, char char1){    char text2[10];    if(text1==0) return;    text2[0]=char1;    text2[1]=0;    (void)strcat(text1,text2);}static int space(char character){    if(character==' ' || character=='\t') return 1;    else return 0;}/* * Skip over spaces and tabs. */static int skip(char *text, int itext){    while(space(text[itext])) itext++;    return itext;}//// removes eol, cr, space, and tab from end of input line// alters the input buffer// returns the new length of the buffer//int StrimEnd(char *buffer){int length;length=strlen(buffer);while(length>0){if(buffer[length-1]=='\n' ||buffer[length-1]=='\r' ||buffer[length-1]==' ' ||buffer[length-1]=='\t'){buffer[length-1]=0;length--;}else{break;}}return length;}/* * Removes blanks from both ends of the string. */void Strim(char *source){    char * dest;    char * first;    if(source==0)     {        return;    }    dest=source;    /*     * Skip over the initial spaces.     */    for( ; (*source)!=0; source++)    {        if(space(*source)==0)        {            break;        }    }    /*     * Copy characters until the end.  Remember the first space     * we see.  If we don't see any other characters, at the end we'll     * zero the space.     */    first=0;    for( ; (*source)!=0; source++)    {        if(space(*source)==0)        {            first=0;        }        else if(first==0)        {            first=dest;        }        (*dest) = (*source);        dest++;    }    if(first!=0)    {        (*first) = 0;    }    else    {        (*dest) = 0;    }}/* * Compare two strings in a more liberal manner than Sequal(). * Spaces and tabs are equivalent.  Spaces at the beginning and end of * the strings are ignored.  Any number of spaces are equivalent. * Upper and lower case are equivalent.  Returns 1 if the first * string is a subset of the second.  Returns zero otherwise. */int Ssub(char *sub, char *line){    int isub,lsub;    int iline,lline;    lsub=Slength(sub);    lline=Slength(line);    if((lsub==0) && (lline==0)) return 1;    if((lsub==0) && (lline!=0)) return 0;    if((lsub!=0) && (lline==0)) return 0;    /*     * skip leading spaces     */    isub=0;    isub=skip(sub,isub);    iline=0;    iline=skip(line,iline);    /*     * compare characters until     *    1.  a space is seen     *    2.  they don't match     *    3.  we run out of characters in sub     *    4.  we run out of characters in line     */    for( ; iline<lline && isub<lsub; iline++, isub++)    {        if(space(sub[isub]))        {            if(space(line[iline]))            {                isub=skip(sub,isub)-1;                iline=skip(line,iline)-1;            }            else return 0;        }        else if(tolower(sub[isub])!=tolower(line[iline])) return 0;    }    /*     * see if there are trailing spaces on sub     */    if(isub<lsub && iline>=lline) isub=skip(sub,isub);    if(isub>=lsub && iline<=lline) return 1;     else return 0;}/* * Compare two strings in a more liberal manner than Sequal(). * Spaces and tabs are equivalent.  Spaces at the beginning and end of * the strings are ignored.  Any number of spaces are equivalent. * Upper and lower case are equivalent.  Returns 1 if the two * strings are the same.  Returns zero otherwise. */int Smatch(char *text1, char *text2){    return (Ssub(text1,text2) && Ssub(text2,text1));}#define MAX_PAREN 20/* * Returns index into the grouper array if the specified character * is a grouper.  Otherwise returns -1. */static int GrouperStart(int ngrouper, char *grouper, char gstart){    int igrouper;    for(igrouper=0; igrouper<ngrouper; igrouper++)    {        if(grouper[igrouper*2]==gstart) return igrouper;    }    return -1;}/* * Returns index of the  */static int GrouperStop(int ngrouper, char *grouper, char gstart, char gstop){    int igrouper;    for(igrouper=0; igrouper<ngrouper; igrouper++)    {        if(grouper[igrouper*2]==gstart && grouper[igrouper*2+1]==gstop)            return igrouper;    }    return -1;}/* * Returns index if the character is a separator. * Otherwise returns -1. */int Sisoneof(char *separator, char character){    int iseparator;    int nseparator;    nseparator=Slength(separator);    for(iseparator=0; iseparator<nseparator; iseparator++)    {        if(separator[iseparator]==character) return iseparator;    }    return -1;}/* * Strips quotation marks from around the word. * Returns 0 if it does it;  -1 if not. */int Sunquote(char *word){    int ichar;    int nchar;    if(word==0) return -1;    nchar=Slength(word);    if(nchar<2) return -1;    if((word[0]=='"') && (word[nchar-1]=='"'))    {        for(ichar=0; ichar<nchar-2; ichar++) word[ichar]=word[ichar+1];        word[nchar-2]=0;        return 0;    }    if((word[0]=='\'') && (word[nchar-1]=='\''))    {        for(ichar=0; ichar<nchar-2; ichar++) word[ichar]=word[ichar+1];        word[nchar-2]=0;        return 0;    }    return -1;}            /* * Chop the input string into words. * Words are separated by the specified separator character. * Words are grouped by the specified grouping characters. * Returns with words in the specified array "word". * Returns the number of words found.   */int Swords(char *text,     int condense, char *separator, char *grouper, char *escaper, char **word){    int nword;/* number of words already found */    int wplace;/* set if we are in the middle of a word */    int tplace;    int tlength;    int nparen;    char paren[MAX_PAREN];// changed from int, 090714    int group;    int ngrouper;    int nescaper;    int nseparator;    if(text==0) return -1;    tplace=0;    wplace=0;    nword=0;    nparen=0;    tlength=Slength(text);    ngrouper=Slength(grouper)/2;    nseparator=Slength(separator);    nescaper=Slength(escaper);    for(tplace=0; tplace<tlength; tplace++)    {        /*         * are we inside a group?  If so, see if this is the end.         */        if(nparen>0)        {            if(GrouperStop(ngrouper,grouper,paren[nparen-1],text[tplace])>=0)            {                word[nword][wplace]=text[tplace];                wplace++;                nparen--;                continue;            }        }        /*         * Is this the start of a group?         */        group=GrouperStart(ngrouper,grouper,text[tplace]);        if(nparen<MAX_PAREN && group>=0)        {            word[nword][wplace]=text[tplace];            wplace++;            paren[nparen]=text[tplace];            nparen++;            continue;        }        /*         * Is this an escape character?         */        if(nparen<=0 && Sisoneof(escaper,text[tplace])>=0)        {            tplace++;            word[nword][wplace]=text[tplace];             wplace++;            continue;        }        /*         * Is this a separator character?         */        if(nparen<=0 && Sisoneof(separator,text[tplace])>=0)        {            if((!condense) || (wplace!=0))            {                word[nword][wplace]=0;                nword++;                wplace=0;            }            continue;        }        /*         * Just a regular old character.  Put it in the output word.         */        word[nword][wplace]=text[tplace];        wplace++;    }    if(wplace>0)    {        word[nword][wplace]=0;        nword++;    }    return nword; }    /* * Counts the words in the input string. * Words are separated by the specified separator character. * Words are grouped by the specified grouping characters. * Returns the number of words found.   */int ScountWords(char *text,     int condense, char *separator, char *grouper, char *escaper) {    int nword;/* number of words already found */    int wplace;/* set if we are in the middle of a word */    int tplace;    int tlength;    int nparen;    char paren[MAX_PAREN];// changed from int, 090712    int group;    int ngrouper;    int nescaper;    int nseparator;    if(text==0) return -1;    tplace=0;    wplace=0;    nword=0;    nparen=0;    tlength=Slength(text);    ngrouper=Slength(grouper)/2;    nseparator=Slength(separator);    nescaper=Slength(escaper);    for(tplace=0; tplace<tlength; tplace++)    {        /*         * are we inside a group?  If so, see if this is the end.         */        if(nparen>0)        {            if(GrouperStop(ngrouper,grouper,paren[nparen-1],text[tplace])>=0)            {                wplace++;                nparen--;                continue;            }        }        /*         * Is this the start of a group?         */        group=GrouperStart(ngrouper,grouper,text[tplace]);        if(nparen<MAX_PAREN && group>=0)        {            wplace++;            paren[nparen]=text[tplace];            nparen++;            continue;        }        /*         * Is this an escape character?         */        if(nparen<=0 && Sisoneof(escaper,text[tplace])>=0)        {            tplace++;            wplace++;            continue;        }        /*         * Is this a separator character?         */        if(nparen<=0 && Sisoneof(separator,text[tplace])>=0)        {            if((!condense) || (wplace!=0))            {                nword++;                wplace=0;            }            continue;        }        /*         * Just a regular old character.  Put it in the output word.         */        wplace++;    }    if(wplace>0)    {        nword++;    }    return --nword;  /* I don't know why it was off?  PKB */}      /* * Chop the input string into words. * Words are separated by the specified separator character. * Words are grouped by the specified grouping characters. * Returns with words in the specified array "word". * Returns the number of words found.   * * Grouping is performed to only one level. * * Example: "(I'm a string)" with () and '' as groupers ignores *          the single quote within the parenthesized group. */int SwordsNoNest(char *text,    int condense, char *separator, char *grouper, char *escaper, char **word){    int nword;/* number of words already found */    int wplace;/* set if we are in the middle of a word */    int tplace;    int tlength;    int nparen;    char paren[MAX_PAREN];    int group;    int ngrouper;    int nescaper;    int nseparator;    if(text==0) return -1;    tplace=0;    wplace=0;    nword=0;    nparen=0;    tlength=Slength(text);    ngrouper=Slength(grouper)/2;    nseparator=Slength(separator);    nescaper=Slength(escaper);    for(tplace=0; tplace<tlength; tplace++)    {        /*         * are we inside a group?  If so, see if this is the end.         */        if(nparen>0)        {            if(GrouperStop(ngrouper,grouper,paren[nparen-1],text[tplace])>=0)            {                word[nword][wplace]=text[tplace];                wplace++;                nparen--;                continue;            }        }        /*         * Is this the start of a group?         */if(nparen<=0){    group=GrouperStart(ngrouper,grouper,text[tplace]);    if(nparen<MAX_PAREN && group>=0)    {word[nword][wplace]=text[tplace];wplace++;paren[nparen]=text[tplace];nparen++;continue;    }}        /*         * Is this an escape character?         */        if(nparen<=0 && Sisoneof(escaper,text[tplace])>=0)        {            tplace++;            word[nword][wplace]=text[tplace];             wplace++;            continue;        }        /*         * Is this a separator character?         */        if(nparen<=0 && Sisoneof(separator,text[tplace])>=0)        {            if((!condense) || (wplace!=0))            {                word[nword][wplace]=0;                nword++;                wplace=0;            }            continue;        }        /*         * Just a regular old character.  Put it in the output word.         */        word[nword][wplace]=text[tplace];        wplace++;    }    if(wplace>0)    {        word[nword][wplace]=0;        nword++;    }    return nword; }      /* * Extract the word in the specified position. * Uses the same parameters as Swords() and follows * the same parsing rules. */int SextractNoNest(char *text,    int condense, char *separator, char *grouper, char *escaper, int position,    char *word){    int nword;/* number of words already found */    int wplace;/* set if we are in the middle of a word */    int tplace;    int tlength;    int nparen;    char paren[MAX_PAREN];    int group;    int ngrouper;    int nescaper;    int nseparator;    Sempty(word);    if(text==0) return -1;    tplace=0;    wplace=0;    nword=0;    nparen=0;    tlength=Slength(text);    ngrouper=Slength(grouper)/2;    nseparator=Slength(separator);    nescaper=Slength(escaper);    for(tplace=0; tplace<tlength; tplace++)    {        /*         * are we inside a group?  If so, see if this is the end.         */        if(nparen>0)        {            if(GrouperStop(ngrouper,grouper,paren[nparen-1],text[tplace])>=0)            {                if(nword==position) {    word[wplace]=text[tplace];}wplace++;                nparen--;                continue;            }        }        /*         * Is this the start of a group?         */        if(nparen<=0)        {            group=GrouperStart(ngrouper,grouper,text[tplace]);            if(nparen<MAX_PAREN && group>=0)            {                if(nword==position) {    word[wplace]=text[tplace];}                wplace++;                paren[nparen]=text[tplace];                nparen++;                continue;            }        }        /*         * Is this an escape character?         */        if(nparen<=0 && Sisoneof(escaper,text[tplace])>=0)        {            tplace++;            if(nword==position) {word[wplace]=text[tplace];     }            wplace++;            continue;        }        /*         * Is this a separator character?         */        if(nparen<=0 && Sisoneof(separator,text[tplace])>=0)        {            if((!condense) || (wplace!=0))            {                if(nword==position) word[wplace]=0;                nword++;                if(nword>position) break;                wplace=0;            }            continue;        }        /*         * Just a regular old character.  Put it in the output word.         */        if(nword==position) {    word[wplace]=text[tplace];}        wplace++;    }    if(wplace>0)    {        if(nword==position) word[wplace]=0;        nword++;    }    if(nword>position) return 0;    else return -1;}    /* * Extract the word in the specified position. * Uses the same parameters as Swords() and follows * the same parsing rules. */int Sextract(char *text,    int condense, char *separator, char *grouper, char *escaper, int position,    char *word){    int nword;/* number of words already found */    int wplace;/* set if we are in the middle of a word */    int tplace;    int tlength;    int nparen;    char paren[MAX_PAREN];    int group;    int ngrouper;    int nescaper;    int nseparator;    Sempty(word);    if(text==0) return -1;    tplace=0;    wplace=0;    nword=0;    nparen=0;    tlength=Slength(text);    ngrouper=Slength(grouper)/2;    nseparator=Slength(separator);    nescaper=Slength(escaper);    for(tplace=0; tplace<tlength; tplace++)    {        /*         * are we inside a group?  If so, see if this is the end.         */        if(nparen>0)        {            if(GrouperStop(ngrouper,grouper,paren[nparen-1],text[tplace])>=0)            {                if(nword==position) {    word[wplace]=text[tplace];}wplace++;                nparen--;                continue;            }        }        /*         * Is this the start of a group?         */        group=GrouperStart(ngrouper,grouper,text[tplace]);        if(nparen<MAX_PAREN && group>=0)        {            if(nword==position) {word[wplace]=text[tplace];    }            wplace++;            paren[nparen]=text[tplace];            nparen++;            continue;        }        /*         * Is this an escape character?         */        if(nparen<=0 && Sisoneof(escaper,text[tplace])>=0)        {            tplace++;            if(nword==position) {word[wplace]=text[tplace];     }            wplace++;            continue;        }        /*         * Is this a separator character?         */        if(nparen<=0 && Sisoneof(separator,text[tplace])>=0)        {            if((!condense) || (wplace!=0))            {                if(nword==position) word[wplace]=0;                nword++;                if(nword>position) break;                wplace=0;            }            continue;        }        /*         * Just a regular old character.  Put it in the output word.         */        if(nword==position) {    word[wplace]=text[tplace];}        wplace++;    }    if(wplace>0)    {        if(nword==position) word[wplace]=0;        nword++;    }    if(nword>position) return 0;    else return -1;}    /* * Blanks the word in the specified position. * Uses the same parameters as Swords() and follows * the same parsing rules. */int SblankWord(char *text,    int condense, char *separator, char *grouper, char *escaper, int position){    int nword;/* number of words already found */    int wplace;/* set if we are in the middle of a word */    int tplace;    int tlength;    int nparen;    char paren[MAX_PAREN];    int group;    int ngrouper;    int nescaper;    int nseparator;    if(text==0) return -1;    tplace=0;    wplace=0;    nword=0;    nparen=0;    tlength=Slength(text);    ngrouper=Slength(grouper)/2;    nseparator=Slength(separator);    nescaper=Slength(escaper);    for(tplace=0; tplace<tlength; tplace++)    {        /*         * are we inside a group?  If so, see if this is the end.         */        if(nparen>0)        {            if(GrouperStop(ngrouper,grouper,paren[nparen-1],text[tplace])>=0)            {                if(nword==position) {    text[tplace] = ' '; /* blank out this word in the text */}wplace++;                nparen--;                continue;            }        }        /*         * Is this the start of a group?         */        group=GrouperStart(ngrouper,grouper,text[tplace]);        if(nparen<MAX_PAREN && group>=0)        {            paren[nparen]=text[tplace];            nparen++;            if(nword==position) {text[tplace] = ' '; /* blank out this word in the text */    }            wplace++;            continue;        }        /*         * Is this an escape character?         */        if(nparen<=0 && Sisoneof(escaper,text[tplace])>=0)        {            tplace++;            if(nword==position) {text[tplace] = ' '; /* blank out this word in the text */    }            wplace++;            continue;        }        /*         * Is this a separator character?         */        if(nparen<=0 && Sisoneof(separator,text[tplace])>=0)        {            if((!condense) || (wplace!=0))            {                nword++;                if(nword>position) break;                wplace=0;            }            continue;        }        /*         * Just a regular old character.  Put it in the output word.         */        if(nword==position) {    text[tplace] = ' '; /* blank out this word in the text */}        wplace++;    }    if(wplace>0)    {        nword++;    }    if(nword>position) return 0;    else return -1;}    /* * Blanks the separator in the specified position. * Uses the same parameters as Swords() and follows * the same parsing rules. */int SblankSeparator(char *text,    char *separator, char *grouper, char *escaper, int position){    int nword;/* number of words already found */    int wplace;/* set if we are in the middle of a word */    int tplace;    int tlength;    int nparen;    char paren[MAX_PAREN];    int group;    int ngrouper;    int nescaper;    int nseparator;    if(text==0) return -1;    tplace=0;    wplace=0;    nword=0;    nparen=0;    tlength=Slength(text);    ngrouper=Slength(grouper)/2;    nseparator=Slength(separator);    nescaper=Slength(escaper);    for(tplace=0; tplace<tlength; tplace++)    {        /*         * are we inside a group?  If so, see if this is the end.         */        if(nparen>0)        {            if(GrouperStop(ngrouper,grouper,paren[nparen-1],text[tplace])>=0)            {wplace++;                nparen--;                continue;            }        }        /*         * Is this the start of a group?         */        group=GrouperStart(ngrouper,grouper,text[tplace]);        if(nparen<MAX_PAREN && group>=0)        {            paren[nparen]=text[tplace];            nparen++;            wplace++;            continue;        }        /*         * Is this an escape character?         */        if(nparen<=0 && Sisoneof(escaper,text[tplace])>=0)        {            tplace++;            wplace++;            continue;        }        /*         * Is this a separator character?         */        if(nparen<=0 && Sisoneof(separator,text[tplace])>=0)        {            if(wplace!=0)            {if(nword==position) {    text[tplace] = ' '; /* blank out this   separator in the text */}                nword++;                if(nword>position) break;                wplace=0;            }            continue;        }        wplace++;    }    if(wplace>0)    {        nword++;    }    if(nword>position) return 0;    else return -1;}    int SnoBlank(char *result, char *source){    int got;    if(result==0) return -1;    else if(source==0)    {        Sempty(result);        return 0;    }    got=Sextract(source,1," \t","","",0,result);    if(got==1) return 0;    else return -1;}/*************************************************************** * * Sgreater() - indicate if string is greater than another * * Accepts string1 and string2, returns TRUE if string1 > string2, * otherwise returns FALSE. The check is strictly with regard * to ASCII order of the characters! * ***************************************************************/#define TRUE 1#define FALSE 0int Sgreater(char *string1, char *string2){/* if string1 is NULL, it's clearly not greater than anything, but * if string2 is NULL and string1 isn't, then we'll say it's greater */if (!string1)return FALSE;if (!string2)return TRUE;/* now we loop through while they're equal, until they're unequal * and a decision is made, or one of them reaches the end */while (*string1 && *string2){if (*string1 > *string2)/* we are triumphant */return TRUE;if (*string1 < *string2)/* we are desolate and defeated */return FALSE;++string1;++string2;}/* we reached the end; if string1 is zero, it's not greater, but * otherwise string2 must have become zero, and we win the prize */if (*string1 == '\0')return FALSE;elsereturn TRUE;}
//convert hexstring to len bytes of data//returns 0 on success, -1 on error//data is a buffer of at least len bytes//hexstring is upper or lower case hexadecimal, NOT prepended with "0x"int hex2data(unsigned char *data, const char *hexstring, unsigned int len){unsigned const char *pos = (unsigned const  char *)hexstring;char *endptr;size_t count = 0;if ((hexstring[0] == '\0') || (strlen(hexstring) % 2)) {//hexstring contains no data//or hexstring has an odd lengthreturn -1;}for(count = 0; count < len; count++) {char buf[5] = {'0', 'x', pos[0], pos[1], 0};data[count] = strtol(buf, &endptr, 0);pos += 2 * sizeof(char);if (endptr[0] != '\0') {//non-hexadecimal character encounteredreturn -1;}}return 0;}