
来源:互联网 发布:macbook pro软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/15 03:57





/** * mempool_create - create a memory pool * @min_nr:    the minimum number of elements guaranteed to be *             allocated for this pool. * @alloc_fn:  user-defined element-allocation function. * @free_fn:   user-defined element-freeing function. * @pool_data: optional private data available to the user-defined functions. * * this function creates and allocates a guaranteed size, preallocated * memory pool. The pool can be used from the mempool_alloc() and mempool_free() * functions. This function might sleep. Both the alloc_fn() and the free_fn() * functions might sleep - as long as the mempool_alloc() function is not called * from IRQ contexts. */mempool_t *mempool_create(int min_nr, mempool_alloc_t *alloc_fn,mempool_free_t *free_fn, void *pool_data) {return mempool_create_node(min_nr, alloc_fn, free_fn, pool_data, -1);}/*该函数进行实际的内存池创建工作*/mempool_t *mempool_create_node(int min_nr, mempool_alloc_t *alloc_fn,mempool_free_t *free_fn, void *pool_data, int node_id) {mempool_t *pool;pool = malloc(sizeof(*pool));if (!pool)return NULL;pool->elements = malloc(min_nr * sizeof(void *));if (!pool->elements) {free(pool);return NULL;}pool->min_nr = min_nr;pool->pool_data = pool_data;pool->alloc = alloc_fn;pool->free = free_fn;/* * First pre-allocate the guaranteed number of buffers. */while (pool->curr_nr < pool->min_nr) {void *element;element = pool->alloc(pool->pool_data);if (!element) {free_pool(pool);return NULL;}add_element(pool, element);}return pool;}


/** * mempool_destroy - deallocate a memory pool * @pool:      pointer to the memory pool which was allocated via *             mempool_create(). * * this function only sleeps if the free_fn() function sleeps. The caller * has to guarantee that all elements have been returned to the pool (ie: * freed) prior to calling mempool_destroy(). */void mempool_destroy(mempool_t *pool) {free_pool(pool);}static void free_pool(mempool_t *pool) {while (pool->curr_nr) {void *element = remove_element(pool);pool->free(element, pool->pool_data);}free(pool->elements);free(pool);}


/** * mempool_alloc - allocate an element from a specific memory pool * @pool:      pointer to the memory pool which was allocated via *             mempool_create(). * @gfp_mask:  the usual allocation bitmask. * * this function only sleeps if the alloc_fn() function sleeps or * returns NULL. Note that due to preallocation, this function * *never* fails when called from process contexts. (it might * fail if called from an IRQ context.) */void * mempool_alloc(mempool_t *pool, int mask) {void *element;element = pool->alloc(pool->pool_data);if (element != NULL)return element;if (pool->curr_nr > 0) {element = remove_element(pool);return element;}return NULL;}


/** * mempool_free - return an element to the pool. * @element:   pool element pointer. * @pool:      pointer to the memory pool which was allocated via *             mempool_create(). * * this function only sleeps if the free_fn() function sleeps. */void mempool_free(void *element, mempool_t *pool) {if (element == NULL)return;if (pool->curr_nr < pool->min_nr) {if (pool->curr_nr < pool->min_nr) {add_element(pool, element);return;}}pool->free(element, pool->pool_data);}


void * alloc_fn(void * pool_data) {int *data = (int *) pool_data;return malloc(*data);}void free_fn(void *elem, void * pool_data) {free(elem);}void test_mempool() {mempool_t *pool = NULL;int d = 10;char *str;pool = mempool_create(20, alloc_fn, free_fn, &d);str = (char *) mempool_alloc(pool, 0);if (NULL == str)printf("cannot get memory for mempool_alloc for str\n");strcpy(str, "hello\n");puts(str);mempool_free(str, pool);puts(str);}


mysql内部使用的内存管理程序,可以实现多次申请内存块, 中途任何时刻失败, 或者下次使用前释放内存, 无需再关心每次申请和释放了哪些内存.
初始化定义每次分配的最小内存块大小M,如果申请一次内存, 大小为X, X大于M, 就分配一块X的内存, 加入到管理链表中.如果小于的话, 看之前剩余的还够不够, 如果足够的话, 返回之前多余的内存地址.如果不够,则申请这么大的内存, 也计入链表中。
/* Initialize memory root SYNOPSIS init_alloc_root() mem_root       - memory root to initialize block_size     - size of chunks (blocks) used for memory allocation (It is external size of chunk i.e. it should include memory required for internal structures, thus it should be no less than ALLOC_ROOT_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE) pre_alloc_size - if non-0, then size of block that should be pre-allocated during memory root initialization. DESCRIPTION This function prepares memory root for further use, sets initial size of chunk for memory allocation and pre-allocates first block if specified. Altough error can happen during execution of this function if pre_alloc_size is non-0 it won't be reported. Instead it will be reported as error in first alloc_root() on this memory root. */void init_alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, uint block_size,uint pre_alloc_size __attribute__((unused))) {DBUG_ENTER("init_alloc_root");mem_root->free = mem_root->used = mem_root->pre_alloc = 0;mem_root->min_malloc = 32;mem_root->block_size = block_size - ALLOC_ROOT_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;mem_root->error_handler = 0;mem_root->block_num = 4; /* We shift this with >>2 */mem_root->first_block_usage = 0;if (pre_alloc_size) {if ((mem_root->free = mem_root->pre_alloc = (USED_MEM*) my_malloc(pre_alloc_size + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(USED_MEM)),MYF(0)))){mem_root->free->size= pre_alloc_size+ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(USED_MEM));      mem_root->free->left= pre_alloc_size;      mem_root->free->next= 0;    }}DBUG_VOID_RETURN;}
gptr alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, unsigned int Size) {uint get_size, block_size;gptr point;reg1 USED_MEM *next = 0;reg2 USED_MEM **prev;DBUG_ENTER("alloc_root");DBUG_ASSERT(alloc_root_inited(mem_root));Size = ALIGN_SIZE(Size);if ((*(prev = &mem_root->free)) != NULL){if ((*prev)->left < Size&& mem_root->first_block_usage++>= ALLOC_MAX_BLOCK_USAGE_BEFORE_DROP&& (*prev)->left < ALLOC_MAX_BLOCK_TO_DROP){next = *prev;*prev = next->next; /* Remove block from list */next->next = mem_root->used;mem_root->used = next;mem_root->first_block_usage = 0;}for (next = *prev; next && next->left < Size; next = next->next)prev = &next->next;}if (!next) { /* Time to alloc new block */block_size = mem_root->block_size * (mem_root->block_num >> 2);get_size = Size + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(USED_MEM));get_size = max(get_size, block_size);if (!(next = (USED_MEM*) my_malloc(get_size, MYF(MY_WME)))) {if (mem_root->error_handler)(*mem_root->error_handler)();return ((gptr) 0); /* purecov: inspected */}mem_root->block_num++;next->next = *prev;next->size = get_size;next->left = get_size - ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(USED_MEM));*prev = next;}point = (gptr) ((char*) next + (next->size - next->left));/*TODO: next part may be unneded due to mem_root->first_block_usage counter*/if ((next->left -= Size) < mem_root->min_malloc) { /* Full block */*prev = next->next; /* Remove block from list */next->next = mem_root->used;mem_root->used = next;mem_root->first_block_usage = 0;}DBUG_RETURN(point);}
/* Deallocate everything used by alloc_root or just move used blocks to free list if called with MY_USED_TO_FREE SYNOPSIS free_root() rootMemory root MyFlagsFlags for what should be freed: MY_MARK_BLOCKS_FREEDDon't free blocks, just mark them free MY_KEEP_PREALLOCIf this is not set, then free also the preallocated block NOTES One can call this function either with root block initialised with init_alloc_root() or with a bzero()-ed block. It's also safe to call this multiple times with the same mem_root. */void free_root(MEM_ROOT *root, myf MyFlags) {reg1 USED_MEM *next, *old;DBUG_ENTER("free_root");if (!root) /* QQ: Should be deleted */DBUG_VOID_RETURN; /* purecov: inspected */if (MyFlags & MY_MARK_BLOCKS_FREE){mark_blocks_free(root);DBUG_VOID_RETURN;}if (!(MyFlags & MY_KEEP_PREALLOC))root->pre_alloc = 0;for (next = root->used; next;) {old = next;next = next->next;if (old != root->pre_alloc)my_free((gptr) old, MYF(0));}for (next = root->free; next;) {old = next;next = next->next;if (old != root->pre_alloc)my_free((gptr) old, MYF(0));}root->used = root->free = 0;if (root->pre_alloc) {root->free = root->pre_alloc;root->free->left = root->pre_alloc->size - ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(USED_MEM));TRASH_MEM(root->pre_alloc);root->free->next = 0;}root->block_num = 4;root->first_block_usage = 0;DBUG_VOID_RETURN;}
void test_myalloc() {MEM_ROOT root;char *str;init_alloc_root(&root, 1 << 12, 1 << 10);str = (char *) alloc_root(&root, 1024 * sizeof(double));if (NULL == str)printf("cannot get memory for alloc root for str\n");strcpy(str, "hello\n");puts(str);//mark free, can be used againfree_root(&root, MY_MARK_BLOCKS_FREE);//free, can not be usedfree_root(&root, 0);}






ngx_pool_t *ngx_create_pool(size_t size) {ngx_pool_t *p;ngx_log_t *log = NULL;p = ngx_memalign(NGX_POOL_ALIGNMENT, size, log);if (p == NULL) {return NULL;}p->d.last = (u_char *) p + sizeof(ngx_pool_t);p->d.end = (u_char *) p + size;p->d.next = NULL;p->d.failed = 0;size = size - sizeof(ngx_pool_t);p->max = (size < NGX_MAX_ALLOC_FROM_POOL) ? size : NGX_MAX_ALLOC_FROM_POOL;p->current = p;p->chain = NULL;p->large = NULL;p->cleanup = NULL;p->log = log;return p;}


void ngx_destroy_pool(ngx_pool_t *pool) {ngx_pool_t *p, *n;ngx_pool_large_t *l;ngx_pool_cleanup_t *c;for (c = pool->cleanup; c; c = c->next) {if (c->handler) {c->handler(c->data);}}for (l = pool->large; l; l = l->next) {if (l->alloc) {ngx_free(l->alloc);}}for (p = pool, n = pool->d.next; /* void */; p = n, n = n->d.next) {ngx_free(p);if (n == NULL) {break;}}}


void *ngx_palloc(ngx_pool_t *pool, size_t size) {u_char *m;ngx_pool_t *p;if (size <= pool->max) {p = pool->current;do {m = ngx_align_ptr(p->d.last, NGX_ALIGNMENT);if ((size_t) (p->d.end - m) >= size) {p->d.last = m + size;return m;}p = p->d.next;} while (p);return ngx_palloc_block(pool, size);}return ngx_palloc_large(pool, size);}


ngx_int_t ngx_pfree(ngx_pool_t *pool, void *p) {ngx_pool_large_t *l;for (l = pool->large; l; l = l->next) {if (p == l->alloc) {ngx_free(l->alloc);l->alloc = NULL;return NGX_OK;}}return NGX_DECLINED;}


void test_ngxpalloc(){ngx_pool_t * pool = ngx_create_pool(1024);char *str;str = (char *) ngx_alloc(100);if (NULL == str)printf("cannot get memory for mempool_alloc for str\n");strcpy(str, "hello\n");puts(str);ngx_int_t res = ngx_pfree(pool, str);printf("free result is %d\n", res);puts(str);}

